Inflammation – 6 Vitamins To Fight It

A healthy, balanced diet can prove to be a fundamental factor when trying to fight inflammation. Likewise, maintaining unhealthy eating habits can contribute to their emergence.
Inflammation - 6 vitamins that fight it

Inflammation is a reaction to various types of infections and disorders of the body’s work.

They are characterized by redness, swelling, pain and difficulty in moving the affected part of the body. This may be in response to the presence of microorganisms, irritants, or physical trauma.

Vitamins that help us reduce or heal inflammation have these properties because they are rich in antioxidants. Hence the importance of maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and proper eating habits.

Below you will find a list of anti-inflammatory vitamins.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is effective in relieving muscle and joint pain. Moreover, it is essential to keep your eyes healthy and to enjoy beautiful skin.

This vitamin has also been shown to regulate inflammation by helping to lower levels of an inflammatory marker known as MCP-1.

How to get the necessary amount of this vitamin?

Among the products rich in vitamin A, the following can be mentioned:

  • Peppers
  • Chili pepper
  • Potatoes
  • Carrot
  • Lettuce

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an organic compound necessary for human health.

Italian nuts

Considering the fact that our body is unable to produce it on its own, it is necessary to maintain a varied diet in order to provide yourself with large amounts of it through the consumed products.

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin E is 15 mg for adults. According to a 2008 study, vitamin E helps us reduce the levels of cytokines, markers of inflammation in our body.

How to get the necessary amount of this vitamin?

To provide your body with vitamin E from natural sources, reach for as often as possible:

  • Dried fruit and dried fruit (especially nuts and almonds)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Vegetable oils
  • Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, tomatoes)
  • Fruit (mango, kiwi)

It is necessary to increase the amount of consumed products of this type when we have suffered an injury or have inflammation.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C relieves muscle and joint pain by protecting and regenerating muscle tissue.

In addition, it contributes to:

  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Maintaining the proper level of cell development, which in turn supports muscle maintenance and regeneration

How to get the necessary amount of this vitamin?

The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 1 mg. It should be supplemented with 500 mg of flavonoids (natural antioxidants).

In order to obtain flavonoids in a natural way, it is recommended to eat frequently products such as:

  • Green leafed vegetables (spinach, kale, artichoke, broccoli)
  • Fruits (apples, lemons, pomegranates, apricots, plums)
  • green tea
  • Cocoa

According to various studies, taking large amounts of vitamin C can help us reduce inflammation in our body.

You will find it in products such as:

  • Oranges
  • Pepper
  • Kiwi
  • Thyme
  • Cauliflower
  • Hot chili pepper
  • Guava

4. Vitamin B

B vitamins are essential to maintain healthy skin, regulate our metabolism and strengthen the immune system. What’s more, they reduce pain and inflammation in muscles and joints.

B vitamins tone the muscles, strengthen them and reduce inflammation in our body.

This is especially useful for chronic diseases such as arthritis and for acute diseases such as various viruses. It is recommended to consume at least 50 mg of B vitamins, in two doses a day.

How to get the necessary amount of this vitamin?

These valuable vitamins can be found in:

  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Liver
  • Peanut butter
  • Nuts
  • Soybeans

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a form of a soluble steroid. It is natural and is produced by our body based on sunlight. Therefore, people who are exposed to the sun in moderate amounts daily do not need additional dietary supplements to replenish the amount of this vitamin in the body.

Seafood on rock salt

Vitamin D is an ingredient that effectively fights inflammation, especially in people who are warm to cancer.

How to get the necessary amount of this vitamin?

In addition to sunlight, you can find vitamin D by reaching for:

  • Fish
  • Clams
  • Ham
  • Tofu cheese
  • Dairy

6. Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps prevent inflammation by reducing the amount of inflammatory markers – known as monocytes – produced by white blood cells.

In high concentration, vitamin K helps us improve the health of the cardiovascular system and the health of the skeletal system.

What’s more, it helps to reduce the calcification process in the body and reduce the stiffness of blood vessel walls. This minimizes the likelihood of a heart attack.

How to get the necessary amount of this vitamin?

You will find this vitamin in the following foods:

  • Spinach
  • Swede leaves
  • Botwin
  • Parsley
  • Roman salad
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower

Inflammations? Make sure you are consuming enough vitamins

Maintaining healthy eating habits and caring for a varied, balanced diet not only helps us avoid boredom with healthy food, but is also the best way to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to enjoy health and well-being.

Moreover, as you will see for yourself, fighting inflammation can be a fun and straightforward activity. The list of options is very long. Try to include the products we describe in every meal.

In addition, always remember to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This way, inflammation will have few options to creep into your life. Also do exercise, train and live life to the fullest!

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