Mental Health: What Could Be Helpful?

Mental health: what could be helpful?

Mental health can be improved with exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and specific habits and therapies. In today’s article, we will present some effective tips to help you optimize your mental well-being!

Mental health is all about psychological well-being. We include your own sense of well-being. good ability to process feelings and manage relationships.

To achieve stable mental health, we need to work on our confidence, self-esteem, and stress management. Another key pillar is building good relationships with other people.

Be aware that being psychologically healthy involves much more than not being depressed or not feeling anxious. Let’s find out why this is so!

Physical health is linked to mental health

One of the Latin phrases says: “Mens sana in corpore sano”, which translates to: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” In order to achieve good mental health, we must not forget about caring for our bodies.

Mental well-being improves with the improvement of the physical condition. Although many people are unaware of it, exercise also benefits the brain. They help release endorphins, and the chemicals they contain affect the state of the brain.

A study from the University of the Basque Country found that exercise makes the brain feel grateful.

In addition, it activates the reward system in the brain, i.e. the area of ​​moral cognition, which includes the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex. They are related to the perception of emotions and motivation.

Watch your habits

Woman on the beach

It is very important that we see our body as a whole, not separate parts. The human body works synchronously. Therefore, a proper sleep schedule and a healthy diet are key pillars of good mental health.

At the same time, we must avoid toxic habits. Drinking alcohol or taking any other narcotic substance will alter our mental health. Doctors urge us to avoid them because, in addition to the addiction problem, they can cause significant mood swings.

In 2010, a scientific study concluded that yoga is the optimal treatment for addiction and bad habits, as we derive physical and psychological advantages from such therapy.

Reduce stress to improve your mental health

The current modern lifestyle means that our everyday life is filled with stressful situations and anxiety. Therefore, learning to manage stress plays a key role, or at least the ability to reduce it even a little to improve our mental health and overall well-being.

The idea is to compensate for all the negative feelings that come from our daily routine with the little things that make us happy or relax us. You can also try relaxing exercises such as yoga or Pilates.

In addition, the situation can also be significantly improved by taking a short trip outside the city or away from the negative environment.

Express your opinions

It’s normal to sometimes feel anxious or nervous about expressing our opinions or feelings. Nobody wants to be rejected by the group or offend others. This is why speaking freely is often a bit complicated.

However, constantly keeping your feelings, preferences, or ideas to yourself can create psychological problems. You must learn to express yourself freely and without fear. This will help you get a feeling of freedom and peace.

Group therapy - mental health

Psychological therapies

In addition to the tips above, there are also other options that improve mental health. First of all, it is worth considering psychotherapy. There are different types, but most have similar benefits:

  • They provide the tools necessary to better deal with conflicts and to make changes to limiting beliefs.
  • They provide support and confidentiality that help to let go of what’s on our mind.
  • They are extremely useful in getting to know yourself better.

Another alternative that can improve your mental health is support groups. It is built on a common specific problem and provides friendship, support, and examples of improvement.

Medications also play a key role in some mental health problems. They allow you to create the right therapy based on scientific evidence, which significantly improves the symptoms, although they depend on the type of disease and the patient. Occasionally  hospital treatment may be necessary.


In summary, each person benefits from different remedies or treatments differently. Therefore, if there is anything that threatens your mental health, you should see a specialist as soon as possible. Psychodzogs and psychiatrists are people who can help you improve your life and psychological well-being.

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