Why Do My Hands Go Numb During Sleep?

Why do hands go numb while sleeping?

Have you ever fall asleep and wake up suddenly with the terrible feeling that your hands are going numb? We wake up a couple of times a night with an irritating tingling sensation in our hands that repeats too often. Why is it that our hands go numb while we sleep? Is there any cure for this? We will explain all these doubts later in the article. Cramps or numbness in your hands can happen for a variety of reasons,the most common is placing the hand in an unnatural position that obstructs blood flow. It happens, however, that they occur for no specific reason and have nothing to do with the position of our hands. They are very unpleasant and can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the legs or feet. So let’s see what their causes are.

Hands go numb at night? Here are the possible reasons:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

It is certainly one of the leading causes of hand numbness. Our three main fingers, the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, appear to be most affected by the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This is a problem with the median nerve, the pressure on it causes great pain and impediments to mobility, which leads to loss of sensation and makes the hands numb. These ailments are most often felt at night, while sleeping.

Overstrained wrists during the day

Sometimes we overload our wrists while working. Activities such as typing on the computer, using scissors or other tools, and sewing can cause the nerves in our hands to suffer.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Wrist bending and flexing, repeated regularly during the day, can make us feel intense pain at night, when we no longer perform any activities with this part of the body, and pressure flows through the nerves and tendons with greater intensity.

Fluid retention

Having a few extra pounds, avoiding physical activity and eating improperly, we are exposed to swollen legs, but also discomfort around the hands, due to fluid retention in the body. At night, as more pressure is exerted, we may experience tingling discomfort.

Vitamin B deficiency

Very often, in the case of an inadequate diet, our body has a deficiency of B vitamins.  This deficiency has effects that we often do not pay attention to. We blame fatigue from work or everyday life for malaise, without realizing the real cause.

Vitamin B12

Fatigue, drowsiness, pale skin, cramps, and numbness in arms and legs are very common symptoms of vitamin B deficiency. So if your hands become numb during sleep, this is another factor to consider.

Ways to treat numb hands

  • Before going to bed, let’s drink a teaspoon of linseed oil.  It has anti-inflammatory properties, mainly affecting the limbs. In this way, it helps to get rid of the feeling of numbness in the hands.
  • Let us dip our hands into a sink with cold water. If we throw ice cubes into the water, the action will be even more effective. This will help reduce the feeling of pressure in your hands, and remove possible nerve inflammation and pain. By applying this treatment before going to bed, we will feel a lot of relief.
  • Let’s eliminate excess salt from the diet and the consumption of carbonated drinks that acidify our body. These products cause inflammation and increase the feeling of pain, so we should get rid of them permanently from our diet.
  • We should irrigate our body, drink at least two liters of water a day. We can also prepare an infusion of artichokes, which has cleansing and diuretic properties, thus avoiding fluid retention in the body. It is enough to boil a few artichokes in water and drain after cooking. You can add the juice of half a lemon to the infusion.
  • It is very important that we include B vitamins in our diet. Tuna, potatoes, bananas and all green-leaved vegetables will help us provide the right dose of B vitamins to our body. In addition, we can use tablets with B vitamins. We can find them in a pharmacy, herbal store or in health food stores. They will be the perfect supplement to our diet and will make us feel better, relieving our night ailments.
  • If we mainly perform manual activities in our work, exposing our hands and wrists to constant movement, it is worth thinking about using a wristband. It will stiffen it effectively. It will relieve the wrist and protect our nerves and joints.

All this will make the tingling in the hands significantly reduce or even completely disappear.

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