New Year’s Resolutions To Grow As A Family

The year 2020 differed significantly from previous years, so we thought about proposing some unusual New Year’s resolutions. What would be their purpose? The development of our family.
New Year's resolutions to grow as a family

2020 ended a month and a half ago. For many weeks we have already had another year that we want to start with more enthusiasm, hope and new goals. Therefore, as at the beginning of every year, we often think about making some New Year’s resolutions.

Although in this case we propose to approach them in a completely different way. Maybe it is worth considering what goals we can pursue as a family?

It’s clear that 2020 has been extremely difficult. But these difficulties may have prompted us to reflect on the value of our family. We realized that sometimes we are so busy with our work and our problems that we forget what is really important.

So let’s put aside the usual New Year’s resolutions and take up the challenge of strengthening and integrating our family.

Before you list your New Year’s resolutions …

New Year
2021 has been with us for several weeks. Therefore, the time has come to make New Year’s resolutions.

Before you list your New Year’s resolutions for 2021, here are some tips to help you do it in the best possible way. In fact, this initial step before formulating goals will also be the basis of our development as a family.

Writing resolutions is not something that should be done individually. It is worth making commitments together as a family.

There may be goals that are not feasible or that not everyone in the family will be interested in. However, realizing this can be very inspiring. You will need to be clear about this from the outset so that the chosen goals can be achieved.

Therefore, first choose a quiet place. Attend to the task without pressure or haste, paying particular attention to calmly discussing your goals. Let this be a unique and breakthrough moment to start the year.

New Year’s Resolutions – 5 goals to grow as a family

Common goals allow us to share time with those we love the most.

While there are different New Year’s resolutions to grow as a family, we chose to go with five. In this way, we want to spare ourselves the doubts that may arise if we have too many options.

We believe that these five proposals are enough to come to an agreement with the family on which one to choose as a target for 2021.

1. Performing work as part of volunteering

Help the city animal shelter, collect food for the needy, give free lessons to young people without financial resources … There are many volunteer activities that are perfect for running as a family.

Determine how many volunteers you want to do in a given year. Determine whether the actions will be repeated periodically or only on special dates. This will make the whole family develop a desire to help others.

2. Starting a new hobby

It’s obvious that each person has a favorite pastime, but there is definitely something that your whole family enjoys doing. These can be hiking, playing sports, taking cooking lessons, learning to ride …

Whatever it is, it’s important to practice the new hobby with the whole family. You will see how much this experience will enrich everyone individually. So what hobbies will we choose?

New Year's resolutions for the good of the family
Finding a family hobby will help us grow closer.

3. Set a day without technology – it will be a great idea for New Year’s resolutions

In an age as connected as we live in today, it is very important to learn to disconnect from technology. Can we turn off the mobile phone? Can we put the tablet aside? Setting this goal for the whole family will be a way of committing to it.

Because if they all do it at the same time, we won’t feel lonely. Will one day a week without technology be real?

4. The new year is a great opportunity to start taking care of the family diet

There is a growing awareness of healthy eating around the world. It could be another New Year’s resolution to grow up as a family. How about booking one Sunday a month to cook together?

It is also worth introducing a new product to the regular diet every week, one that we have never tried. This could be a way to introduce a more balanced diet for the whole family.

Cooking together
Family cooking is one of the goals that we can propose for the next year.

5. High-quality devoting time to our loved ones

Children, adults, relationships, friends … How often do we stay with them while being absent? Because we either sit with our noses on the cell phone, or we get distracted, we don’t listen, we worry about some problem …

Over the past year, it has become clear to us that it is very important to spend valuable time with your loved ones. Therefore, it is important that this does not happen as usual. Let us focus on the present moment and on our loved ones. Let’s take advantage of every moment, devoting not only our time, but also our attention.

Commitment to New Year’s resolutions

Here’s what New Year’s resolutions can be for the whole family. Let’s admit that they are slightly different from the ordinary ones. And which of them will your family take on this new year 2021? The commitment of everyone will surely help you achieve them. The very fact that we consider them in detail will ensure that the goals are tailored to our lifestyle and our tastes.

When we start exercising as a New Year’s resolution, do we really have time for it or do we like going to the gym? Or maybe consider a week-long hiking trip with your family, or learning a new sporting hobby, such as kayaking.

We need to analyze what we are passionate about and what discipline it will be better to practice together as a family.

Personal and group development in the family is enriching. It strengthens values ​​and strengthens relationships. In this way, we use our time with those we love the most and at the same time learn a lot of new things. ..

This year 2021 can be full of change, hope, new ways to discover life. It has only just begun, so we still have time. So let’s not hesitate to choose our New Year’s resolutions, this time family?

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