Tips For Keeping The Skin Young At The Age Of 40

Are you already 40th birthday? Remember that at this age your skin has completely different requirements than when you were younger. Learn a few tips that, despite the data in the birth certificate, will help you keep a youthful and smooth complexion.
Skin after 40 - how should you care for it?

Complexion after 40. He begins to experience many different changes, mainly due to the decline in hormone levels, when he is over 18 years of age. If you have already passed this age limit, don’t worry, but start taking better care of your beauty. Mature skin can still be beautiful and full of youthful glow.

The hormones responsible for the condition of our skin are estrogen and progesterone. However, with age, their concentration in the female body drops significantly. This change affects, among other things, the appearance and condition of the skin. It becomes thinner and more prone to drying out.

Remember that skin after 40 . requires special care and proper care. Hence, your daily habits should change. You can’t take care of yourself the same way you did when you were thirty.

Your skin is no longer as plump and smooth as it used to be. You have to focus on several aspects to visibly improve her condition. Here are some tips.

Skin after 40 – can it still be beautiful?

1. Facial cleansing

Daily, thorough facial cleansing is the key to maintaining a youthful complexion in old age.

The woman is washing her face
By removing impurities on a daily basis, we enable faster and more efficient regeneration of skin cells.

The first step in the morning for any woman over 40 should be washing her face with lukewarm water and a neutral cleanser. Then, use a cotton pad soaked in micellar fluid to thoroughly wipe the skin in order to remove possible makeup residues and other impurities.

The same ritual should also be performed in the evenings, just before going to bed.

2. After 40, the skin needs deep hydration

Choose it according to your age and pat with gentle movements of your fingertips.

Make sure that the ingredients include: hyaluronic acid, collagen and vitamin C – these substances help effectively eliminate premature aging of skin cells.

3. Sun protection

One of the first symptoms of aging skin – right next to wrinkles – is skin spots and discoloration. Around their 40th birthday, they begin to intensify. So you should incorporate a new habit into your skincare routine: lubricating your skin with a UV filter every day before applying makeup. On summer days, use a minimum filter SPF30.

When applying the cream, focus not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. It is these areas of the body that reveal your age. It is also recommended to use cosmetics that contain high filters.

4. Face serum

It is worth investing in a good quality serum, because this type of cosmetics in mature age is really effective and allows you to keep the skin in good condition for longer. They make the skin look younger and firmer, and delay the aging process of the body’s cells.

If you have never used a face serum before, be sure to try it out. They should be patted into the skin before applying the moisturizing cream. After the first use, the skin is visibly rejuvenated and gains a youthful glow.

Choose a cosmetic enriched with vitamins or having repair properties and accelerating skin regeneration.

5. After the age of 40, skin requires regular exfoliation

Exfoliating the epidermis, or peeling, cleans the skin of dead cells, unblocks its top layer, delaying the aging process and stimulating skin reconstruction.

A woman with a mask on her face - skin after 40
Exfoliation of the skin is to eliminate dead cells that block the proper access of blood to the deeper layers of the epidermis and hinder its regeneration.

There are plenty of facial peeling products on the market. You can get a good, shop-based product or prepare it yourself at home from natural ingredients.

If you decide on the first solution, choose a cosmetic designed for mature skin – it will be richer in oils. As we have already mentioned, the skin after the age of 40 requires much deeper hydration. However, regular peeling should be performed regardless of age.

Skin after 40 – what habits will rejuvenate it?

1. Weight control

As we age, our metabolism slows down. This process begins around the age of 30. If you don’t start to move regularly, you can gain up to one extra pound each month by eating exactly what you used to.

However, after the age of 40, the metabolic rate slows down even more. It is during this period that many women experience uncontrolled weight gain and become overweight. Remember that excess kilos are not good for the condition of the skin.

2. Increasing the intake of vitamins C and E.

When a woman exceeds a certain age limit – generally between the ages of 30 and 40 – collagen production decreases in her body. This substance is responsible for the youthful appearance of the skin. In order to stimulate its production, vitamin C intake should be increased.

Foods rich in vitamin C.

In turn, vitamin E, also known as the vitamin of youth, also helps maintain the health and firmness of aging skin. While both nutrients should be an important part of a person’s daily diet throughout their lives, it is during this period that they are crucial for maintaining a youthful complexion.

  • Vitamin C has a strong oxidizing effect that inhibits the harmful effects of free radicals on skin tissues. In addition, it supports the synthesis of collagen and also improves skin firmness.
  • Vitamin E is a natural protective agent against ultraviolet radiation and environmental toxins. What’s more, it stimulates blood circulation in the skin and facilitates cell regeneration.

3. Choosing the right hairstyle to match your skin tone

Most women in their 40s already have a fair amount of gray hair. If you’ve already dyed your hair yourself, it’s time to go to the hairdresser. A lighter color and appropriate highlights will make the white regrowth less visible.

Moreover, the lighter hair color rejuvenates the face. So, consult a specialist and together choose the hair color and hairstyle type to suit your complexion. Such a change will certainly do you good!

4. Good makeup foundation

The older the complexion, the more difficult it is to apply beautiful makeup. Remember that “heavy” foundations accumulate in the crevices of wrinkles and make you look much older. So choose light foundations with a light tone. Dark, tanned shades also age the mature complexion.

The same principle goes for eye shadow and lipstick. Lighter colors will give you a youthful glow and cover up all kinds of imperfections and the most problematic areas of the face. Before you apply the foundation, apply a very good moisturizing cream – then the wrinkles will be less visible.

5. Beautiful skin after 40 needs a lot of water

We have already talked about moisturizing the skin with cosmetics from the outside. However, it is also worth focusing on hydrating the body’s cells from the inside, i.e. simply drinking plenty of water.

Although this habit should accompany us throughout our lives, we should take it more seriously with age, especially if it costs us a lot to introduce it into our daily routine.

Remember that a well-hydrated body carries out all vital functions more efficiently, including the regeneration of skin cells. Moreover, moisturized skin looks more beautiful, younger and healthier.

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