The Appendix And All Its Secrets

After the procedure of removing the appendix, you should remember to maintain an appropriate diet and take special care of yourself.
The appendix and all its secrets

The appendix is the thin end piece of the cecum, the function of which is not fully understood. Its inflammation is a common ailment that appears practically at any age. In order to heal the patient, he undergoes a surgical procedure during which the appendix is removed.

In today’s article, you will learn why this part of our body starts to cause us unexpected problems, what can provoke appendicitis, and whether it can be prevented.

What does a man need an appendix for?

According to many statements, the appendix is ​​completely useless. Therefore, doctors most often decide to remove it as soon as it begins to cause problems. However, it turns out that this tiny and seemingly unnecessary organ is related to the immune system.

It is part of the whole organism and, together with other organs, creates internal balance and harmony. Therefore, it cannot be taken lightly and treated as a redundant part.

Appendicitis occurs unexpectedly, and the causes of this sudden attack are not fully understood. Some attribute it to poor diet or the tension associated with stress and worry.


Neither of these theories has been scientifically proven, especially when the appendix teases very young children.

Appendicitis should not be taken lightly, because if left untreated, it can lead to perforation and spillage of the contents inside the body. Toxic substances and bacteria can lead to peritonitis. This, in turn, could result in serious infections and even death.

In women, peritonitis can infect the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which can lead to infertility.

Symptoms of appendicitis

Some symptoms are characteristic of appendicitis, but there are some that are common with other diseases. For this reason, it is good to know all of them and pay special attention to avoiding an incorrect diagnosis in the event of inflammation that will delay the introduction of appropriate treatment.

Not all patients have the same symptoms, and not all symptoms occur at the same time. Some of them are:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • sudden and severe pain in the lower right abdomen
  • sudden and severe pain in the area of ​​the navel
  • the pain worsens when pressing on the site
  • high temperature (37.5 – 38 ° C)
  • general pain and malaise

Accurate diagnosis is not always an easy task. Appendicitis is often confused with the flu or a liver attack. There were also cases in which the appendix was removed, although it was not the cause of the ailments.


How to avoid appendicitis problems?

Assuming appendicitis is related to poor diet and emotional problems, there are some habits that need to be changed to prevent inflammation. This is not a guarantee that it will not cause problems, but the probability will be significantly reduced.

Mastering emotions and inner peace

Try to eliminate negative emotions such as anger and anger from your life, do not worry or think far ahead. Make time to do the things you enjoy.

Healthy diet

It will not only keep your intestines healthy, but it will also protect you from unexpected appendicitis.

Healthy diet

Meals should be smaller but taken more frequently throughout the day. However, it is strongly recommended to reduce the consumption of animal fats, cold cuts, dairy products, sugar and refined flour. All these ingredients cause the accumulation of toxins in the intestines.

Replace them with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts.


One of the best ways to relieve negative emotions and tension is sports. It is recommended to introduce physical activity at least three times a week, forgetting for a moment about the problems and worries of everyday life.

Not only is it conducive to maintaining a proper weight, but also allows you to take advantage of the positive impact of nature and fresh air on our health. Walking, biking, swimming, running, dancing, whatever you need to keep your body moving.

What to do after the appendectomy?

Hospitalization in a mild case takes two to six days. In more serious cases, treatment may extend up to several weeks.

When the appendix is ​​removed, you should remember about healthy and high-quality products. This way the intestines will be kept clean and will not accumulate harmful toxins. Here are the products that should be avoided in the three months following the procedure:

White sugar and white flour and an appendix

All refined products are harmful to our health, especially after surgery. They generate many toxins that accumulate in the colon and can lead to the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms.

Fast food

Fast food

Meat products

After the treatment, it is recommended to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet for several months. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate dairy products, eggs, and especially red meat. In all of these products, not only do we find harmful hormones, but in the case of milk, it builds up on the intestinal walls.

Other products to avoid:

  • alcoholic drinks
  • coffee
  • tea
  • chocolate
  • spicy sauces
  • strong spices

Remember that after a similar treatment, the digestive system is particularly sensitive and it is easy to harm it. In the postoperative recovery period, try not to overload, rest, take short walks and avoid stress.

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