Mind – Increase Its Efficiency Using 7 Methods

To improve your mental agility, you need to challenge it every day to keep it from becoming lazy. Find out what exercises you can do to keep your mind constantly stimulated to work.
Mind - Increase its efficiency using 7 methods

An efficient mind can quickly carry out cognitive processes, which makes it easier to draw conclusions and make decisions. Thanks to this, you are able to create and analyze events and information and take further actions without hesitation.

It is worth knowing that a sharp and efficient mind is not only a feature of young people, nor is it any special gift.

On the contrary, it is a skill that can be consciously worked on and developed so that it does not weaken with age and allows you to quickly adapt to a changing environment.

The mind can be trained, just as you can develop your muscles by exercising.

It is worth spending at least a few minutes each day for training, thanks to which you will improve communication between the cerebral hemispheres.

Over time, you will notice that your mind becomes more agile and that it is easier to absorb new information and analyze situations in your private and professional life.

Find out what exercises you can do every day to raise your mental fitness.

1. Remove and put on clothes with eyes closed

Even if you only have time to do it once a day, it’s really worth dressing up or undressing with your eyes closed.

This exercise may seem ridiculous, but it activates numerous processes:

  • First, it improves coordination.
  • Optimizes the connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
  • Performing tasks with eyes closed increases motor skills.
  • It helps to create mental maps determining the distance between buttons, how to put on sleeves, fasten zippers, etc.

Always do this exercise in a safe environment, such as while sitting on the bed rather than standing up.

2. The estimation game – activate your mind

the woman is reading the book

Keeping our mind fit requires systematic work. However, this can be achieved quite easily by doing short and simple exercises that will challenge the brain of some sort.

The estimation game is something you can do on a daily basis that only requires a little time, attention, guesswork, and calculations.

For example, you can try to estimate:

  • How many stairs are there in your workplace?
  • How many people on the bus are wearing something black?
  • What is the sum of all the numbers on the license plate of the passing car?
  • In how many seconds will the light turn green?

These types of puzzles are a great way to regularly activate your brain and improve your attention and your estimation and counting skills.

3. Learn 5 new words in a foreign language every day

It doesn’t matter which language you choose or whether it will be a different language every day. To improve your mental agility, try to learn three to five new words each day.

Such an exercise will not only help you open up to the world, but also increase your language skills and help create new neural connections that will then be used to solve everyday problems.

4. Make a lot of changes to your daily routine

the woman is dancing

Repetitive activities are one of the greatest enemies of an efficient mind. When your brain has no new challenges ahead of it, it goes into automatic mode of operation.

If your cognitive processes are confined to the same elements, where there is no room for creativity, freedom or pleasure, the brain simply starts to slow down.

This results in a gradual weakening of memory, difficulty concentrating, slower reaction time, etc. Try to make an hour or two just for yourself every day. These moments are a real gift to your mind.

5. Discuss, prioritize and draw conclusions

Interpersonal relationships, positive contacts or conversations that broaden your horizons and knowledge are the best “fuel” for your mind.

Thanks to them, you learn to process information faster and decide what is important and make decisions more efficiently. As surprising as it may be, even arguing is good training for your brain.

All these elements improve the ability to concentrate, speed up reaction time, and increase the level of assertiveness and emotional involvement.

After all, the ability to conduct discussions respectfully is one of the hallmarks of people with a very good mind.

6. Keep a journal

writing a journal

Many people have the habit of keeping a diary and writing down their thoughts and memories on paper.

This is a very good exercise for your mind. With daily writing, you learn to register your thoughts and events with words and stories.

By writing down your thoughts you are making your brain work, and describing events and associated feelings is a great way to put things at a distance and relax.

Writing also enhances your creativity. You will find that when you start writing, you will feel the urge to record as many events as possible. It’s like opening a door with countless paths to discover.

7. Walk every day


Mind and body are closely related. If your body is tired and stressed, your mind will not be able to work at full capacity. Your creativity and ability to relax and concentrate will decline.

It’s worth running every day, or at least taking a quick walk. In this way, you will clear your mind and relax your body.

Physical activity provides the body and brain with much needed oxygen, which improves blood circulation and the amount of nutrients supplied in all organs.

If you want to keep your mind fit, keep learning new things and set new tasks for your brain each day.

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