Unhappy Love – You Must Avoid It

Don’t be obsessed with love. Stop making the same mistakes in relationships over and over again by letting yourself be blinded in the first phase of falling in love and letting things happen that shouldn’t have happened. Start making informed choices.
Unhappy love - it must be avoided

Many people complain that their love is always unhappy. Is your love life just unlucky too? Or maybe the problem is that you can’t avoid it, or maybe you even cling to such situations and thus are unhappy all the time?

When it comes to relationships, it seems to us that usually the real reason is the latter.

This is especially confirmed when you complain that you always meet the same type of person who doesn’t respect you or love you in the way you deserve.

This so-called unhappy love – we have a lot to say about it.

Repeating the same love scenarios – Why is your love unhappy?

When you repeat the same love scenario over and over, it is not bad luck in love. In fact, it means that you don’t realize that you’ve learned nothing from your previous relationships, and that you’re still falling for the same tricks.

If your partners offend you, why are you stuck in such relationships? True, in the initial phase of infatuation, the person can be very loving and then change their behavior.

However, as soon as you notice this change, you must be able to cut yourself off. You must walk away with your head held high after the first time you have been disrespected or insulted.

The woman covers her face

Unfortunately, some people tend to forgive immediately and, under the guise of love, agree to be treated as such by their current partner. And then they repeat the same scenario with the next partner, then with the next … The result is always the same.

You need to understand the mistakes on your side that you may blame the other person for without fully realizing that your own expectations may be the problem. Some of them are:

  • Waiting for the situation to improve : You give him one, two, or even a third chance. The love you feel for your partner is so strong (or at least you think so) that you still hope that your attitude and behavior can be changed. However, this is not the case.
  • Putting too high expectations : You want your partner to be perfect, the only one for you, your better half… And because of that you will argue and persist until you drop because you want to achieve the ideal.
  • Closing your eyes to the first signs of trouble : When someone yells at you for the first time, you turn your eyes shut to it. But by the tenth time, the scoop is sure to change. Therefore, it is better not to allow such situations. Otherwise, they will become the norm.

Unhappy love – unconscious choices lead to it

This is a sign of very low self-esteem. You have to learn to say no. Before you choose a partner, you need to determine if now is the right time to start a relationship and what you really expect.

Do you wait for someone to spot you first and then focus solely on that person?

Unhappy love is the result of blind choices

If that is the case, then you are certainly not unlucky in love – you have low self-esteem. And proper self-esteem is essential to be able to take care of yourself and protect yourself from dangers.

The need to be in a relationship at any cost

Unhappy love can take many forms, especially if you don’t allow yourself to think for a moment and find someone you really want to be with. This way you also do not allow yourself to be alone for some time.

You end up becoming somewhat obsessed with being in a relationship and feeling anxious, which is further fueled by those around you and by society in general. Being in a relationship has become synonymous with happiness. Being with your partner means that you form a family and are happy.

But if this were to be true, why are there many unhappy couples around?

The woman is looking in the dark

Unhappy love can bring a lot of suffering. You can’t fall into the same hole over and over again. Stop obsessing over your partner. Stop repeating the same love scenarios over and over again, getting blinded in the first phase of falling in love and letting things happen that shouldn’t have happened. Start making informed choices.

When you do this, unhappy love will no longer meet you.

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