Warm-up Exercises That You Can Do At Home

Warm-up exercises you can do at home

Warming up is an essential part of your workout that should never be skipped. Here are some ideas for warming up exercises to do at home. They will be useful especially if you are going to run or ride a bike.

Warm-up exercises should be done before each workout, whether you’re training indoors or out.

Unfortunately, the role of warming up is not always appreciated as much as it should be, especially before running, cycling or exercising at home with the help of an app or video. The same goes for training in the gym.

Be aware that it is not enough to start slowly. This may help raise your body temperature, for example, but is not enough.

Proper warm-up exercises that you can do at home

Joint mobility exercises and dynamic stretching play a key role in the beginning of a good warm-up, especially if you are going to be training outdoors and if it is cold. These exercises are time-saving and help prepare your body for exercise to avoid injuries and get the most benefit from your training.

Man doing the board
Warming up plays a key role before starting a home workout as it helps to avoid injuries.

Warming up exercises that increase joint mobility

Joint mobility exercises as well as joint warming will help you make your muscles more flexible. This type of exercise prepares the body for intense movements and stimulates the nervous system, muscles and tendons in a dynamic way.

These types of joint mobility exercises include rotating the wrists, elbows, shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles. Flexing and straightening movements are also a good idea, especially if they are related to the exercises you will be doing later.

Some of the more interesting exercises for joint mobility include:

  • Raising the arms: towards the ears and back to the starting position.
  • Shoulder rotations: forward and backward.
  • Shoulder circulation: forward and backward.
  • Circulation of the hips: in and out.
  • Rocking your legs: forwards and backwards and from side to side.
  • Swinging the arms alternately: forwards and backwards, keeping the arms parallel to the ground.
  • Walking Rompers: a low intensity version of the Rompers. Take a step to one side, raise your arms to the side, then lower them. Repeat to the other side.

Dynamic stretching

When you are done with your joint mobility exercises, it’s time to do dynamic stretching exercises. This is a great way to warm up your whole body at home.

Static stretching is problematic because your body needs to be warm for them to be effective. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, allows your muscles to slowly relax as you work on the mobility of your joints.

Among the dynamic stretching exercises you will find:

  • Pulling the Knees to the Chest: Take turns lifting one knee, then another, and pull it towards your chest to increase the stretching range as much as possible.
  • Descending: Start in a position with your feet hip-width apart and your shoulders at your sides. Then bend your hips to reach the floor with your hands and move into the plank position with outstretched arms. Pause for a moment, then walk your hands back to your feet and stand up.
  • Side lunges: Put your legs wide apart, with your feet pointing forward. Bend one leg at the knee and lower your hips a little. Then shift your body weight to one side. Repeat several times.
  • Frankenstein’s Step: Walk with your legs straightened, lifting them as high as possible, touching your feet with your hands.

Aerobic movements

Aerobic movements are warm-up exercises that you can do at home and for which you don’t need a lot of space. When you are finished with your joint mobilization and dynamic stretching exercises, you can also do:

  • Marching in place: It’s important to walk like a soldier, lifting your knees and moving your arms in a coordinated fashion, even exaggerating your movements a little.
  • Easy jog, knee lift: Same as walking still but with the added intensity of jogging. You don’t need to raise your knees too high with this exercise.
  • Jumping: If you’re going to run, jumping is a good way to warm up before going out. It will also help you improve your technique.
  • Jumping rope: You can include this exercise in your warm-up to increase its intensity.
Woman jumping
Jumping is a good warm-up exercise and a way to improve your running technique. You can do them both at home and outside.

Warming up is key

Warm-up exercises are extremely important to prepare your body for exercise. Taking 10 minutes to warm up will help you prepare for your training and will give you better results and less injuries.

If you are going to exercise outside, you need to warm up at home , especially if you are going to exercise in winter. Even if you’re going to the gym, doing a warm-up, or at least part of it, will allow you to start training right away, immersing yourself in what you like best.

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