Stuffy Nose? Meet The Best Home Remedies

Stuffed nose?  Learn the best home remedies

There are times of the year when almost all of us have a runny nose, and a stuffy nose is so bad that we are unable to breathe calmly. This situation may be the result of a cold or flu, sinusitis or various allergies.

Regardless of the cause of a runny nose, the symptoms are usually the same: stuffy nose and difficulty breathing, especially when we are not used to breathing through the mouth (which specialists do not recommend, considering such a practice unhealthy).

Meet today with us proven, home methods, thanks to which you will naturally open the upper respiratory tract and forget about the rhinitis in a short time. If you experience this unpleasant ailment regularly, carefully analyze its causes and try to combat it with the help of nature. We will help you with this!

Stuffed nose? – Causes of nasal congestion

We list the most common causes of runny nose below. Think about which of them may apply to you.

Allergic reactions

Undoubtedly, the most common cause of a runny nose are various allergic reactions. Perhaps you are allergic to dust, pollen, aerosols, cigarette smokeā€¦ If this is the case, our body reacts to these allergens in the form of inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

So make an appointment with a doctor and ask for a referral for tests that will help determine the source of the allergy. This will make it easier for you to control your periodic runny nose and you will know when to reach for stronger natural remedies.

Frequent and sudden changes in temperature

A stuffy nose can also be a consequence of sudden changes in temperature, especially as we go from heat to cold. This situation occurs mainly in the winter heating season – when we leave a warm house to frost, our body is not always able to quickly adapt to new conditions. In addition, many of us forget about the scarf …

A similar situation also takes place in summer, when we enter air-conditioned rooms from a hot street. A cold is almost guaranteed!

Cold or flu and stuffy nose

One of the most troublesome symptoms of a cold or flu is a runny nose. Our body defends itself against the attack of viruses by reacting in exactly the same way as in the case of allergies. So there is a strong inflammation of the mucosa and nasal passages.

Hence the feeling that our nose is blocked. We constantly sneeze, our eyes itch, our nose is constantly dripping … There is a traditional belief that both a treated and untreated runny nose lasts 7 days. How much truth is there? Each of us has our own opinion on this.

Bacterial sinus infection

Nasal congestion also accompanies a bacterial sinus infection. This ailment intensifies mainly in the evening and night hours, and may be a consequence of a cold or flu.

The man has a runny nose

Another cause of sinus disease is a curved nasal septum. This problem can affect either one or both nostrils.

Taking certain medications

While it’s hard to believe, taking certain medications can also cause a stuffy runny nose. This is primarily about a group of medications supporting blood circulation. One of their side effects is inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Proven remedies for a troublesome runny nose and stuffy nose

Avoid blowing your nose forcefully

The constant snot only makes the situation worse. Every time you feel your nose is blocked and you want to clean it, try not to reach for tissues. Only use them if your nose is dripping.

Strong, vigorous and, in addition, frequent blowing of a stuffy nose leads to exacerbation of the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This way you will never get rid of the annoying runny nose.

Inhalations based on saline solution

Prepare a solution based on 100 ml of lukewarm water and 1/4 tablespoon of coarse salt. Apply the solution with a rubber pear (often used to remove a runny nose in babies and toddlers).

Stand over the sink and tilt your head back. Then apply a few drops of the solution to each hole. Stay in this position for a moment more so that the fluid penetrates into the nasal passages. Repeat the treatment three times a day.

Hot steam

For the treatment of a stuffy nose, you can safely use the steam coming from a warm shower. The heat perfectly soothes ailments and naturally unclogs the nose. What’s more, moisture and high temperature effectively reduce inflammation and allow you to breathe properly for a while.

So take a warm bath or a hot shower. If you don’t feel like immersing your whole body, you can also prepare a hot salt water solution and inhale the vapors under a towel.

An air humidifier will also be a great solution, thanks to which it will be easier for you to breathe during sleep, especially during the heating period.

Stuffed nose? Drink plenty of fluids

Maintaining the proper level of hydration is extremely important in the case of a cold or any infection of the nasal mucosa. The consumed fluids thin the mucus in the nasal passages and facilitate its excretion.

What’s more, thanks to the large dose of water, you will avoid nasal clogging and irritation of the nasal passages. You don’t have to take only water – any fluid is valuable in this case. You can also consume warm teas and infusions as well as nourishing soups and creams.

Apply warm compresses to the nose

A warm compress will be very helpful in treating blocked sinuses. Lie on your back and put a handkerchief moistened with warm water against your nose (the warmer, the greater the healing properties).

Cover your nose and the area around it. However, remember not to plug the nostrils. Otherwise, you will not be able to breathe freely when the mucus is thinned due to the high temperature.

When the handkerchief cools down, re-soak it in warm water and repeat the process. During the treatment, you can listen to relaxing music, radio, watch TV or read. At night, try to sleep on your back with your head held high – this position will certainly bring you relief .

Use special nose strips

Such strips can be purchased at an affordable price at any pharmacy. They increase the flow of air in the nasal cavity by gently lifting the nostrils and opening the nasal passages. It is recommended to use them especially at night to avoid snoring and waking up due to a stuffy nose.

Blocked sinuses

Increase your consumption of spicy foods

During an infection of the nasal mucosa, your diet should be enriched with spicy spices, such as chili, cumin, horseradish … In addition, remember to drink plenty of water each day. Also after eating spicy food.

Home remedies for a stuffy nose

  • Chew three or four basil leaves each morning before breakfast and just before going to bed. As a substitute, you can also use an infusion of dried basil leaves.
  • Eat two tablespoons of honey each day. The best way to combat the inflammation of the nasal mucosa is warm water with honey. It is also recommended to be used as a preventive measure – this mixture perfectly increases the body’s resistance.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also an effective remedy for a stuffy nose. Mix a glass of lukewarm water with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Drink the solution 4 times a day. Also, try to add a little apple cider vinegar to all salads.
Apple vinegar
  • Dissolve one teaspoon of grated fresh ginger in a glass of lukewarm water, add a dash of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. Drink a drink just before going to bed.
  • Mustard oil also turns out to be invaluable in the fight against nasal congestion. Apply one drop to each buttonhole. You can also use mustard oil in food preparation.
  • Regularly carry out inhalations based on eucalyptus oil. Boil water in a pot and add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to it. Inhale the resulting vapors. Repeat inhalations several times a day.
  • Make a mixture of two tablespoons of lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper and a pinch of salt. Use it as a nasal drop. You’ll feel relieved soon.
  • Cut the onion in half or cut it into quarters and place it on the bedside table. Its intense, anti-inflammatory aroma will reach the nasal passages throughout the night and gradually alleviate the inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

We are convinced that our natural remedies for a stuffy nose will be of great help. Be sure to try them out.

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