Tips For Overcoming Emotional Breakdown

If we have given all our energy to another person and we have not focused on ourselves but on others – after the breakup, we may experience a nervous breakdown. Remember that before we want to complement others, we must ourselves be complete.
Difficult breakup - how to get through this painful time

Everyone has experienced a breakup at least once in their life. The fact that this is a common phenomenon does not diminish the pain that comes with it. In this article, we would like to present some tips that may prove helpful in this difficult period. Are there ways to smoothly get through a difficult breakup? We believe so. 

The most important thing to consider is that whether we like it or not: we will go through a dark series of duels with ourselves. Even if we try to ignore this phenomenon, overtake it with laughter and good entertainment, we are really only postponing the war we will have to fight.

In Spanish, there is a concept of a mourning room  that must be entered in order to face negative emotions. Entering this room is an indispensable element in the fight against the breakdown that accompanies the breakup.

There are some great tips to help you get through a difficult breakup:

1. Accept your emotional state

In order to successfully overcome the breakup, we must accept the situation in which we find ourselves. It is necessary to accept what happened, but also to accept what we feel. This is the most difficult moment in the fight against emotional breakdown. However, the sooner we realize that we are going to go through a series of emotional phases, the easier it will be for us to overcome them.

Sometimes, when a breakdown is the result of a breakup with a partner, we still hope for a change. If we start negotiating a re-union and it becomes probable, we are not moving forward, we are taking a step back, running away from the inevitable.

painted fingers with a broken heart

It is normal to experience unbearable pain, a series of unpleasant thoughts and negative emotions. If you’ve had a break-up in the past, you will remember how you thought you couldn’t handle it. And yet it worked, and it will be the same this time.

This does not mean, however, that we should run away from, ignore or hide our emotions.  We need to look at them, say hello to them, and accept them as part of ourselves. Only then can we move forward.

2. Difficult breakup and suppressed emotions

You should never suppress and hide your emotions as it may be counterproductive. Moreover, it leads to many health problems. Our body is connected to our consciousness. Muscle tension leads to many serious diseases and, above all, painful discomfort.

What can you do? Some decide to talk to friends for a long time, others cry into the pillow, others need a moment of solitude and an opportunity for contemplation. Each of these solutions is good if it allows you to achieve inner harmony.

  • When the emotional downfall has hit you – listen to yourself and only act on what you feel. Learn to say no to occasions you don’t feel like doing.
  • If you are the type of person who only needs to be alone with yourself in traumatic situations, give up going out with friends “to relieve yourself”. Do the same if you need the company of smiling people close to you to recover.

The biggest problem today that affects our mental and physical health is hiding our emotions. Only the positive ones are valuable, and the embarrassing ones are symptoms of sadness and negative emotions.

Our expression should not be one-sided, although this is what mass culture of the 21st century is trying to do. We are all to be superficially happy and impeccable in behavior so as not to embarrass others. Hence the smiling faces on social networks, which often mask the torn soul and psyche.

These few tips are intended to remind all of us that mental health is achieved in a very different way.

3. Concentrate on what motivates and strengthens you

When we have successfully gone through the previous phases of accepting and expressing our feelings: time to focus on what makes us feel happy.

Everyone in the world finds something that evokes positive emotions in them. Another piece of advice for a nervous breakdown is to focus on the positive aspects of life, especially the little things of everyday life. 

difficult parting and inner strength

It is natural that we do not know what to do with ourselves when we come out of the toxic relationship that was our whole world 24/24. It would seem that there is nothing left to fill this void. However, it is enough for us to remember what filled our lives before the lost relationship.

It can be a job, a love of music or a hobby. Playing sports is also extremely beneficial for mental and physical health. 

If we fail to achieve this on our own, we can go to a specialist who, through his experience, will help us understand our value again.

It will make us realize that we are a complete unit that does not need the “other half” because it is a whole in itself.

4. Life goes on

No matter how this slogan irritates people who are going through a painful and difficult breakup, it is 100% true.

It is only natural that during an emotional crisis we think and feel that nothing will ever return to normal and that time has stopped for us right now, along with the loss of that one person. No matter how hard it is today or how the piercing pain is blocking our lives, it will eventually pass and we will be able to put this into perspective.

Over time, we take experiences such as a difficult breakup as valuable lessons and transform them into inner strength. This is the best we can do. Something has ended, which means that a new stage has just begun. The beginnings are exciting!

The most important lesson

Do you know what is the most important lesson learned from the difficult parting experience with the man we considered to be the center of our universe? That it is not.

  • You must remember that we ourselves are the center and each half of our person. We do not need a complement to be a wholesome unit. We can offer others what is best in us only if we accept ourselves as a coherent whole.
  • When it comes to a traumatic experience, mental crisis that accompanies a breakup, we need to remember what is most important to us, what makes us happy, what we did before the relationship.

Take care of yourself, read your favorite books, do what your partner didn’t allow you to do, listen to music loudly, go to the cinema with your friends, get inspired by the world around you. Take up work that develops you, or devote time to your family. Do everything for what has not been the time when the whole world was subordinated to your relationship.


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