Rice Water – 7 Tricks For Health And Beauty

Rice water provides us with many benefits. These include, among others, a high concentration of nutrients and effectiveness in combating stomach problems – regardless of whether we suffer from ulcerative gastritis or constipation.
Rice water - 7 health and beauty tricks

Rice is one of the most consumed foods in the world. This is because of both its taste and the nutrients it contains. Rice water, on the other hand, is one of the most discarded products.

The tradition and art of rice growing comes from Asian countries. The treatment, in which rice water plays the main role, also comes from this region of the world . An original treatment that uses the power hidden in rice to make our natural beauty shine with full radiance.

Rice grains can be used to obtain fermented water, which can be successfully used as a face tonic, as a nourishing face mask or as a healthy, nourishing drink. Rice water contains significant amounts of antioxidants, minerals, vitamin E and other active ingredients that support our body.

Later in this article, we’d like to share with you some simple steps you need to follow to prepare rice water at home. We will also share application ideas with you. Be sure to read!

Rice water – how to prepare it?

Some people who hear “Rice water” think it is water in which we soak the rice before we start cooking it. Yes, we can also use this water. The best way to get it, however, is to boil the rice in plenty of water.

Rice water


  • 1/2 cup (100 g) of white rice
  • 4 glasses (1 l) of water

A method of preparing

  • Pour four glasses of water into the pot and bring it to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, add the rice and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  • After this time, strain the rice through a strainer and keep the liquid in the glass jar.
  • Store in a refrigerator to keep it fresh and let you use it for a few days.

Rice water – uses and benefits

During the cooking process, rice releases a lot of B vitamins, folate, minerals and antioxidants – all concentrated in the water.

No wonder that rice water can be used as an excellent remedy for numerous aesthetic and health problems.

1. Natural hair conditioner

Rice water can be a great substitute for conventional hair conditioners if you want to achieve a healthy look and shine.

The woman is washing her hair

Application method:

  • Rinse your hair with plenty of rice water and leave it on for a while. Then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • You can use this natural conditioner three times a week, for example.

2. Skin tonic

Ingredients contained in rice have properties that close enlarged pores, also remove dead cells and strengthen the effect of sun filters that protect you against the harmful effects of UV rays.

Therefore, we can confidently call rice water a perfect substitute for face tonics that are sold in stores.

Application method:

  • Dip a cotton ball in the rice water, wipe the previously cleansed face with it and let it dry.
  • It’s best to do this before going to bed so that the tonic works while you are asleep.
  • Repeat this every day.

3. Anti-acne treatment

The anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of rice water are perfect for fighting acne.  Unlike other anti-acne treatments, rice water does not contain harsh chemicals and leaves the skin pleasantly soft.

Woman in front of the mirror

Directions for use:

  • Apply water directly to the acne affected areas using a cotton ball or gauze.
  • Repeat this action twice a day.

4. Natural remedy for diarrhea

The minerals in rice water make it a great option for people suffering from diarrhea.

Directions for use:

  • Add a pinch of salt to the rice water and drink it throughout the day.
  • Drink until the symptoms of diarrhea no longer bother you.

5. Natural energizing agent

Consuming rice water provides the body with eight very important amino acids that contribute to proper muscle regeneration.

The woman is drinking rice water

It also contains a small amount of carbohydrates, which makes it an excellent source of energy for athletes.

Directions for use:

  • Drink a glass of rice water half an hour before training.

6. A natural remedy for eczema

The starch in this product helps to soothe or combat eczema syndromes. Feel free to use rice water to relieve itching, skin irritation and dryness.

Directions for use:

  • Rub some rice water on eczema areas two or even three times a day.

7. Cure for constipation

Drinking one to two glasses of this drink a day is effective in stimulating intestinal peristalsis, which in turn brings relief from constipation.


Directions for use:

  • Drink rice water alone, or add to a fruit smoothie.

As you have probably noticed, rice water has many beneficial properties and can become a rich source of natural minerals for you. Prepare it today and enjoy its benefits!

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