How To Make A Home Hanging Flowerbed?

How to make a homemade hanging flowerbed?

Decorating your home, both outside and inside, has never been so easy! By reading today’s article, you will learn how to make a home hanging flowerbed.

Buying plants for your home is a good decision as they bring a touch of life and color to any space. However, it’s just as important to place them in a place that makes them look good. Or maybe you decide to make a home-made hanging flowerbed ?

You will not need many materials or experience to make your own flowerbed. What’s more, you can make it from recycled materials! One of the best things about such creations is that it takes too much money to make them.

All you need to do is have a few materials and you will be able to make your own home hanging flowerbed that will fit into any space in your home, whether it is inside or outside.

How to make a homemade hanging flowerbed with your own hands?

Hanging flowerbed
You can place hanging flowerbeds in different places so that the plants liven up your home.

Creating your own home flowerbed is the perfect way to let your imagination run wild. Find reusable items and get to work!

Materials you will need

  • Recycled containers such as glass jars, yoghurt cups, plastic containers, etc.
  • A rope or string made of cotton, nylon or jute.
  • Plants.
  • Sand to provide drainage for plants.
  • Soil for potted plants.
  • Scissors.
  • 1 hook.


  1. Take a string or rope and cut it into eight equal lengths. They should be 58 to 83 cm long. It all depends on the size of the pot.
  2. Tie all the ends of the cords so that you get one large knot on one of the bases.
  3. Place the strings on a flat surface and divide them into four pairs.
  4. Tie each pair 7.5 cm from the base.
  5. Take the two ends (right and left) and tie them together to make a circle.
  6. Tie knots 5 to 10 cm from the first row of knots. Remember that the distance will depend on the width of the pot.
  7. Continue making nodes. Tie the two ropes in alternating rows with a knot so that the second row of knots consists of opposite pairs of twines.
  8. Don’t forget to take the two opposite ends of the cords and tie them together at the end of each row to complete the circle.
  9. Check the size of your home hanging flowerbed. To do this, place the pot of your choice on it.
  10. If you see fit, you can add more nodes.
  11. Now it’s time to plant! To do this, put some sand at the bottom of the pot and then add a layer of soil to the potted flowers.
  12. Place the selected plant in the pot and fill it completely with soil.
  13. Place the pot with the plant in the flowerbed you just made. Gently pull it upwards.
  14. Tie a final knot at the other end of the flowerbed.
  15. Attach a hook so that you can hang the plant in the desired location.

6 hanging flowerbeds that you can make from recycled materials

When you dare to try this art, you will find out how simple it is. Moreover, you can experiment with a wide variety of materials. It’s a great way to reuse clothes, materials or items that you don’t use anymore.

Below you will find a list of ideas for flowerbeds from recycled materials that you can make at home. Just choose the option that you like best or the one that best suits your style!

Garden on the wall
Reuse the cans, jars, and other materials you have at home to make your hanging flowerbeds.

1. A home-made hanging flowerbed from old T-shirts

This is one of the easiest ways to make your own home hanging flowerbed, as it requires the use of materials that are already in your home. All you have to do is choose a T-shirt that you don’t wear anymore and cut it into several stripes.

Begin tying the strips into knots in the same way as we described above. Consider mixing and matching strips of different colors to achieve a much more original design.

2. Hanging flowerbed of wood and rope

If you have a wooden board or plaster at home, you can use it to make a hanging flowerbed. The idea is to make it a base that will be based on a series of strings that you will use to hang it.

Make small holes in the plank and thread a rope through each of them. Then tie a knot at the bottom. Hang a flowerbed and place on it the plant of your choice, planted in the correct pot.

3. Home-made hanging flowerbed with embroidery hoops

Another item that may be in your home is an embroidery hoop. All you need to do is find one that suits you best and then find a pot that will fit in it.

Stick the pot on the hoop to keep it from falling out. Then place the selected plant in the center and hang it. A simple and subtle solution, but how beautiful!

4. Hanging flowerbed made of recycled tires

This is one of the best options for outdoor use. If your garden is lifeless or if you want it to become more creative, try making this flowerbed from recycled tires.

Check your garage for an old tire and hang it on a tree. Then place the selected plants in its center. Besides, it can also put some decorative element inside the tire to make it more eye-catching.

5. Hanging flower beds made of disco balls

Yes, we are well aware that not everyone has old disco balls in their home. But if you are lucky enough to have them, you should consider making a hanging flowerbed out of it. This is an idea for people who love unconventional decorations.

First, divide the balls in half. Take one of the halves and make two holes on the sides in it to thread the cords through. After adding the strings, hang your masterpiece and place the plant of your choice in it. This is an extremely creative idea that will look great both inside and outside your home.

6. A hanging flowerbed made of a wooden board

And finally, you can make a hanging flowerbed from a long wooden board. If you have one at hand, you can use it to liven up your garden.

All you need to do is draw a circle with the diameter of the pot on the board. Then cut this shape to make a hole. Using a long wooden board will allow you to make several holes and insert a pot into each of them.

Then drill two holes at each end, pass the ropes through them and tie them to hang your flowerbed in the desired location.

Get to work

As you can see, making a hanging flowerbed is easier than you might think. All you need to do is show a little imagination, creativity and patience and you will be able to create original works.

Choose recycled items to see how cool it is to give them a second life! This is good for the planet as well as for your home decor. Try your hand today!

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