Homemade Masks To Refresh The Skin Of The Face

For facial treatments to be effective, it is essential to know your skin type, i.e. dry, oily or combination skin. Due to the type of skin, the effect of the mask may be different.
Homemade masks to refresh the skin of the face

Did you know that home masks can be an instant solution for dull, stressed skin? The pace of life imposed by today’s reality causes that we women are often so busy and busy that we forget about ourselves. Family, work, household chores, often problems that disturb our peace.

All this means that in all this everyday hustle and bustle of life, we do not have a moment for ourselves. We will have to pay the right price for all this, namely with time wrinkles and discolorations will appear on our face and it will lose its glow and freshness .

You are definitely asking yourself what to do when you do not have time to visit a beauty salon regularly, and the appropriate creams are too expensive and you will definitely not decide to buy them.

So let’s use the ingredients that we find at home and prepare natural masks that will nourish our facial skin. In the article below, we have collected 12 recipes that are easy to make, homemade masks  that will not ruin your pocket and give your skin a lost glow.

Face masks, or how to be beautiful and healthy!

A few words about the skin of the face …

The skin is the largest organ a human has, and one of its functions is to create a barrier that protects the body against pathogens. In addition, the skin is responsible for regulating body temperature and tactile sensations.

Smooth and light skin is a sign that the body is in good health. However, there are many external and internal factors that adversely affect its condition, appearance and fulfilled functions. Here they are:

  • overexposure to sunlight
  • excessive use of chemicals for the face (makeup, soap, etc.)
  • alcohol
  • smoking
  • unbalanced and unhealthy diet

For many years. in many cultures, skin is a symbol of beauty. Currently, cosmetic concerns are constantly working on improving the composition of creams and face preparations that will protect the skin and allow us to enjoy our youthful appearance for a long time. The most popular form of taking care of the appearance of the face are masks.

You do not have to decide on those that are packed with chemical substances, and besides, they scare you away with the price. Using natural products that you will surely find on the kitchen shelves, you can prepare the most effective and economical face masks.

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There is probably nothing more refreshing for our face than such a natural mask. Moisturizes, removes dead skin cells and reduces wrinkles. There are many types of masks, so you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with their effects on our skin and choose the one that will provide our face with what it needs at the moment.

Classification of masks according to their functions

  • improves skin tension – they are applied in a wet form and when dry, they cause tension, which improves the circulation of the skin and nourishes its cells better
  • firming – they are applied in a moist form and when dry they firm the tissues
  • exfoliating  – remove dead skin cells and impurities
  • moisturizing – stimulate the creation of a protective barrier that will help avoid water evaporation from the layers of the skin. Thanks to this, it prevents the formation of mimic wrinkles
  • stimulating – they stimulate circulation in blood vessels and nourish cells
  • brightening – absorb excess melatonin, thus eliminating stains, discoloration and freckles
  • regenerating – they remove dead cells, while activating the skin layers responsible for their regeneration

You have to remember that everyone’s skin is different and has its own individual characteristics, therefore the reaction of the skin to the same mask may be different. The effectiveness of the masks is influenced by the type of our skin: dry, oily or combination.

If you know what your skin is like, below are some homemade masks that will help you look beautiful.

Choose a mask for yourself

If you want the appearance of your face and complexion to improve, spend at least an hour a day on it. Before applying the mask, wash your face thoroughly to remove any dirt.

Prepare the amount of the mask per use, the excess can be stored in a clay vessel in the refrigerator for a maximum of one day. Similar facial treatments can be used every day, but it is better to give your skin a rest between applications – at least a day.

Exfoliating masks

Face Mask # 1: Honey and Cinnamon

To prepare the mask, you will need a tablespoon of honey and two almonds. Crush the almonds and mix thoroughly with honey, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice. We apply it on the face with circular movements, gently massaging it and let it dry for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with warm water.

honey-based masks

Mask # 2: Honey

Do you want to have smooth and rejuvenated facial skin? Spread the honey evenly over the entire face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.

Mask # 3: Oatmeal and Honey

You will be surprised by the smoothing effects of this mask! Just mix half a cup of finely ground oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of milk, and finally add two drops of chamomile oil.

After preparation in the form of a gentle massage, apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For oily skin, you can add five drops of lemon juice to the preparation.

Moisturizing masks

Mask # 4: Fruits

There are fruits that are great for moisturizing the skin due to their high water content. An example would be a banana, from which you can prepare a paste, which should then be applied to the face, neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes, you can rinse the preparation with cold water to improve blood circulation.

Mask # 5: Cucumber

Apart from the fact that cucumber should be included in every balanced and balanced diet, its properties will also benefit our face, especially when we have spent too much time in the sun.

Peel the cucumbers and grind them into a paste and put on the face, remembering about two slices around the eyes. After 15 minutes, remove with cold water.

cucumber, rem

Regenerating and anti-wrinkle masks

Mask # 6: Honey and Eggs

We mix two tablespoons of honey again, this time with grated eggs and lemon juice. After applying, leave it for 20 minutes, then rub the face with warm, skim milk.


Mask # 7: Rose

Already in antiquity, women knew that the rose is the secret of eternal beauty and youth. Take advantage of it and you! Crush the petals of five fresh rose flowers until a paste is formed and apply it to the face. After 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Mask # 8: Yogurt

Wrinkles, apart from reminding us of the passage of time, testify to experience and maturity. Nevertheless, each of us dreams of reducing their visibility, and thanks to this mask you will be able to smooth them a bit.

Mix a cup of yogurt with a teaspoon of dill seeds and crushed leaves of the plant. After applying to the face, wait 20 minutes and rinse the preparation with cold water. In order to obtain the expected results, the treatment should be repeated every day.

Masks for acne, spots and pimples

Mask # 9: Tomato

The tomato has a moisturizing, exfoliating and firming effect. So, cut it in half and massage the vegetable halves into your face. Let it act for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

tomato for wrinkles

Mask # 10: Lemon

A tablespoon of honey should be mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Using a cotton swab, apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. When finished, remove the preparation thoroughly with mineral water (after use it is better to avoid exposure to the sun).

Stimulating masks

Mask # 11: Strawberries

If you feel your skin is starting to feel dry, prepare this moisturizing and nourishing cream! Mix a few crushed strawberries with honey and apply to face for 20 minutes. Then remove the preparation with cold water.

Mask # 12: Nourishing cream

Always use a nourishing cream after peeling. So mix one tablespoon of honey, mineral water, rose water and yogurt or milk. Apply on face with a cotton pad and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water when finished.

To help the skin of the face

Now you know how best to help your skin naturally. Remember that its appearance proves your health and the condition of the entire body.

In addition to the above procedures, if you want to enjoy her beautiful and youthful appearance, do not forget about a balanced diet, drinking at least two liters of water a day. You must definitely give up smoking and drinking alcohol – these are the worst enemies of our health!

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