Nervous Gastritis

Did you know that even your mental state can cause inflammation in your stomach? Too much worry, chronic stress and anxiety increase the production of stomach acids and can damage the lining of the digestive tract.
Nervous gastritis

Nervous gastritis is a disease caused by stress and anxiety, which increase the risk of your body becoming inflamed.

At the beginning, it is characterized by very common symptoms that may appear in us regardless of gastric inflammation.

We may experience heartburn, nausea and stomach pain. As you can see, it is difficult to identify gastritis right away when dealing with such common symptoms.

Nervous gastritis can be acute or chronic. The acute form of the disease occurs suddenly and is extremely intense, while chronic gastritis, if not properly treated, can last for years.

What causes gastritis in us? They are provoked by many factors, infections, stress or reduced immunity of the immune system.
Above all, however, research on this disease has shown that its main cause is our emotional poor state, depression and chronic stress.

Our emotions directly affect problems with the digestive system and the condition of the stomach. Of course, the so-called nervous gastritis can be cured. It is definitely recommended to visit a specialist. However, there are also home remedies to help fight this condition and ease the symptoms of the disease.

Before we look at the most effective home remedies – let’s learn more about the causes of inflammation.

Nervous gastritis – causes

Nervous gastritis can be caused by one of the following factors:

⦁ Stress
⦁ Anxiety
⦁ Traumatic experiences
⦁ Too much alcohol
⦁ Vomiting
⦁ Infections caused by allergies or viruses
⦁ Bile
reflux ⦁ Poor diet

stomach pain. mucositis

First of all, it should also be remembered that these are not the only factors influencing the development of this disease in our body. It should be noted that gastritis can also be generated by the appearance in the body of: Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

The combination of the disease generators mentioned above with this bacterium is especially dangerous. Chronic fatigue also contributes to the development of inflammation, which, if not interrupted by a moment of rest, can significantly worsen our health.

You will learn more about it in the next steps of this article.

Gastritis – the most common symptoms

Naturally, as in many other cases, it should be remembered that each organism is a unique pattern that may have different variations of the symptoms.

Below is a list of the most common symptoms:

⦁ Vomiting
⦁ Black stools
⦁ A burning sensation in the stomach
⦁ Loss of appetite
⦁ Abdominal pain
⦁ Indigestion
⦁ Nausea
⦁ Gastric
oversensitivity ⦁ Acidity

Gastritis is a curable condition, but one should take into account the risk of recurrence of ailments or the possibility of the inflammatory process being protracted.

Treatment of nervous gastritis

In the treatment of this disease, the most important is to follow a healthy and light diet that will help to regulate the symptoms and annoying symptoms of inflammation. What does this mean exactly?

Our meals should be based on natural foods: vegetables, fruit, healthy meat and fish, rice and plenty of water.

At the same time, it is important to remember about well-being, cheerfulness and a positive emotional state. As mentioned earlier, our emotions are directly related to the condition of certain aspects of our body, including the stomach. Perhaps the proverb Through the stomach to the heart had a completely different meaning?

Mental balance will help the body achieve the necessary harmony between the body and mind, the sacred and the profane. The proper functioning of the body depends as much on what we feel as on what we think.


So you need to learn to deal with stress, which is responsible for increasing the production of stomach acid and weakening the lining of the stomach.

Importantly, sport is also a great solution that will not only help you eliminate stress and stimulate the production of endorphins, but also keep your body in great condition.

Another piece of advice is to limit your intake of painkillers. If you suffer from severe mucositis episodes, you are likely going to the pharmacy to get immediate relief with medication.

This is a completely natural reaction, but it can only worsen your health and the development of your disease. We do not care about temporary solutions. Drug treatment should be well thought out and well suited to your individual profile.

Therefore, we advise you to go to a specialist to prescribe a drug that will reduce acid secretion and effectively protect the gastric mucosa.

Gastritis – home natural remedies

Is there anything you can do at home to help ease the symptoms of inflammation? The most important thing is to keep your diet under control. Food is a key factor in the treatment of nervous gastritis. Not only does it prevent any disorders, but in the long run it can also protect our digestive system.

Most importantly: avoid alcohol and tobacco, processed foods, high acid foods, dairy foods, sweets, and spicy spices that irritate your stomach.

We also recommend reaching for probiotic foods that will improve our digestion and help stimulate the processes taking place in the body. The right supplements can introduce the good bacteria into the digestive tract, which will stop the spread of Helicobacter pylori bacteria .

Healthy habits to alleviate gastritis

Research has shown that drinking green tea with honey at least once a week significantly reduces the risk of H. pylori in the digestive tract.

green tea green cup
  • You can also try a tablespoon of baking soda (approx. 9 g), which minimizes the burning sensation caused by inflammation in the stomach.
  • Another remarkably useful remedy is aloe vera, which is often used to soothe burns and skin ailments. In this case, it will allow you to reduce the consequences of mucositis.
  • Essential oils on the basis of peppermint or ginger, also well prove themselves in the fight against inflammation in the stomach.
  • Finally, remember that stress can cause and significantly worsen the symptoms and development of gastritis.

It is therefore very important to conscientiously consider changes in your lifestyle. Try to identify what is causing you anxiety and stress and find a way to eliminate these harmful generators of bad emotions.

Perhaps you will find peace through meditation or physical activity? Sports, a healthy diet, and an increased dose of rest can make you feel much better.

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