Why Do You Wake Up Tired?

Why do you wake up tired?

Do you often wake up tired despite having been asleep for many hours? Many factors can affect this fatigue. By reading today’s article, you will learn about the most important of them and learn how to get a good-quality sleep.

If you wake up tired despite having been asleep for many hours, you are probably wondering if everything is alright. This unpleasant condition can have many causes. Interestingly, most often it is not caused by insomnia at all.

At first glance, you seem to have slept deeply for many hours. Even so, you wake up tired, which is a common occurrence without having any idea why. Even getting up at noon won’t change anything. In the end, the effect is the same: you wake up tired, you think more slowly, and you have a very bad mood.

Why do you wake up tired? And why doesn’t sleeping for hours change it? Read on to find out the answers to these questions.

Do you wake up tired?

The first thing you should pay attention to is that your body sleeps in cycles. Although people can get used to all sorts of new conditions, in the end your body and your brain work better if you have a stable daily schedule. This issue has a significant impact on the feeling of fatigue.

For example, if you wake up at 7 a.m. every day and go to bed before 9 p.m., but change these hours on the weekends, your body won’t know what’s going on. In that case, you can wake up tired, no matter how many hours you sleep.

Typically, every person has five 90-minute sleep cycles during the night. Each of them is divided into four stages. If you change your rest hours, you might wake up at the wrong time before completing the cycle.

What does it mean? You’ll wake up tired.

Sleep disturbance

Sometimes we wake up tired for the most obvious reason: we suffer from sleep disorders. If you often have trouble falling asleep or wake up several times a night, you will probably be tired after getting out of bed, and this feeling will last throughout the day.

Snoring man

One of the disorders that has a significant impact on sleep is sleep apnea. This condition causes a person’s breathing to pause momentarily while they sleep. When the sick person wakes up, he has the impression that he has not slept at all.

Eating certain substances

The consumption of certain substances, such as alcohol, makes it difficult to rest at night. Drinking it has a paradoxical effect: although it makes you feel drowsy at first, it ultimately keeps you awake. Taking certain medications, especially sedatives, has a similar effect.

Coffee is another enemy of a sleepless night. Having a cup of coffee in the morning makes you feel more energized. However, if you drink it at night, you probably won’t be able to rest properly. You should drink the last coffee of the day at least five hours before going to bed.

Psychological problems

Sometimes you wake up tired after a night of sleep because your brain is unable to rest. Before falling asleep, many people remember everything that worries them or the difficult decisions they have to make. This is the worst moment for such contemplation.

Sad woman

This behavior evokes “night terrors” and has a negative impact on the possibility of getting rest. Stress usually prevents a good night’s sleep. The discomfort you feel keeps you awake even while you sleep. In this case, it may be helpful to use relaxation techniques.

Other reasons that make you wake up tired

In addition to the factors already mentioned, you may often feel tired when you wake up if you do not follow proper sleep hygiene. A lot of light, noise or high temperatures prevent a good night’s sleep. In addition, you need to pay attention to your bad habits.

Several studies have shown that looking at your cell phone or TV screen before going to bed does not have a positive effect on rest. You should also not eat heavy meals before going to bed, especially those with a lot of sugar. In addition, the quality of sleep is also worsened by the lack of exercise during the day.

Poor sleep may also indicate problems with the intestinal flora. They affect the production of hormones and neurotransmitters that are essential for relaxation and rest. If there is something wrong with your gut microbiota, you will have trouble sleeping well.

All of the factors mentioned above have a significant impact on your sleep quality and can make you wake up tired.

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