Natural Remedies For Hypertension – Step To Health

Natural remedies for high blood pressure

Hypertension is a chronic increase in blood pressure, which means your heart is working harder than it should to pump blood. Hypertension can have a negative impact on our body on many levels, it also causes a huge risk of developing serious diseases that can even lead to death. This disease is also known all over the world as “silent killer”, the name is due to its influence on the entire body and its health effects. The main causes of high blood pressure are: a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, drug use, the use of certain medications, etc.

How can hypertension be detected?

Hypertension does not usually show any obvious symptoms to indicate it. However, if you notice any of the following symptoms, it is worth contacting a doctor who will dispel any doubts. Potential symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • constant headaches
  • dizziness
  • excessive sweating
  • accelerated pulse
  • blurred vision
  • ringing in the ears
  • breathlessness
  • nervousness
  • tiredness
  • insomnia
  • palpitations
  • blushes on the face

How can hypertension be prevented and treated?

Hypertension is a disease that can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle, i.e. primarily by using a balanced and healthy diet and practicing physical activity. If we already suffer from hypertension, we can introduce into our diet foods that are natural medicines and will help us fight this disease. Would you like to know which products will be the best in the fight against hypertension?


2 # garlic-Hypertension-arterial, jpg

The properties of garlic help reduce cholesterol and improve the functioning of the circulatory system. A study by Indiana University in the United States found that eating one clove of garlic a day for three months will reduce blood pressure by 7% to 8%. Garlic can be eaten raw by adding to salads, or you can use it in powder or capsules.

Lemon and parsley cocktail

Lemon and parsley are diuretic ingredients, so they can help remove fluid that has been trapped in your body. Thanks to this, both of these products are great allies in the fight against hypertension because they help to remove the substances that cause this disease from the body.


  • one whole lemon
  • a sprig of parsley


  • Put the lemon whole, with the peel, in a blender, add the parsley and mix thoroughly. The prepared smoothie should be eaten on an empty stomach and done regularly.
  • Another good option to lower your blood pressure is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach.


3 #: limonka-Hypertension-arterial.jpg

Lime is rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, these two ingredients improve the elasticity of the arteries. You can either eat the limes whole or drink their juice, they are ideal for people suffering from hypertension because they help to control the disease and protect against the occurrence of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bruises and nosebleeds.


Oats are a product that provides many positive properties for the body, one of them is to lower blood pressure. One study from Columbia University found that eating oats lowers bad cholesterol and enhances neurological function.

Carrot and orange cocktail

4 # Carrot-Juice-Hypertension .jpg

This cocktail is ideal for regulating high blood pressure because its properties help to remove toxins from the body, fights bad cholesterol and helps to get rid of fluid retained in the body.


  • one carrot
  • one orange
  • one slice of cantaloupe or melon
  • bee honey


  • Wash, peel and cut the carrots and melon into pieces.
  • Squeeze the orange juice.
  • Put all ingredients into a blender and mix thoroughly, then drink the cocktail, preferably on an empty stomach.


Celery is considered a wonderful natural diuretic for our body. Thanks to its antioxidant and cleansing properties, this product helps remove toxins from the body and eliminates retained fluids. Its health benefits also include helping many of the body’s organs function, and it helps fight high blood pressure.

In order to get the most benefit from celery in the fight against hypertension, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of a few celery stalks and a liter of water. Boil the water, then add the celery stalks and let it brew for ten minutes before eating.

Celery can also be added to salads and other dishes in our kitchen.

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