Intestinal Parasites – How To Detect Them?

Intestinal parasites - how to detect them?

It turns out that digestive system parasites are a fairly common problem these days. They can affect anyone regardless of age and gender, and in addition, their proper diagnosis is a very tedious and long process. Parasites cause symptoms, quite nonspecific, are easily confused with other diseases as fatigue, anxiety, nervousness, digestive problems, headache, weight instability can occur in many different types of health conditions.

In this article, we will try, at least a little bit closer to the topic of parasites, how to find out if we are really affected by this problem and what to do to prevent them. There are several home preventive measures, and proper nutrition can be of great help.

Digestive system parasites

The parasites we come into contact with are animal or plant microorganisms inside our body, using them as a living environment and feeding on our cells and on the food we eat. There are many parasites in our body in the form of fungi or bacteria, and until the balance between them and our body is maintained, we are healthy and even benefit from their presence. Problems begin when homeostasis is disturbed, the pH, enzymes or intestinal flora change. Then they take advantage of the situation, become pathogenic and aggressive, thus causing many unpleasant ailments.

That is why it is so important to maintain the internal balance of the body through a balanced, balanced diet, leading a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, including appropriate natural supplements. On the other hand, avoiding bad habits, and when we have them, eliminate them as quickly as possible.

The complexity of the parasite problem is that there is not only one type that can be easily detected and treated. The most popular of them is Candida, and there are others such as lamellae, roundworms and tapeworms.

How To Tell If You Have Parasites?

Common, most common symptoms common to all cases are:

  • disturbances in the feeling of hunger (too much or no appetite at all for no apparent reason)
  • dark circles under eyes
  • nervousness and anxiety
  • itching at the tip of the nose, eyes or around the anus
  • dilated pupils
  • intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea)
  • unexplained insomnia
  • tiredness
  • headaches

These symptoms are also found in other diseases, but if you have several of them for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will verify your suspicions.

Parasites can also affect children, which is even more difficult for them to diagnose. When you suspect the above problem in your child, watch whether his nose or the area of ​​the anus regularly itches, and in addition, whether he has become more nervous, mobile and restless recently.

If there are pets in your home, deworm them at least once a month. In this way, you will avoid direct transmission of parasites, which can also be carried by your beloved quadrupeds.

Proper nutrition is the key!

A parasite-free diet is very strict and all rules must be followed as these organisms feed on some of the ingredients found in food. This is essential if we want to get rid of the problem completely. And here are the products that should be categorically avoided:

  • sugar and products with its addition
  • alcohol
  • milk and dairy products
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In addition, we reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates, which can be found, among others, in rice, pasta and cakes.

Instead, our diet should be based on the products listed below:

  • garlic – the ultimate parasite killer. It should be consumed raw every day. If we have problems digesting it in this form, you can spread it on toast or apply it in ready-made tablets
  • pumpkin seeds – also great against parasites. It is recommended to eat at least 30 grains a day. You can also try to grind them and mix them with your meals
  • papaya seeds – it’s best to make a papaya cocktail with papaya seeds and a little stevia for sweetness. It is advisable to eat in the morning on an empty stomach

In addition, during the day, between meals, we should find time to prepare an infusion of thyme, oregano and chamomile. This sequence of herbs in the drink will help to effectively prevent the appearance of parasites.

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Take care of the digestive tract!

We should make every effort to take care of our digestive tract and provide it with everything necessary for it to function properly. A proper diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, supplemented with appropriate natural dietary supplements, will help us in this. In this way, we will also avoid recurring diarrhea and constipation.

  • for constipation – flaxseed, dried plums, bran and drinking plenty of water during the day will help you
  • for diarrhea – foods that are more water-consuming, such as white rice, will help. Green tea with the addition of charcoal can also be effective
4 #: White rice-Alicakes-parasożyty.jpg

The digestive system parasites irritate the intestinal flora and spread to take advantage of its disturbed balance. Therefore, it is advisable to take probiotics that will help maintain the correct composition of the flora and thus prevent the occurrence and reproduction of parasites there.

Products of this type are available at any pharmacy or herbal shops.

Photos courtesy of judy, food thinkers y Alicakes.

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