Vegan Avocado Cream Cheese With The Addition Of Oregano

Vegan avocado and oregano cheese is a healthy alternative to traditional cheese. Its taste conquers the palates of both those who follow a vegan diet and those who want to introduce healthier products to their diet.
Vegan avocado cheese with the addition of oregano

As many people probably know, avocados are one of the most versatile and healthy foods you can include in your diet. Due to its incomparable taste, it is great for salads, smoothies, sauces and other recipes. Today we offer you vegan avocado cheese with the addition of oregano. Have you ever tried such a delicacy?

Well, while it is not a traditional cheese, it is a nutrient-rich recipe that we can use to replace this milk-derived ingredient in some dishes. In fact, this vegan cream cheese is perfect as an accompaniment to whole grain bread, cookies and other foods for breakfast and snacks.

Vegan avocado cheese with oregano: healthy and easy to prepare

There are many recipes for the preparation of vegetable cheeses based on seeds, nuts or roots. This time, however, we found an interesting way to prepare vegan avocado cheese with the addition of oregano. It is undoubtedly perfect for those looking to maintain a healthier and more balanced diet.

Vegan cream cheese on avocado and oregano sandwich
This recipe is a vegan alternative to traditional cheese.

Similarly, this type of cheese can be included in weight loss diets as the calories it provides is lower when compared to traditional cheese. In addition, it provides healthy fats, proteins, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, among other things. Do you want to try this new vegan avocado cream cheese recipe?

Ingredients for vegan cheese

  • 3 medium avocados
  • 4 tablespoons of liquid raw coconut oil (60 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of sea or Himalayan salt (5 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of nutritional yeast (90 g)
  • 1/4 cup of fermented vegetable drink (62.5 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of psyllium powder (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of dried oregano leaves (20 g)

Kitchen tools

  • Deep containers (for mixing)
  • Mixer or blender
  • Hoops as curd molds
  • Baking paper


  • First, cut the avocado in half and remove all the flesh.
  • Then put in a blender bowl and add coconut oil and lemon juice.
  • Then add salt, yeast, and the fermented vegetable drink.
  • Beat for two minutes, then add the psyllium plantain powder.
  • Make sure you get a homogeneous and thick mixture.
  • When you get the consistency you want, take a large ring or small curd rings and fill them with avocado paste by placing it on baking paper.
  • Then put the vegan cheese in the fridge for a minimum of 8 hours.
  • After this time, check if it has better consistency.
  • Finally, remove the cheese from the molds and sprinkle with dried oregano leaves.

To prepare the cream cheese, you first need to make a fermented vegan vegetable drink

One question that can arise when making vegan avocado and oregano cheese is where to buy a fermented vegetable drink. As we saw above, it is one of the basic ingredients needed to make vegan cheese.

Vegetable drink fermentation
A necessary step in this process is the preparation of a fermented vegetable drink.

Since we do not want to leave you in doubt, below we present you a simple recipe for how to make such a drink at home.

Ingredients (for 3 liters)

  • 1 cup of buckwheat, quinoa, or kamuta (200 g)
  • 12 glasses of water (3 liters)

Kitchen tools

  • A large glass jar
  • Flexible rubber or thread
  • A piece of mesh or fabric


  • First, germinate the seed until small sprouts appear. To do this, put the seeds of buckwheat, quinoa or kamut into a glass jar and pour water over it. Let them soak for about 8 hours.
  • Then cover the opening of the jar with a piece of cloth or gauze and secure it with an elastic band or thread.
  • Then strain the water and leave the bottle tilted down and diagonally for another two days.
  • During this time, the grains should be soaked again several times so that the seeds germinate gradually.
    Then rinse them and fill the jar with twice the amount of water.
  • At this stage, let them soak for 24 more hours. At this time, the germinated grains should begin to ferment liquid.
  • After the allotted time has elapsed, drain the water and store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. If you want, you can repeat the fermentation with the same grains twice, but the second time for only 12 hours.

Note: You can also use lentil grains or spelled grains, among others. The main thing is to follow the fermentation process. Take into account that if the temperature is high, the drink will be more fermented. Therefore, it is likely that if the temperature is low, it takes longer to ferment.

What else needs to be considered!

Vegan avocado cheese with the addition of oregano is a healthy proposition that usually appeals to those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. However, it is also a great option for those who want to enrich their diet with healthy products.

Vegan cream cheese on a sandwich
In this recipe, we use the benefits of avocado fatty acids.

While it’s true that vegan cheese is very different from traditional cheese, it can serve as a substitute for it in many dishes.

Therefore, do not hesitate to use it as a side dish if you are preparing the following dishes:

  • Sandwiches
  • Bread and toast
  • Tacos and burritos
  • Pasta
  • Salads
  • Stews

Have you never made vegan cheese before? Decide. to prepare it according to this delicious recipe!

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