Marjoram: Good And Bad Sides

Marjoram is used in many recipes. Besides, its properties soothe digestive and hormonal problems.
Marjoram: good and bad sides

Marjoram  (Origanum majorana)  is an aromatic herb known from Mediterranean cuisine. It belongs to the  Lamiaceae family and has healing properties.Do you know the good sides of marjoram and its side effects?

According to an article published in  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , marjoram is grown in countries such as Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Germany and France. It is generally credited with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, digestive and antioxidant properties. We will tell you more about the uses of marjoram.

Scientifically proven benefits of marjoram

In the kitchen, marjoram adds flavor to soups, salads and meat dishes. Moreover, in traditional medicine  it is used to stimulate digestion and relieve symptoms associated with menstruation. However, it also has other advantages.

To date, there is no hard evidence that marjoram is effective in treating diseases. So it cannot replace drugs. Consult a doctor if you are ill.

It soothes stomach problems

Marjoram helps with stomach ulcers.

In natural medicine, marjoram is used for digestive problems. As shown by a study published in  The American Journal of Chinese Medicine , this plant prevents ulcers  due to the presence of essential oils, flavonoids and tannins.

Moreover, a plant study published in the  Brazilian Journal of Microbiology suggests that marjoram prevents food-borne diseases. It is particularly active against the pathogen known as  Clostridium perfringens .

Regulates the menstrual cycle

Marjoram supports women’s health, especially the turmoil of the menstrual cycle. Both the extract and the tea  are effective in restoring the hormonal balance.

The results of the study, published in the  Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, show that marjoram tea helps women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Apparently, it regulates the hormonal balance and insulin levels.

It prevents infections

Many advantages of marjoram are related to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thanks to it, the extract helps to prevent and heal infections. A study published in  Global Advances in Health and Medicine  suggests that marjoram prevents bacteria from overgrowing in the small intestine. 

Moreover, diluted essential oil prevents fungal infections of the skin. More evidence is needed, but it is considered safe for most healthy adults.


It is better not to eat marjoram while pregnant.

You already know the main benefits of marjoram. It’s time to look at the  side effects and interactions with other factors. When in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor.

  • Pregnant and nursing women should avoid marjoram tea and supplements. According to the study of the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the  impact of marjoram on the hormonal balance may then be negative.
  • Marjoram supplements may adversely affect blood clotting. Therefore, it is better to avoid it if we are having trouble with this aspect.
  • This plant and its extracts react with diabetes medications and lower blood sugar levels. Diabetes should therefore avoid it, unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

How to use the benefits of marjoram?

If there are no contraindications for the use of marjoram,  you can add it in small amounts to your dishes. You can also mix it with olive oil and season with a mixture of soups, stews, salads, vegetables and other dishes.

If you consume marjoram in the form of tea or supplements, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Consultation with a doctor would be optimal.

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