Lemon – 9 Surprising Properties

Lemon can be used not only as a household cleaner. Lemon juice is helpful in many ailments – it relieves stomach pain or reduces nausea. Lemon also contains minerals that reduce pain in sore muscles.
Lemon - 9 surprising properties

Lemon is one of the most attractive fruits in terms of its various uses. Lemon juice can be used to season salads or fish, or to make delicious and healthy drinks from it.

However, the properties of lemon are not only limited to its taste. Lemon has many other uses as well. Squeeze lemon juice and take advantage of the amazing properties of this fruit for a healthier lifestyle!

1. Lemon removes the feeling of nausea

Whether you suffer from pregnancy sickness in the morning or motion sickness in the morning, one thing is for sure, nausea is always unpleasant. Just 2 drops of frozen lemon oil on a lump of sugar can help with these ailments.

Woman leaning over the toilet

After sprinkling the cubes, let the sugar dissolve in your mouth. The nausea should pass within seconds without applying any extra effort.

2. Gives a flash of silver

In many homes you can find silverware, especially one that has been inherited from relatives. It is important that the silver cutlery is kept in good condition so that it can decorate the table wonderfully during festive occasions.

Then rinse the silverware with warm water and wipe it with a chamois cloth. This method is much safer than using chemical silver cleaning products that are available in stores.

3. Lemon kills bacteria

Have you ever wondered what could be on your washing sponge after using it continuously for several weeks? It may be hard to believe, but the humidity in the bathroom causes the bacteria that has been transferred from your body to the sponge to multiply.

This causes the sponge to smell and sometimes even cause infections. Fortunately, you don’t have to clean the sponge every week, just disinfect it once a month.

To disinfect the sponge, use the juice squeezed from 15 lemons and add some hot water to it. Leave the sponge soaked for 24 hours. After this time, the sponge will be like new again.

4. Deters ants

Have ants mastered your kitchen? You certainly don’t want them to get into the fruit your children are going to eat. The use of chemical agents does not convince you? Lemon will help you get rid of this problem.

Ant and leaf

Try to put lemon peel in places where ants are likely to enter your home or where you most see them.

There is a chance that ants’ nests may be inside your home. In this case, spray lemon juice directly on such areas. This should eliminate the presence of the pheromone of these insects, which may attract other ants.

5. Lemon is an excellent microwave cleaner

Many people use a microwave to heat meals. This often causes the microwave to absorb odors quite quickly and stains the inside with food residues. Lemon is an easy and quick way to get rid of this problem.

Soak the sponge or cloth you usually use to clean the microwave with lemon juice, or you can pour some lemon juice into a cup of water and put it in the microwave.

Turn on the microwave for approx. 1-2 minutes, so that the water in the cup evaporates. Then, simply wipe the inside of the microwave with a soft sponge.

6. It acts as a natural self-tanner

Ever wanted to sunbathe without lying on the beach or by the pool? Now that’s not a problem anymore. You only need to make tea.

Lemon will allow you to have a tanned back, because it will act like a sunscreen


  • 0.5 liters of water
  • 3 green tea bags
  • the juice of half a lemon


  • Boil the water and add the tea bags.
  • Let the tea brew for about 10 minutes, then add the lemon juice.
  • Allow the mixture to cool down, then smear your skin and let the mixture work on your skin overnight. The next day you will notice that your skin has a darker shade, all without leaving your home.

This method is completely natural, but it should not be used too often, as lemon may be irritating and, if used over a long period of time, will adversely affect the skin.

7. Lemon disinfects the bathroom

There is a lot of sediment in the bathroom, which becomes more and more difficult to remove with time. In this case, use lemon essential oil.

The mix below should solve this problem. In a sprayer, mix lemon oil with a teaspoon of powdered wine stone (also known as acid potassium tartrate or tartarus) and 2 tablespoons of vodka, then spray over the areas where the sediment has appeared. Leave for 10-30 minutes.

Then rinse off any splashes and you’re done! Clean bathroom without unnecessary effort.

8. Removes red wine stains

Red wine connoisseurs are concerned about stains that this wine can leave on clothing. These stains are difficult to remove with conventional detergents. Lemon juice helps in this situation, which will quickly and effectively remove stubborn stains.

First, sprinkle the stain with lemon juice. Then add detergent to the area. Leave for 10 to

Red wine poured into a glass

30 minutes, then rinse with very hot water.

Then wash the garment using your usual washing method. You will be surprised to find that the stain is gone.

9. Soothes muscle aches

Are you planning to start exercising again after a break of several months? Are you trying out a new sport? You are probably worried about annoying soreness. You can avoid them. All you need to do is drink a glass of mineral water with the juice of one lemon.

After a few hours, you will feel the pain is gone and you can easily use your muscles again.

Use the tips above and you’ll soon discover that you’re using lemon for more than just preparing your meals!

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