Muscle Growth – 4 Delicious Breakfast Recipes

If you thought that a diet to build muscle mass is based on a few repetitive dishes and ingredients, let us share four recipes for delicious, varied breakfasts.
Muscle gain - 4 delicious breakfast recipes

How do you feel about your body? For some people, weight is the biggest worry, but losing weight and losing unnecessary kilograms is not enough. Equally important – if not even more important – is muscle gain.

This article will be useful to people who are very thin, have just shed a lot of excess pounds, or think they need more muscle. Below you will find four breakfast recipes to help you gain muscle mass.

You will discover that you can achieve your goal in a simple, practical… and tasty way. Try all of the recipes below and eat them frequently. Thanks to the variety of flavors, textures and characters of these dishes, as well as the possibility of changes and enrichment, you will not get bored with them.

Breakfast recipes that will accelerate the growth of muscle mass

1. Greek yogurt

Our first breakfast proposition to support the growth of muscle mass is Greek yogurt, famous for its beneficial health properties. One of its characteristic features is its high protein content.

It also has a nice, smooth and thick texture. You can always enrich and diversify the taste of yogurt by combining it with additives such as fruit, nuts or oatmeal. There are endless ways to eat Greek yogurt! Here is our suggestion:

You can eat Greek yogurt in many ways.


  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt (280 g)
  • ½ cup of oats (45 g)
  • 5 drops of vanilla essence
  • 2 teaspoons of almond flakes

A method of preparing

  • In the evening, combine all ingredients in a bowl or large mug.
  • Put in the fridge overnight.
  • The next day, stir the yogurt and eat it.

If you fancy a slightly sweeter version, replace the almonds with raisins or dried fruit. Did you forget to make yogurt the night before? You will still have time to eat a delicious breakfast. Prepare the yogurt and let it rest for 30 minutes.

2. Egg sandwich on whole wheat bread

Egg yolks are a source of high-quality, healthy fat that supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Wholegrain bread, on the other hand, is a dose of fiber and energy.

An egg sandwich is a great idea for a hot breakfast.


  • scrambled eggs from 2 eggs
  • 2 slices of whole grain wheat bread

A method of preparing

  • Prepare scrambled eggs according to your usual favorite recipe.
  • Put the eggs on the bread.
  • Eat a warm sandwich.

If you need a special dose of energy, add vegetables to the scrambled eggs. You won’t get bored with the taste of an egg sandwich if you add spinach or colorful paprika to it.

3. Cottage cheese with fruit

Who doesn’t like cottage cheese? This is a great alternative to Greek yogurt. Eating cheese will provide you with similar benefits, and at the same time will make you not bored with the taste and texture of the yogurt.

So reach for cottage cheese when you feel that you do not necessarily want Greek yoghurt. It effectively supports the growth of muscle mass and the best thing is that you can eat it at any time of the day, including lunch, tea or dinner.

Cottage cheese effectively supports the growth of muscle mass and can be eaten sweet and salty.


  • 1 package of cottage cheese (250 g)
  • 1 serving of fruit (e.g. apple, banana, 6 medium strawberries)
  • Cinnamon (optional)

A method of preparing

  • Mix ingredients and eat.

Remember not to add any artificial sweeteners to the cheese.  Such cheese has a light, delicate flavor and it is not difficult to extract it – fruit and cinnamon are enough. You can also replace cinnamon with vanilla essence.

To create a wholesome meal, eat cream cheese with two slices of whole grain wheat bread. You can also eat cheese in a dry version, if you are bored with the sweet one. Add the radish or chives to it.

4. Custard, or English cream

Are you looking for an idea for a dish that will accelerate the growth of muscle mass, but at the same time will be as creamy and sweet as a dessert? If you do not feel like eating earlier dishes today, the English cream will surely convince you.

It is delicious and rich in carbohydrates, proteins and natural fats. It will taste good for both children and adults. It is a great replacement for ready-made chocolate and nut creams full of unnecessary sugar.


  • 1 cup of dry oatmeal (240 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter (30 g)
  • ½ cup of low-fat milk (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural or vanilla protein powder (15 g)
  • a few drops of stevia

A method of preparing

  • Put all ingredients in a blender container and blend for a few minutes until a smooth cream is obtained.

After blending the ingredients, you will get a cream that is great for spreading on sandwiches. If you prefer a more fluid consistency suitable for eating with a spoon like pudding, add more milk.

Now you know that breakfasts supporting muscle mass growth do not have to be boring and repetitive. However, they can be delicious, varied and easy to prepare.

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