Obesity Treated Non-surgically – Latest Technique

The latest technique of obesity treatment will allow even the most obese patients to return to a normal weight and regain full fitness.
Obesity treated non-surgically - The latest technique

Obesity  is an extremely serious disease – it is not only an aesthetic problem, but above all a huge threat to health and life. Obesity  is not an easy disease to cure and, in extreme cases, diet and physical activity alone are not enough.

That is why scientists and doctors are trying to develop the best possible methods of obesity treatment that will allow you to regain fitness and normal weight non-surgically.

Until now, the majority of obesity treatments have involved complex, rather high-risk operations. Other techniques, such as inserting a gastric balloon, require a lot of investment – psychological, economic and personal. Fortunately, scientists have just developed an innovative technique that has already been judged to be highly effective.

This technique is known as the Aspire Assist system, which, despite its simplicity, can bring many benefits to people struggling with conditions such as obesity. Aspire Assist helps to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, and best of all – it is a technique that does not require surgical intervention.

A new treatment for extreme obesity

Extreme obesity is when a person’s body mass index (BMI) is greater than 40. Such overweight is a serious problem – not only does it deteriorate the quality of life and limit physical fitness, but also in the long run is a deadly threat. Obesity is associated with numerous chronic diseases which, if left untreated, can even lead to death.

Morbid obesity and its causes


Extreme obesity is not only the result of overeating, binge eating and a lack of willpower. Equally often, in obese people, this disease is also caused by factors such as:

  • Hereditary factors – genetics play a key role in morbid obesity. Hereditary factors can make it difficult to lose weight and lose unnecessary kilograms, even if we try to maintain a healthy diet and physical activity.
  • Metabolism.
  • External factors – i.e. the environment in which we grow up, education or other diseases that make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Specialists also point to a theory about the role of the brain in controlling body weight and our appetite. Research shows that the brain acts as a kind of thermostat, which makes some of us gain weight much easier and faster.

You need to be careful about the so-called “set value”, especially when you are just starting to lose weight. Here’s how experts explain possible side effects:

  • By drastically reducing the amount of calories we consume, we bring our brain to a state where it decides to slow down our metabolism.
  • As a consequence, we lose unnecessary kilograms for only a few weeks, after which the weight stops or even the so-called yo-yo effect occurs.

A new approach to obesity treatment


Researchers at Daser Medical Laboratory have developed a device that has just started to be distributed worldwide. The technique of treating obesity with its use has already gained the approval of the US Food and Drug Administration. Here are the main tenets of the new approach to obesity treatment:

  • Aspire Assist is a type of bypass. The doctor introduces it into the stomach using an endoscope, which is a small silicone tube that is inserted into the digestive system.
  • The silicone tube acts as a connection between the stomach and the rest of the body, terminating in a so-called “access point”.
  • The “Access Point” is virtually invisible and imperceptible – it is only 2 centimeters in diameter and works like a hundred.
  • This means that some food can be removed from the stomach by the patient. As a result, Aspire Assist absorbs approximately 30% of the stomach contents.

What is the great advantage of Aspire Assist? First of all, you can easily calculate the exact amount of food of which only a part will be absorbed into the body. Best of all, the patient himself cannot change the settings that are safe for him and cannot increase the number of calories allowed.

Of course, proper control and supervision by a specialist is very important. In order to continue such treatment or to abandon it, the intervention of a doctor is also necessary.

What should patients know about this treatment regimen?

Woman at the gym

Most treatments for obesity and lowering BMI carry some risk. Especially surgical interventions and the recovery period after operations are particularly important moments in which supervision and appropriate specialist care are very important.

It is worth noting that the described Aspire Assist technique is not a remedy for extreme obesity, but only a tool that helps patients regain fitness and health.

The big advantage is that it is a system that is easy to introduce into the body and its side effects are minimal. However, it is important to be aware that without taking responsibility for your own decisions and habits, even such an advanced technique will not bring you any benefits. Additionally, there are a few more aspects to consider:

  • The patient must remain under the care of a physician throughout the use of this method and must be constantly monitored. Thanks to this, a real but safe change is possible.
  • Aspire Assist should be used for approximately 5 years. After this time, it is possible to stabilize a healthy body weight, of course, while maintaining healthy eating habits and physical activity.

As you can see, medicine and science constantly offer us solutions to problems such as extreme obesity. It is a civilization disease that takes a huge toll, therefore each such novelty gives hope for a normal life to millions of patients.

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