Panic Attack – How Can We Control It?

A panic attack is common and happens to many people on a regular basis. In today’s article, we’ll teach you some techniques to deal with it in minutes.
Panic Attack - How Can We Control It?

A panic attack contributes to an uncontrolled feeling of anxiety. The person may even feel as if they are ready to die any minute and there is no way they can help it. This feeling generates a great deal of fear, which additionally makes the panic attack last even longer.

It is undoubtedly a very popular psychological disorder. It often occurs in people exposed to long-term stress. To control a panic attack, a person needs to reflect on what is in excess in their life and find the cause of their anxiety.

Psychological support is important to help the sufferer with self-control and self-awareness. This, in turn, is necessary to help you calm down and prevent further seizures.

Sometimes, by slowing down the pace of life and avoiding stressful situations, we can solve this problem. Panic attacks will then occur less and less until they disappear completely.

Panic attack – symptoms

A panic attack usually comes without warning, especially the first time. It usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes, although some symptoms may last longer.

Woman and panic attack

What are the symptoms that someone may be suffering from a panic attack?

  • Chest pain, dizziness and weakness
  • Fear of losing control of the situation completely or of sudden death
  • Breathing problems
  • Abdominal pain and nausea
  • Accelerated beating and palpitations
  • Cold chills, as well as convulsions that pierce the body

If a person suffers from a panic attack, they usually know when it’s coming. This is where there is no doubt that certain strategies need to be put into practice without delay to help control the situation.

Strategies for avoiding panic attacks

  • Meditate. Analyze your lifestyle and the steps you could take to improve it. Pay attention to your diet, how much you rest, what you do in your spare time, and how much time you spend exercising. Adopt healthy habits. This is the first thing you should do.
Desperate woman cries in bed
  • Don’t think too much about it. It is very important to avoid anxiety-related thoughts. Thinking about it can only harm us and even cause a panic attack, as fear is one of its causes.
  • Positive attitude. Prepare positive sentences that you can repeat in the event of a panic attack or just before it. The key should be “I won’t die of this, it’s just fear.” Claims like this can really calm your fear.

Other sedative techniques

  • Breathing. Focusing your attention on your breath is a great way to get rid of negative thoughts and anxiety. Be aware of your breathing process: Inhale, hold it in your lungs for three seconds, then let it out slowly. Full concentration on breathing will relax your muscles and joints.
  • Focus your eyesight and hearing on something. Watch for something specific: a button on a sweater, a car license plate. Focus on the sounds: horns, chirping birds, people conversation. If you focus your thoughts on external factors, your inner anxiety will decrease.
  • Don’t get angry or sad. You should stop blaming yourself for the anxiety attacks. It doesn’t help at all repeating to yourself “I am so weak!”, “This is terrible!” and expressions of a similar type. None of these things will solve your problem. In fact, it will only make it worse. Better to react with humor.
  • Accept help. There are situations when professional help is needed. A psychologist can guide you to get out of your problems. You have nothing to be ashamed of, the most important thing is to deal with your fears once and for all.


Professional treatment offered to people who suffer from panic attacks can help you lead a normal life. You may need to combine drug treatment with psychotherapy. What’s more, the patient’s attitude is also extremely important.

In general, the drugs used are similar to those used to treat depression, or they are just mild sedatives.

Support groups can also be very effective. Sharing experiences with other people who are in a similar situation can help you combat feelings of isolation.

panic attack in a woman on an airplane

People who experience frequent panic attacks are especially prone to alcohol and substance abuse. It is important that their family and friends make sure that this does not happen. Moreover, such a person should be provided with solid support.

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