How To Use Leftover Hand Soap

Do you have the end of your bar of soap? Don’t throw it away, use it to make a new soap!
Soap leftovers - how can they be used?

Have you ever thought about using leftover soap that is no longer suitable for washing your hands? Indeed, the bar of soap gradually gets smaller, and finally comes the moment that it is already so small that its use is simply inconvenient. This is when soap scraps usually end up in the garbage can.

Did you know that you can pick up these useless pieces of soap and use them to make your own household hand wash when they build up? Here’s how to do this.

Soap leftovers – use them to the maximum

Not fully used bars of soap can be used as a base for preparing a new soap or shower gel. Later in this article, we present two ways to make use of small pieces of soap that are no longer usable.

Soap residue as a base for a new bar

The very preparation of soap is very easy and anyone can handle it. Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make your homemade soap.

Soap residue and oats
By heating up unused soap remnants, you can easily create a new, homemade bar. What’s more, you are completely free to choose fragrances and other interesting additives that will make your product one of a kind.
  • First, collect the right amount of soap pieces to prepare a new bar. Regularly hide them in a large glass jar.
  • Once you have collected the soap scraps, put them in a wide glass dish (it may be the same jar you keep the soap scraps in). Then add a small amount of moisturizing cream or body lotion. It doesn’t have to be a lot – just a little is enough.
  • Now it’s time to prepare a water bath. Unscrew the jar or remove the lid of the vessel and heat its contents until the soap dissolves and merges with the cream. Stir constantly to avoid lump formation.
  • Then prepare a suitable mold. The one made of silicone will work best. Its size will depend on the amount of soap residue, and its shape – on your fantasy.
  • Carefully pour the dissolved soap and cream into the mold. Be careful not to burn yourself! It is best if you wear oven mitts.
  • Now let the mold stand for a few hours to make the mass thicken, then take the finished block out of the mold and cut it into the desired shapes.
  • If you want to add fragrances and additives in the form of flower petals, oatmeal or orange peel, do so before pouring the soap mass into the mold.

Homemade hand wash gel

Hand disinfection
A fairly large amount of water is needed to prepare liquid hand soap.
  • First, collect the right amount of soap pieces to prepare the gel. Regularly hide them in a large glass jar.
  • When you have quite a few of them, grate them on a fine-mesh grater.
  • Then you need to calculate the proportions. For every 40 grams of soap you will need 1 liter of water.
  • Pour in water and bring to a boil. When the water starts to bubble, reduce the heat and put any grated soap residue in the pot.
  • The soap should dissolve well and merge with the water so that no lumps form. To do this, keep the temperature high. The fire, however, should be small – although it will take longer to melt, it will be more effective.
  • When the mass is well combined, remove the pot from the heat and set aside to cool.
  • As it cools down, the mixture will steep until it becomes jelly-like.
  • Finally, pour the liquid soap into a suitable container with a pump. However, before you turn it off, mix the gel well with a wooden stick.
  • Your homemade liquid soap is now ready for use!

At the end

As you can see, soap scraps can be used very creatively. What’s more, it’s easy to make a bar of soap or gel for washing your hands yourself. Just follow the indications and the product will be perfect. You can play with shapes, colors and smells at will.

Ready for great and creative fun with products that are no longer usable?

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