House Sparkling Clean – 4 Tricks To Achieve This Goal

In today’s article, you will learn some cleaning tricks that will make your life easier and the house sparkling with the cleanliness you dreamed of.
A house sparkling clean - 4 tricks to achieve this goal

To have a house sparkling clean, you don’t necessarily have to put in a lot of effort. It turns out that there are tricks to achieve this goal that will help you speed up and make your housework more efficient.

Sometimes cleaning the house is like a Sisyphean job, but it’s not worth giving up. Keeping a house clean is not easy, but it is also not impossible. However, it will need refreshing on a regular basis – once a week, for example.

If you want a house sparkling clean , it’s good to know that there’s more to it than just disinfecting it and getting rid of rubbish. That is why for many people it seems to be an overwhelming task. It requires enthusiasm, enthusiasm, love and… a few tricks that will make it easier, thanks to which everything will become more effective and easier.

A house sparkling clean – four useful tricks

1. First of all, good organization

The first trick necessary to keep our house tidy and sparkling clean is to make efforts to always keep it in order and proper organization. For many people, this task seems almost impossible to complete.

The load of daily activities and work means that in many homes there are things that need to be cleaned up. We also leave items in places where they shouldn’t be at all.

We often come back from work tired and throw everything we had on wherever we were. Later, however, we don’t collect or clean it up at all – it just stays where it was. Untidiness is not only unsightly, it also prevents us from smoothly performing our tasks.

A house sparkling clean

It is also not practical to put items away in different places, because later we are not able to find them quickly and use them properly.

To avoid this, sort out everything you have. Take care of the key hanger at the entrance to the house. Make space for bags and handbags so that they will not be scattered everywhere. What’s more, you will avoid wasting our time so often when we are looking for something in a hurry.

Order at the very entrance to the house will make a good impression. It will be nice to enter and stay there.

2. Impeccable bathrooms

The bathroom is one of the two places in our house that should be cleaned almost constantly. If you do not want to use too many chemicals available on the market, we can prepare our own cleaning agent.

For this we will need about thirty grams of baking soda, a quarter cup of ammonia and half a liter of warm water. The application is very simple: place the mixture inside the toilet, clean it thoroughly with a brush and then rinse.

A clean bathroom and a house sparkling clean

In order to remove stains and mold on bathroom curtains, we can use another very effective mixture. In this case, we will use 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 2 cups of water and the juice of two lemons. Rub into curtains, then rinse and dry.

A great way to keep shiny taps and bathroom faucets is to mix one part water with one part hydrogen peroxide. With the product prepared in this way, we spray the batteries or simply apply it with a cloth. For sinks, bathtubs and dirt in the corners, a little vinegar and a brush or toothbrush are enough.

3. Always a clean kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most difficult places in our home to keep clean. To achieve the goal of a sparkling clean house, kitchen cleaning should be continuous and regular. 

And it is not only about the appearance of the kitchen, but also about maintaining hygiene at the appropriate level, which will protect us from harmful microorganisms.

Clean kitchen

Taking into account the fact that the stove gets the dirt in the kitchen the most, some people cover its surface with wax paper or aluminum foil. After that, you just need to peel off the protective paper and wipe the oven with a damp cloth.

We can also prepare a special cleaning mixture in a spray bottle. Just combine 1/2 cup of white vinegar, a tablespoon of salt, orange peel and add some water. Each time after using the stove, we can clean it with this mixture.

Cleaning every time your kitchen gets dirty is the best way to keep your home sparkling clean. Everything will become easier.

Another habit that is worth taking care of is collecting and washing dishes immediately after a meal. A house sparkling clean is a place where there are no dirty dishes. That is why you should organize your kitchen well and keep it clean.

4. Order in the bedroom

The bedroom is the most personal corner of your home. We want to feel good in it and be able to properly rest. A house shining with cleanliness is also a bedroom shining with cleanliness. The first and fundamental step in keeping your bedroom tidy is proper organization.

You should also avoid the accumulation of items and unnecessary furniture and accessories. They make the room seem overcrowded and cluttered. They also do not allow us to achieve a proper level of cleanliness at home, no matter how much we clean.

When we get rid of unnecessary items, the whole thing will look neat and spacious. To prevent dirty clothes from being thrown around your home, make sure you have a suitably large laundry container.

Clean bedroom

A chest of drawers with drawers is perfect for the bedroom. Thanks to it, you can properly organize your personal items. The sight of them will not disturb you in relaxation. When you get rid of unnecessary clothes and accessories, you will have space to store shoes and bedding.

An impeccable bedroom is one trick to make a house sparkling clean. Follow our tips and you will soon see a big difference.

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