Plantains – Three Simple And Delicious Recipes

Discover the original plantain recipes!
Plantains - three simple and delicious recipes

Plantains are the absolute basis of some of the most famous traditional cuisines in the world. These delicious fruits have gained particular popularity in South America, where some of the most original and delicious recipes come from.

Plantains are easy to process, so you can prepare an interesting and surprising dish quickly and almost effortlessly. But before we share the recipes with you, let us tell you a bit about the benefits of eating plane trees.

Now let’s check how to prepare them!

Original tips to help you prepare delicious plantains

1. Baked plantains

If you are the kind of person who prefers sweets to salty snacks, you’ve come to the right place. You will surely like this recipe.

baked plantains


  • 4 ripe plantains (850 g)
  • 5 sheets of aluminum foil
  • 3 tablespoons of unsalted margarine (45 g)
  • 2 cups of grated white cheese (300 g)
  • 1/2 tablespoon of vegetable oil (8 ml)


  • Before starting, remove the skin from the plantains and place them in the form, whole.
  • Then set the oven temperature to 200 ° C.
  • Wait about 5 minutes for the oven to heat up before putting the plantain pan in the oven.
  • Brush the fruit with margarine mixed with oil. This will make them golden when baking and soft inside.
  • Finally, bake the plantains in the oven for 35 minutes. You should turn them every seven minutes so that they are even baked.
  • When the dish is ready, set the table and enjoy its great taste!

2. Green plantain toasts

This recipe is very often prepared in Latin American countries, especially Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. To prepare it, you will need unripe green plantains, salt and vegetable oil.

vegetable banana toasted bread

Toasts are usually added to the main course. They taste great with fish and meat, but they also perfectly complement the taste of salads or mashed potatoes.

The most important thing in this recipe is the simplicity of its preparation. To work!


  • 1 cup of vegetable oil (110 ml)
  • 2 large green plantains (400 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of salt (30 g)


  • Pour a glass of oil into the pan and heat it over medium heat.
  • Remove the zest from the green plantains.
  • Remember that when removing the skin, be careful not to touch the clothes with your hands as you may stain them. It is best if you wear an apron.
  • Then, cut the plantains.
  • When the oil is hot enough, put the slices of plantains in the pan and fry until light brown. When the fruit has a golden hue, put it on a plate.
  • Use a meat grinder to break up the slices of plantains. Try to keep the pancakes reasonably thin.
  • Then put them back in the oil over low heat and fry for a minute on each side.
  • Drain the pancakes from excess oil and serve lightly salted.

3. Sweet ripe plantains

This dish is as tasty as the title suggests. Its preparation is therefore the perfect way to enjoy the taste of plantains. The following recipe masterfully combines the sweetness of plantains and cane sugar.

sweet, ripe plantains

Contrasting with the sweetness of red wine notes make sweet plantains a delight for the palate.


  • 4 large ripe plantains (700 g)
  • 1 cup of brown sugar (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable oil (60 ml)
  • 1 cup of red wine (110 ml)


  • Start by removing the peel from the plantains and cutting them into slices about 2 cm wide.
  • Then fry them well.
  • Put the fried plantains in a fireproof bowl.
  • Then add the brown sugar and a cup of wine to the plantain dish.
  • Finally, put everything in a pan and let the plantains cook for 20 minutes.
  • Serve and season to taste.
  • Enjoy this delicious dish!

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