Mold And Fungus – 7 Proven Methods

In addition to using effective methods to fight mold and fungus, it is also necessary to regularly ventilate and ventilate the rooms to get rid of unpleasant odors.
Mold and fungus - 7 proven ways

Mold  and fungus on walls are a problem in many homes and apartments. It can be caused by inadequate ventilation of rooms or too high humidity. The fungus is not only very unsightly and unpleasant, but also dangerous to our health.

Excessive humidity and indoor mold  growth  can cause respiratory problems and allergies.

Fungus on the walls and the ugly stains it leaves are a big problem, fortunately there are many home-proven ways to help you fight it. Below you will find as many as 7 effective methods to fight mold and fungus in your home.

1. White vinegar protects against mold

Vinegar and lemon

White vinegar is one of the most effective home remedies to fight fungus and mold in your home.

It can be used both in the bathroom and in the kitchen, or other rooms affected by this problem. Of course, the smell of vinegar can be a bit bothersome, but when you prepare the right solution, you will forget about this inconvenience.

What will you need?

  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 spray bottle

How to prepare the solution?

  • Dilute the vinegar with the indicated proportions with water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Shake and spray the vinegar solution on any surfaces where mold and fungus have developed.
  • Let the haze spread around the room.
  • Repeat the vinegar spray every day for a week.
  • If mold stains are extremely hard to remove, change the proportions – use more vinegar and less water.

2. Open windows regularly

Regularly opening windows and airing rooms is the easiest way to protect yourself and your home from mold and fungi.

Adequate air circulation helps to dry rooms and changes the environment to the extent that mold and fungus cannot grow on the same scale as in a humid environment.

Ventilating your home every day will not only help you deal with unpleasant odors, but will also protect you from many health effects caused by mold.

3. Do not cover the stains with mold

Many people, wanting to hide the stains that mold has left on the walls, cover them with furniture and other household items. This is a huge mistake because then the air stops reaching the surface, which only contributes to the growth of fungi.

It is definitely better to move the furniture a sufficient distance and ensure air circulation in the room.

4. Do not hang the laundry inside the house

One of the most common mistakes is hanging laundry around your home. Damp fabrics increase the air humidity in a given room, making mold and fungi a perfect environment for growth. It also makes it difficult to get rid of unpleasant odors in your home.

5. Baking soda for mold and fungus

baking soda

Baking soda is a universal product when it comes to cleaning your home with natural methods. Not only will it help you remove odors, it will also deal with mold and fungus stains.

Soda is a very mild product with antibacterial and antifungal properties, thanks to which it effectively absorbs unpleasant odors and cleans even the toughest dirt.

How to use baking soda to remove mold?

  • Rub some baking soda directly on where the mold has developed. Leave for about two hours.
  • Remove excess baking soda with a brush.
  • You can also put the baking soda in several small containers and place them at different points in your apartment. This way you will deal with unpleasant odors and prevent the re-growth of mold.

6. Fight mold with sea salt

Sea salt is another natural product that will help you eliminate mold in your closed spaces. Salt has a disinfecting effect, neutralizes unpleasant odors and prevents the growth of fungi and mold.

How to remove mold with sea salt?

  • Put sea salt in small dishes or canvas bags and place them in the most sensitive points of your home, e.g. in cupboards, in the corner of the bathroom, etc.
  • Change salt once a month.

7. Borax against mold and fungi


Borax is another product with an antifungal effect, which, unlike agents such as bleach, does not damage the surface and is not harmful to the environment.

Borax has many different uses in housework, but today we are interested in its effects on mold and fungi.

What should i do?

  • First of all, remember that you will need disposable gloves to work with borax.
  • Dilute a tablespoon of this substance in two liters of water.
  • Apply borax directly to the surface affected by fungus and mold, rub with a brush and leave for half an hour.
  • After this time, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

As you can see, there are many home remedies for mold and fungus that have no side effects and help you deal with this annoying problem. Be sure to follow some of our tips and say goodbye to mold and fungus once and for all.

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