The Influence Of Gluten On The Nervous System – Learn More!

Gluten causes inflammation. People who are hypersensitive to this protein may develop neurological symptoms. Learn about the effects of gluten on the nervous system.
Effects of gluten on the nervous system - learn more!

Gluten causes inflammation. People with hypersensitivity to this protein may develop neurological symptoms. Learn about the effects of gluten on the nervous system.

Gluten consumption may, in some cases,  increase your susceptibility to certain neurological diseases. The negative effects of gluten on the nervous system of people with celiac disease can destroy the cerebral cortex, leading to multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and migraines.

However, this substance is not dangerous for everyone. Only some are hypersensitive and gluten can lead to disease development.

Gluten and epilepsy

Epilepsy patients exhibit gluten sensitivity, according to an article published in the  Journal of Neurology. It is not known, however, whether this disease impairs the metabolism of this protein, or whether its altered metabolism contributes to the disease.

Epileptics are certainly recommended to limit the amount of gluten in their diet. A ketogenic diet reduces the frequency of epileptic episodes.

It is still unknown whether epilepsy and gluten are related.  However, people suffering from this ailment are advised not to consume this protein.

Multiple Sclerosis and Gluten Consumption

Some believe that gluten consumption contributes to the occurrence of multiple sclerosis. However, the research done so far does not confirm this thesis.

An article in  Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders provides information on the effects of gluten on disease progression. However, more research is needed on this topic.

Inflammation and neurological diseases

In recent years, it has been recommended to systematically eliminate gluten from the diet. In people with hypersensitivity,  this protein causes inflammation in the digestive system. This can result in dysbiosis or damage at the microbiome level.

The relationship between the microbiome and mental health is scientifically proven. It was on its basis that the suspicion that gluten may be associated with the occurrence of neurodegenerative diseases has arisen.

Not everyone needs to limit gluten in their diet. For people who are able to metabolize it properly, it does not pose a threat.

In some people, gluten consumption can lead to the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

The risk of eliminating gluten from your diet

There are some risks associated with eliminating gluten from the diet by people who are not hypersensitive. When you stop consuming this protein, the production of the enzyme responsible for digesting it stops. This results in later intolerance.

Therefore,  it is not recommended to limit the amount of gluten in your diet, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. There is no evidence that this protein causes inflammation in healthy people.

There are also no studies confirming the relationship between gluten consumption and the development of diseases, apart from epilepsy. In this case, however, it is about the positive impact of the ketogenic diet on the patient’s health, not just about eliminating gluten from the diet.

Effects of gluten on the nervous system: no conclusive conclusions

Gluten does not harm most of the population. Therefore, there is no reason to limit your consumption. However, in people with hypersensitivity, it causes inflammation that is harmful to health.

Then its consumption should be limited. Even in these cases, however, there is no clear link between gluten consumption and the development of neurological diseases. There is no lack of controversy on this subject in the scientific literature.

The effects of gluten on the nervous system are to be thoroughly investigated in the future.

There are no contraindications for people without gluten hypersensitivity –  these can easily consume this protein. Inflammation in them is mainly caused by simple sugars and trans fats  .

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