Homemade Recipe With Diatomaceous Earth To Help You Get Rid Of Fleas

Diatomaceous earth is the safest way to get rid of fleas and ticks. Even though it is deadly poisonous to parasites, it is completely safe for humans and pets.
Diatomaceous earth - an effective method for fleas

Did you know that diatomaceous earth is a great way to fight fleas ? Probably everyone who has or had pets at one point had to fight the presence of fleas. These hated creatures are external parasites that feed on warm-blooded animals.

They often feed on dogs and cats, and getting rid of them is sometimes very difficult. In addition, there is also a risk of being bitten by the household members. When there is an epidemic of fleas in your home that attacks your pet, your task is to effectively eliminate them.

There is an endless list of flea control products on the market that are highly effective but based on harmful chemicals that can be harmful to you and your pets.

A healthy alternative is diatomaceous earth. It is an organogenic rock made of very hard shells of unicellular algae. It is completely safe for humans and animals, and by absorbing the wax cover of fleas, it causes them to dry out and die.

The spread of fleas

When a female flea gets into your pet’s fur, her main task is to lay eggs in it. This is not the only problem. Eggs easily fall off and spread on carpets, furniture, sofas and all over the house where your dog or cat lies.

Wherever your pet goes, it will likely leave eggs that will later hatch fleas.

The dog is scratching and fleas

As a result, we are dealing with hidden larvae. They are found in the recesses of pillows, mattresses, armchairs, and even in cracks in the floor. You have to fight them constantly, because they easily re-infect your pet and your home.

If you still do not know an effective solution to get rid of fleas, today we will show you an excellent method using diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth: application

This treatment should cover all areas where your pet is often present. This means a bed, a pillow, a blanket she sleeps on, and even grass in the yard. Diatomaceous earth is available for purchase at hardware stores, pharmacies, gardening stores, and health food stores.

It is very important to use food grade diatomaceous earth, not industrial grade diatomaceous earth.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Using gloves and a protective mask, take a small amount of soil. Then sprinkle on the animal and rub it into the fur.
  • Brush your pet with a comb to spread the product over the entire fur.
Diatomaceous earth

Note: be careful not to let the earth get into the animal’s ears!

  • Spread diatomaceous earth on a pillow or lair where your pet sleeps. It is important that your pet is out of the house while you are doing this and stays outside until the dust settles.
  • The ground needs to reach corners and cracks in walls and floors. After applying to cushions and other surfaces, we have to wait several hours, or preferably all night. Dust must be removed afterwards.

You can get rid of the dust by brushing off the pillows, but it’s best to thoroughly vacuum the entire apartment with a vacuum cleaner.

Don’t miss any place!

  • In places where you know ticks can get into your home, make a diatomaceous earth barrier to block parasite access.
  • Rub into crevices outside the house and especially in the yard. Fleas can hide in plants and grass, so it’s important to spray diatomaceous earth in your garden as well.
  • If you have trees in your yard, it’s important to spray them with diatomaceous earth as well. Also sprinkle shrubs, fences, and any other place where your pet can catch these annoying parasites.
Doggy puppy
  • If your pet has been in the car, it’s a good idea to sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the seats, floors and upholstery. This will kill any flea that survives.
  • It’s best to repeat this process every two weeks to get rid of any fleas and ticks that your pet may have brought home at that time.

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