Mint Tea For Headache And Stomach Ache

Both the mint tea itself and the essential oils contained in it can bring relief from nagging headaches and general states of malaise. This beneficial infusion also improves digestion and reduces stomach pain.
Mint tea for headache and stomach ache

Sipped slowly, lukewarm mint tea is an irreplaceable medicine on days when we have a headache or stomach ailments.

Tea from this medicinal plant provides our body with much-needed nutrients, effective in improving the condition of our digestive system, as well as in treating minor health ailments that affect us every day.

As we know, there are many types of mint, but the one in the tea we are describing is peppermint.

You can easily find it in any natural products and health food store. Peppermint is the variety most often used for making infusions and teas, both for relaxation and pleasure.

Would you like to know the properties of mint tea? So read this article!

Mint tea – plants with many properties

Peppermint has been used for centuries as one of those wonderful plants that heals both mind and body. It owes its soothing and calming properties to its fragrance, which is hidden in the essential oils it contains, which – surprisingly – can relax, but also give energy and stimulate.


We’ll explain everything to you later in the article.

Mint tea and the digestive system

  • According to Medical News Today, the essential oil contained in mint is an effective aid for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Both mint tea and capsules with its extract, which you can buy at a pharmacy, have a good effect on our health.
  • Mint has properties that aid digestion and stimulate the secretion of bile. As a result, the food we consume is much more efficiently broken down and absorbed in our intestines.
  • Thanks to its active ingredients, mint tea relieves stomach pain and intestinal discomfort by reducing gas.
  • As a curiosity, we will tell you that a few leaves of mint or a few drops of mint essential oil can be a great substitute for sugar. It will add a unique, intense flavor to your dishes and drinks. Try it – for example, in your morning cup of coffee.

Mint and a headache

Mint tea is an effective vasodilator. This, in turn, will help you effectively fight the nagging headaches caused by tension and fatigue.

Mint tea

Of course, if you suffer from migraines, you can’t count on mint tea to cure you. However, peppermint essential oil may prove effective in this case.

  • If you suffer from migraines, it’s a good idea to apply two drops of mint essential oil to your temples, followed by a gentle massage with circular movements. Due to the fact that the mint widens the blood vessels, your blood circulation will slow down and you will feel quick relief.
  • If your headache is accompanied by dizziness and nausea, lukewarm mint tea may be effective. It is important that it is neither very hot nor very cold. Such tea has the best properties for you and your health.

Mint and the respiratory system

  • Mint is a plant very rich in ascorbic acid, an active ingredient that helps us effectively get rid of a runny nose when we catch a cold.
  • At the same time, mint is known as an effective means of unblocking our respiratory tract. It also effectively regulates the temperature of our body when we are caught by a fever.
  • A substance contained in mint leaves, known as tinol, is a remedy for troublesome coughing attacks. It is the most powerful cough suppressant used by the pharmaceutical industry.

Mint tea for headache and stomach ache


  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) of mint
  • A glass (200 ml) of water
  • 1 teaspoon (7.5 g) of organic honey


  • To get the most benefit from this infusion, it is best to use a clay pot to brew it. Teapots made of aluminum or any other metal destroy some of the properties of mint when boiled.
  • The first thing we will do when making mint tea is washing its leaves thoroughly. Then bring the water to a boil and – when it starts to boil – add mint to it. In this way, the priceless essential oils contained in it will gradually be released.
    Mint infusion
  • It is a good idea to reduce the fire under the infusion as much as possible. Thanks to this, it will brew gradually and we will get a valuable drink.
  • The mint tea should boil for about 20 minutes. Later, we should let it brew for another 10 minutes. For a delicious drink, pour it through a strainer and pour it into your favorite cup. Sweeten with honey and enjoy your delicious mint tea.

Mint – contraindications

  • Mint should not be consumed by children under two years of age, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • If you suffer from stomach ulcers or gallstones, it would be best to minimize the consumption of mint. Why? As we mentioned earlier, this plant stimulates the secretion of bile.

Mint massages in case of a headache

In order to take full advantage of the properties of mint, if you suffer from an insistent pressure headache or caused by fatigue, it is worth buying peppermint essential oil. You can easily find it at a pharmacy or in natural products stores.

As you can see, mint is an inconspicuous remedy for many common ailments. Would you like to try it out?

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