Mango To Fight Constipation – Learn How To Eat It

Rich in fiber and polyphenols, mango is one of the fruits that deal with constipation naturally. Instead of reaching for pharmacy laxatives, eat mangoes. Find out how to eat them to improve your digestive system!
Mango fights constipation!  - How to eat them to feel relieved?

Did you know mango fights constipation ? Well, this fruit not only tastes great, but also has strong healing properties. Its inclusion in the daily diet can have a very beneficial effect on the metabolic rate.

Mango fights constipation because one of its basic ingredients is dietary fiber, which is a substance that supports digestive processes and facilitates the excretion of waste products from the intestines, especially those accumulated in the colon.

Find out how to consume this exotic fruit so that it positively influences our digestive system. Here are some great ideas for adding it to your daily diet.

Do you have problems with bowel movements? – Mango fights constipation

Many of us turn to synthetic laxatives when constipated. Their producers tempt us with promises of immediate effect, express weight loss and improved gut health, not to mention the side effects of using this type of preparation.

Instead of harming yourself, it is better to reach for natural solutions. Mango is perfect for eliminating constipation. This exotic fruit not only has no negative side effects, but also perfectly nourishes our body and is delicious. So let’s include it permanently in your daily diet.

What’s more, juicy mango is a good source of energy for our body, because the sugars it contains are absorbed slowly, so that they do not cause sudden spikes in blood glucose.

How does mango fight constipation?

Mango is a sweet and juicy fruit originally from South Asia, where it has been known for almost five thousand years. Today it is grown all over the world in hundreds of different varieties.

Its thick and smooth skin can therefore be red, green or yellow. Oval fruits can weigh up to about half a kilo.

Woman with stomach ache

Already in ancient times, mango was a highly valued food product, mainly due to the richness of nutrients it contained, such as vitamins A, C and B group, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The effect of mangoes on our digestive system

  • Due to its high fiber content, mango is extremely effective in combating constipation, improving intestinal peristalsis and overall digestive health.
  • Fiber in combination with water swells in the digestive tract, thus facilitating the process of eliminating unnecessary metabolic products from the body.
  • Mango is also a source of polyphenols, organic chemicals with antioxidant properties that naturally fight inflammation in the body. Their proper assimilation by the body improves the intestinal bacterial flora and stimulates the excretion of toxins and other harmful substances.
  • Vitamin C strengthens immunity. It is worth noting that mango contains a lot of it (about 40% of the body’s daily requirement for this substance). In addition, it inhibits the action of free radicals and increases the presence of antibodies in the body.

How To Eat Mangoes To Fight Constipation?

If constipation is very bothersome, we can enhance the effects of mango by adding other ingredients with a slightly laxative effect.

Thanks to them, you will avoid the need to use pharmaceutical – chemical and harmful – preparations. Remember that mangoes fight constipation naturally and without negative side effects.

Mango and oatmeal cocktail

By combining mango with oatmeal, we get a drink very rich in dietary fiber, which can easily cope with any, even the most persistent constipation.

Mango smoothie fights constipation

At the same time, this drink provides a feeling of fullness for a long time, thus helping to control your appetite and prevent unhealthy snacks between meals.


  • 1 ripe mango
  • 2 tablespoons of oat flakes (30 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

A method of preparing

  • First, peel the mango and cut its flesh into small pieces. It is best to slice the fruit along the stone.
  • Then toss the juicy flesh into a blender cup, add oatmeal and a glass of water.
  • Blend for a few minutes until you get the consistency of a creamy smoothie.
  • Finally, sweeten the drink with a little honey and drink it.

How and when to drink?

  • The most beneficial for the digestive system is consuming a mango smoothie on an empty stomach or as an adjunct to breakfast.
  • Drink a smoothie for constipation at least three times a week. And if the problem is extremely troublesome, do it every day.

Healing mango mousse fights constipation

The following mousse is a great recipe not only for healthy intestines, but also a delicious dessert. Children will surely love it! You can serve it both for breakfast and for afternoon tea.


  • 1 gelatin leaf
  • ½ glass of water (125 ml)
  • 4 ripe mangoes
  • 1 cup of low-fat plain yogurt (200 ml)

A method of preparing

  • First, dissolve the gelatin in hot water.
  • Then, cut the mango into small pieces and toss them into the blender cup.
  • Add the dissolved gelatin and yoghurt to it and blend until smooth.
  • Pour the resulting mousse into a glass dish and put it in the refrigerator.

How and when to eat?

  • Eat a well-chilled dessert, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach or as an addition to breakfast. You can eat another portion for afternoon tea.

Mango and coconut milk smoothie

This mango smoothie also contains coconut milk, which is a valuable source of healthy fatty acids and amino acids.

This drink, in addition to relieving constipation and improving digestion, also gives energy and helps to increase the physical performance of the body. It is recommended as part of the diet of every active person.

Mango and mint smoothie


  • 2 ripe mangoes
  • 1 cup of coconut milk (200 ml)
  • Ice cubes (optional)

A method of preparing

  • Peel the mango and cut into smaller pieces.
  • Then throw them into a blender cup, add coconut milk and blend into a smooth, creamy smoothie.
  • Finally, add a few ice cubes and you’re done!

How and when to drink?

  • Both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to consume the cocktail at least three times a week in the afternoon hours.

Have we convinced you that mangoes fight constipation? Consume healing cocktails and desserts regularly, not only when your stomach feels heavy, you have digestive problems or you have been using the toilet for several days without fruit. Mango is a fruit that should permanently appear on your daily menu.

This exotic fruit can be eaten in many different ways! In addition, it is healthy, nutritious, provides a feeling of fullness and good energy for life!

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