Natural And Home Treatment For Excess Hair Removal

Have you noticed dark and thick hair in typically feminine places? They should definitely not be there! Excessive body hair is a symptom of hormonal imbalance in the body. So let’s start healing as soon as possible.
Fight excessive hair - quickly and naturally!

Hirsutism is an unpleasant disease that affects women. It is manifested by excessive hair on the face and other parts of the body. Hairs are usually dark and hard, and appear in the same places as men – on the chest, face, back, etc.

Fine, thin hairs on the face and body are completely normal for women, and their amount is an individual feature for each woman. The problem appears when the delicate fluff turns into black fluff and occurs where it was not there before.

About half of women suffering from hirsutism have elevated levels of masculinizing hormones called androgens. Discover natural remedies that will help you relieve excessive hair .

Excessive hair – direct and indirect symptoms

If excessive body hair is caused by a disorder in the secretion of a hormone called androgens, indirect symptoms may also occur, for example:

  • Irregular periods
  • Acne
  • Disappearance of the so-called female shapes
  • The presence of a number of features that are generally characteristic of men: deepening of the voice, bends, massive shoulders, and also an enlarged clitoris

If hirsutism is associated with Cushing’s syndrome, other abnormalities may also appear, such as:

  • Obesity (especially abdominal obesity)
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Sparse, weakened hair

The causes of excessive hair in women

  . be related to the following diseases and factors:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) – this disease can lead to infertility
  • Polyps of the adrenal glands and ovaries
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Taking medications that stimulate hair growth
  • Taking anabolic steroids
  • Treatment with Danazol – a drug used to treat endometriosis

It happens that women with hirsutism have levels of male hormones similar to their levels in men alone. It also happens that the increased concentration of hormones is just a natural reaction of the body and there are no obvious causes of excessive hair growth. Then doctors have a problem with the accurate determination of the cause of the disease.

High-risk groups

The following factors may increase your risk of hirsutism:

  • Genetic conditioning. Excessive hair growth may be a genetic legacy from ancestors.
  • Ethnic origin. Women from Europe, the Middle East and South Asia are more likely to develop this disease than women from other parts of the world.

Natural remedies for excessive hair

A daily diet can have a significant impact on reducing body hair. Some products reduce the level of androgen in the body in a completely natural way. Meet the food that will be your ally in the fight against hirsutism!


Fresh tomatoes
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants every day, especially red fruits (blueberries, cherries, raspberries, cranberries) and vegetables (tomatoes, pumpkin, peppers, beets).
  • Avoid eating dishes made of white, refined flour: white bread, plain wheat pasta and, above all, sugar.
  • Eat less red meat. Replace them with lean meat, cold-water fish, tofu and other soy products (unless you’re allergic to them, of course!), And legumes.
  • Use only healthy fats in your kitchen, such as olive oil or other valuable vegetable oils.
  • Reduce or completely eliminate trans fats from your diet. This is a type of unsaturated fatty acid found in popular ready-made foods such as salty crackers, cookies, cakes, french fries, onion rings, donuts, in processed foods, ready-made meals, and some margarines.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.


The use of herbal infusions is an old-world way to strengthen the body. Regular intake of substances derived from medicinal plants is like therapy, and the use of any therapy should be consulted with your doctor beforehand. Before you start treating excessive hair on your own, seek professional advice.

How to consume herbs?
  • You can reach for herbs in powdered form (capsules, granules and infusions) or in the form of glycerin extracts or tinctures (alcohol extracts).
  • Unless the manufacturer has specified exactly how to use the preparation, prepare 1 teaspoon of herbs per 1 cup of hot water. Infuse for 5-10 minutes (leaves and flowers) or 10-20 minutes (roots).
  • The following herbs are recommended for relieving the symptoms of hirsutism, but most of them have not been scientifically tested for this. Before using any medicinal plant that could affect your hormones, it’s always worth talking to your doctor.
  • Herbal treatments should be abandoned by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and ladies planning to enlarge their family. Women whose relatives have had breast, uterine or ovarian cancer or have suffered from any hormonal disorders should not take such supplements, unless under medical supervision.
Herbal infusion


Saw palmetto ( Serenoa repens )

It has an anti-androgenic effect. This means that it reduces the levels of male hormones in the body. It is usually recommended for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, although there is no scientific evidence as to whether or not it can work in this regard.

This type of palm tree can also increase the body’s production of red blood cells. If you are taking anticoagulant medications, consult your doctor before taking this treatment. Also, seek advice when you are taking hormonal medications.

Immaculate monks ( Vitex agnus castus )

This plant also has anti-androgenic properties. The Immaculate Conception monks, however, can interfere with the action of some antipsychotic drugs, as well as some drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

Black bug ( Actaea racemosa )

Like the previous two plants, black cohosh has properties that naturally lower the concentration of androgens in the blood.  

However, it should not be used for any liver problems. Since black cohosh can increase blood clotting, it should not be used by people suffering from any disorders in this area.

Mint green ( Mentha spicata )

One cup of the infusion twice a day for several weeks is enough.

Research at an experimental level has shown that women with hirsutism who drink spearmint infusions have less testosterone (the male hormone) in their blood than those who do not drink this herbal tea. Scientists believe that spearmint infusions can slightly ease the symptoms of hirsutism.


Another natural way to deal with hirsutism is acupuncture. While little research has been done to date, some of them indicate that acupuncture may indeed have the effect of reducing both the thickness of the hair and its length. It can also help lower your testosterone levels.

Acupuncture, or needles on the skin

Different treatments for hirsutism can gradually pay off. After a long period of time, even meditation can reduce the growth of body hair, but it is generally not possible to completely get rid of existing hair. This is where other cosmetic techniques come in handy, such as laser hair removal, waxing, etc.

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