Home Remedies For Canker Sores – Solve The Problem Naturally

Home remedies for canker sores - solve the problem naturally

Home remedies for canker sores can be extremely useful in the face of this nagging ailment. Although ulcers are not large in size, they are a source of intense pain. The fact that they occur in damp places makes the matter even more difficult, because their treatment takes longer.

That is why in today’s article we will offer you home remedies for canker sores . Thanks to them, you will solve the problem as quickly and naturally as possible.

Why do mouth ulcers appear?

It is very common that we do not know why these infections occur. Experts are also unable to determine the exact cause of aphthous stomatitis. According to data, aphthae affects as much as 20% of our population. It causes pain and discomfort, both speaking and eating.

The canker sores can come in two forms: simple and complex. The first of them occurs several times a year and lasts no more than a week, most often affects people between 10 and 20 years of age. Complex mouth ulcers are rarer and suffer from people who have had problems with mouth ulcers in their lives. In both cases, home remedies for canker sores will be useful.

Afta on the lips

Mouth ulcers can appear for a variety of reasons. Some of them are: stress, eating sour food or citrus, irritation caused by food or one of the dishes (fork, spoon, glass). This can include a weak immune system and eating problems. Diseases of the digestive system are also important.

It is important to distinguish between mouth ulcers and herpes. They may look the same, but they have completely different causes of formation. Cold sores are caused by a simple virus and are contagious, and canker sores are not. Cold sores can appear on other parts of the face, such as the mouth, nose, chin, and even other parts of the body.

Symptoms of mouth ulcers are: burning sensation, painful tingling, round wounds of white or gray color with reddening at the edges. Ulceration may also result in fever, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

Thyme can help lower your fever.

The good news is that canker sores almost always go away on their own. Ulcer pain is very irritating, so it is very important not to be tempted to temporarily relieve canker sores – whether with your tongue or with your teeth. After seven or ten days, they should be just a bad memory.

Home remedies for canker sores – solve the problem naturally


is one of the cheapest and best antiseptics in the world. It is also a great ally in combating canker sores naturally. It is enough to mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse the mouth with the prepared solution, focusing mainly on the places where there is ulceration.

Rinsing the mouth and spitting out the solution should be done at least three times a day. This will gradually reduce the pain and discomfort. There are people who decide to rub salt aphtha, but it is not recommended because it increases pain and causes irritation.

baking soda

In this case, just like salt, it has an antiseptic effect. Mix baking soda with half a glass of water and rinse your mouth by “gurgling” without swallowing the solution. You can also prepare a paste by combining baking soda with a little water and apply it to the ulcer, leave it for a long time for it to work, then rinse with cold water without rubbing the infected areas.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another must-have remedy for mouth ulcers. A cotton ball or gauze should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide and applied to the ulcerated areas three times a day. It will remove the feeling of discomfort and prevent the spread of infection.

Liquid mouthwash

Perhaps it is not such a “natural” remedy. However, it can be effective in relieving pain, providing immediate relief, and reducing the build-up of bacteria. Remember not to use too much liquid, especially if it is strong, because it can cause irritation.


The property of the ice cube is to work slowly and accurately to fight ulcers, reducing inflammation and pain. It acts as a natural soothing agent. Place an ice cube in your mouth as many times a day as necessary.

Ice cubes


Thanks to the fact that it contains lactic acid and bacteria, it will help us change the pH composition in the mouth. Therefore, it will also help to control the formation of new bacteria. You should eat one yogurt a day, especially when mouth ulcers are frequent. You can also apply yogurt directly to the wounds with a cotton ball.

Magnesium milk

It has yoghurt-like effects. Used three times a day, it changes the pH in the mouth, which prevents the emergence of new bacteria.

Afta – how to avoid it?

Mineral and vitamin deficiencies can also cause mouth ulcers. Therefore, it is very important that our diet is rich in them. Other causes that can also cause aphthae are: anemia (anemia) caused by iron or folate deficiency, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, etc. So let’s not hesitate to include in our diet foods such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains, milk, e.t.c. 

You should also be careful when brushing your teeth, because we can accidentally irritate the mouth and even cause ulceration. The same applies to eating products that may increase irritation, such as: cookies, bread, toast, etc. In your diet, it is worth avoiding sour and spicy foods, chewing gum, and remember to brush your teeth with dental floss after each meal to maintain the cavity. by mouth clean and healthy.

However, if an ailment occurs, our home remedies for canker sores will certainly help you.

Photos courtesy of Toshiyuki IMAI, the italian voice, Joshua Yoon Her Nandez, Emilian Robert Vicol, gaelx.

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