Languages ​​of Love: Learn 5 Examples

Love can be expressed in different ways. What is your love language? Do people only use one of them? By reading today’s article, you will learn about the most important love languages and which one you use!

What are love languages ? Is there only one language of love? And is love universal?

Theorizing or thinking about love is something people have been doing for ages. However, we have not been able to come to any conclusions.

One person who has dedicated their lives to the study of love is Gary Chapman, a marriage counselor and author of a book on the Five Languages ​​of Love. In his book, the  5 languages ​​of love. The world’s most popular marriage guide has  analyzed the different ways people use them to express this feeling.

While each person has their own style and way of giving and receiving love, most agree that love plays a very important role in their lives. Chapman proposes that a couple can gain a better understanding once the partners understand their love languages.

What are love languages?

Chapman says that partners often don’t understand each other or speak different languages because their love languages ​​are not the same.

She also believes that people often love others in the way they would like to receive it themselves. Therefore, I propose that people get to know the different love languages ​​and learn their own in order to try to understand better those that are used by others.

Sometimes it seems as though each partner communicates differently, which leads to conflicts.

1. Assuring words about feelings

It is one of the most important love languages. The words you say to your partner show him how much you appreciate him or how important he is to you. Sometimes they are spontaneous and sometimes more deliberate.

It’s important to emphasize that to be credible, they need to be honest and based on what you feel or think. Nor can you assume that your partner knows how you are feeling. Knowing and affirming help to strengthen the relationship.

Make sure what you say is not empty talk. Remember that words have little value when they don’t go hand in hand with actions!

2. Time spent together

In a society that values ​​behaviors such as doing many things at once and in which we use cell phones 24 hours a day , the time spent together becomes even more valuable and worth remembering.

It often happens that when someone asks you after the meeting how the person you met there is doing, you don’t quite know what to say.

This is because you were not fully present there. This is why time should be measured in quality, not in quantity. Use your time to fully pay attention to your partner, listen to them and share moments together.

3. Gifts

This is another of the five love languages ​​defined by Chapman. The author claims that the gift itself does not matter. What matters is the effort a person put into finding and purchasing it.

Even so, many people wonder, at least in part, whether the word “gift” is appropriate. As you probably know, a giftful relationship in which all material needs are met does not always mean that there is reciprocity or interest in it.

Perhaps the right word would be “gesture.” Paying attention and expressing interest in learning about your partner’s preferences can make you buy something for him, which is very different from doing it because that’s the way it is.

Therefore, it is best to find a balance. One thing shouldn’t take the place of another. Many people also recommend giving experiences that can be shared with your partner.

4. The languages ​​of love: doing favors

These are all the activities by which you help another person and do them a favor. For example, it could be bringing food to mom if you know she will be coming home very late and she is very tired.

You should always make sure that you don’t just feel that you are doing someone a favor, but are actually doing things that should be normal in an equal treatment relationship. For example, cleaning the kitchen is not a favor if your partner has prepared dinner.

5. Physical touch

A kiss, a hug, a pat on the shoulder, stroking … Various gestures show that you appreciate someone, are with them and support them. But some people are more physical and feel the need for closeness. Others, on the other hand, prefer to have their own space.

Although every person has a language of love which they prefer to express and receive love, you need to find a balance between all of them and be aware of the language that is preferred by the people who are important to you. This will make it easier for you to show your feelings.

While giving gifts is a way of expressing love, it should not be an empty gesture. It has to matter.

Love languages: love is not only romantic love

You must remember that love is made by real people. Therefore, instead of resorting to ideals or stereotypes, you should base it on the person you are with. Besides, no one has a single love language because they all mix with each other. You also need to remember that relationships and people change over time. You need to be aware of these changes.

The ways in which love is expressed must not be confused with romantic love. Love must be mutual and must be based on respect, resembling a gentle dance.

Love has little to do with myths about romantic love, which are not at all helpful. Rather, they exert pressure and frustrate people with their demands, expectations, and beliefs. A relationship takes a lot of time, patience, knowledge, and communication. Knowing the languages ​​of love can help.

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