Osteoporosis: 8 Products For Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis: 8 foods for healthy bones

Osteoporosis is a disease caused by calcium deficiency in the bone tissue. Discover the products that will help increase the content of this essential mineral for our body, without which our bones will be weak and prone to fractures. Include the following products in your diet and osteoporosis will not be a problem for you.

Osteoporosis: A diet based on fish and seafood

Among the most recommended fish for preventing osteoporosis are tuna, flounder and sardines. However, the best seafood will turn out to be mussels and shrimps.


Legumes are rich in calcium and also provide a large dose of fiber. However, remember to cook them properly as directed.


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The vegetables that are most effective in preventing osteoporosis are spinach, broccoli, and Swiss chard.


All delicacies contain a lot of calcium, but almonds are especially recommended. Nevertheless, try not to overdo them with the daily dose, because – although very healthy – they are very caloric.

Vitamin K.

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Vitamin K plays a key role in the production of a protein called osteocalcin, which is responsible for proper bone mineralization. The greatest sources of vitamin K are beetroot, broccoli and lettuce.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C must not be missing from our diet if we want to prevent osteoporosis. It helps in the process of creating, maintaining and repairing the bone structure. So let’s not forget about the daily dose of citrus, green pepper or kiwi.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for the proper absorption of calcium. Eating foods rich in calcium is of little use, if our diet lacks vitamin D – without it, the body is unable to absorb the calcium provided to it. It is found in tuna, mackerel, oily sea fish, salmon and some grains.

Vitamin A

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This vitamin helps maintain healthy and strong bones and. It is found in large amounts in carrots, pumpkins, and in fruits and vegetables with yellow and orange colors.

Additional recommendations

  • Excessive salt intake should be avoided as it contributes to the loss of calcium from the bones in the urine.
  • Use a balanced diet. It is necessary to control the consumed products and their caloric value, thanks to which we can effectively prevent weight gain – a factor that also significantly affects the health of our bones.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of foods rich in phosphorus and protein because, although they play an important role in the formation and maintenance of healthy bones, if consumed in excess, they may have the opposite effect, i.e. contribute to the loss of this important mineral.

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