Warm Water With Honey: Why Is It Worth Drinking It?

Did you know that starting your day with a glass of warm water and honey will stimulate your metabolism and help you lose weight?
Warm water with honey: why is it worth drinking?

Warm water with honey drunk every day can be very good for our health. It is one of those natural remedies that has enjoyed unflagging effectiveness for years.

When we get out of bed in the morning, we often don’t have time for anything and we do everything in a hurry. We choose anything for a cup of coffee and rush to work, without preparing the body for the challenges of the coming day.

Warm water with honey is a great way to start your day and it brings a lot of benefits. If we also provide the body with a balanced and nutritious breakfast, we will leave the house charged with energy, stronger and with better immunity.

In this article, we will present you five good reasons why warm water with honey should be a part of your diet.

1. Warm water with honey helps to maintain a healthy body weight

As you probably already know, honey is a great sugar substitute. It is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Undoubtedly, it complements our diet very well and helps reduce the intake of excessive amounts of calories that cause weight gain.

Starting your day with a glass of warm water with honey will greatly improve the body functions that promote weight loss:

  • It cleanses the body
  • Provides a feeling of satiety
  • It improves digestion and prevents constipation
  • It provides energy and allows us to increase activity
a jar of honey with cinnamon

Consume this drink immediately after getting out of bed, preferably on an empty stomach and just before going to bed. This way you will speed up your metabolism.

2. It improves digestion

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, warm water with honey is highly recommended as the first “meal” on an empty stomach.

  • Then our digestive juices are more susceptible to natural ingredients and enzymes contained in honey.
  • Warm water also helps to get rid of toxins that cling to the intestinal walls. In addition, it cleans and allows you to get rid of food residues.
  • Then, thanks to a cleansed intestine and a secure stomach, we digest food better and absorb more nutrients.
  • It cannot be forgotten that honey is a natural antibiotic. It allows us to fight the bacteria that are responsible for stomach infections.

3. It stimulates the immune system

At this point, we would like to point out that warm water with honey will only be effective if we consume it regularly.

  • Only in this way will our immune system be gradually strengthened by this unique blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It helps us defend ourselves against pathogens that are in the environment and that can make us weak.
  • We must not forget that this natural remedy also acts as an internal regulator that allows us to maintain balance. An example is the level of cortisol, which affects the level of stress.

Be persistent and drink a glass of warm water with honey every day!

Red blood cells and immune cells

4. It alleviates allergies

Honey will not help us get rid of allergies, but it will minimize the symptoms we experience, such as coughing, dry throat, asthma and nervousness.

5. Warm water with honey and lemon cleanses the body

honey jar and lemon

Cleansers are very popular nowadays. However, probably none of them are as easy to prepare as warm water with honey and the juice of half a lemon.

  • Adding lemon helps to detoxify the body and optimize liver function.
  • We should remember that lemon and honey combined with warm water have diuretic properties and have a beneficial effect on the health of the urinary tract.

Notes on warm water with honey and lemon

  • Honey is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.
  • A meal should never be replaced by drinking water with honey and lemon, nor should it be a substitute for breakfast.
  • Eat a normal breakfast 20 minutes after drinking the drink.
  • Never add honey to boiling water as it changes the properties of honey. The water should be warm, but not boiling.
  • Always buy pure and organic honey. The one you buy from the supermarket can be “enriched” with unhealthy sugar. Read the labels!

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