Heavy Metals: 14 Ways To Purify

Our body can store any amount of lead that reaches our body by drinking contaminated tap water or flowing through pipes made of this metal.
Heavy metals: 14 ways to clean

Heavy metals . Why is it so important to remove them from our body? Because they are simply very harmful toxins that damage our body cells and cause many serious diseases.

Most of them usually stay in our liver, and in the long run, heavy metals accumulated in it can cause very serious health problems.

Therefore, it is important to know how to perform a complete liver cleansing to eliminate all toxins (which of course also include heavy metals) that are capable of damaging or even destroying not only this organ, but also the brain, kidneys, and intestines. and the immune system.

So why not start implementing these simple guidelines starting today?

1. Why is it so important to effectively remove heavy metals from our body?

You should know that the heavy metals described in this article are classified as either organic or inorganic. The term “organic” means that the source of their origin in the human body is, for example, certain drugs.

However, be careful as these harmful elements are also contained in common stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco. These are habits that we should avoid for the sake of our health and well-being.

And what are heavy metals of inorganic origin? These are the so-called inorganic toxins that are found in the food we eat and also in the form of pollutants in the environment in which we live.

Drinking water

Sometimes we just work in the chemical industry or carry out various technological processes that use heavy metals, which can damage our health.

Sooner or later we will end up with some disease caused by incorrect attempts to eliminate these constantly accumulating toxins from our body. And do you know where these heavy metals most often accumulate in our body? Usually in the lymphatic system, especially in the liver.

This is a serious threat to your health.

2. Which heavy metals are most often deposited in our body?

Heavy metals in cities

We are sure that this part of our article will surprise you. At times, despite our efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we may unknowingly ingest all sorts of toxins in a number of common ways.

Pollution in the city air, the water we drink or substances found in many foods are common sources that can make you develop a disease.

Below is a shortlist of the most common sources through which heavy metals can enter your body:

  • Arsenic: This element is probably the most harmful element for your body. Do you know where you can find it most often? In tap water. The problem is related to the use of pesticides and the phenomenon of natural filtration. This is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly.
  • We can also come into contact with arsenic through other sources of contamination, for example by working under conditions that allow contact with these types of elements.
  • Lead : we usually consume it as water contaminated with this metal through lead pipes, and also through pesticides present in certain foods, such as vegetables.
  • Mercury : Do you know how mercury enters our body? By eating fish and seafood contaminated with it.
  • Cadmium : This metal is present in many chemical fertilizers used in agriculture. Lack of knowledge about it usually ends up eating this element along with a daily dose of fruits and vegetables containing this very harmful metal.
  • And while there is no need to be overly anxious, since you generally ingest really trace amounts of cadmium with your food, its accumulation over time can reach levels that are dangerous to your health.

Therefore, methods for detoxifying the body should not be underestimated, as this way you can also remove heavy metals from your liver and other organs.

14 ways to get rid of unwanted metals from your liver

1. Garlic: Begin each day by eating a clove of garlic on an empty stomach. To do this, simply take a washed and peeled clove of garlic and divide it into three easy-to-swallow small pieces with a glass of water.

Don’t worry about the strong, distinctive smell, if you don’t chew the cloves, it won’t be there. Later, you can also drink some lemon juice to make sure you don’t spread the garlic smell around you.

You can also take xylitol chewing gum to completely eliminate the garlic smell from your mouth. starting the day with garlic on an empty stomach is an excellent means of effectively removing heavy metals from the liver

2. Dandelion: How about the idea of ​​making a healthy dandelion tea or infusion right after lunch? It is one of the best plants to detoxify the body.

3. Artichoke Water: Drink this drink twice a week. You can take two artichokes and boil them in a liter (4 cups) of water. Once they are soft, remove the artichokes from the water. You can drink this infusion all day long.

And it is really tasty! Additionally, we suggest adding some lemon juice to it, thanks to which its healing properties will become even more beneficial.

4. Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) : this is a great product that allows you to cleanse the body and remove all toxins from it, such as heavy metals. Where can you find it? In natural or health food stores.


5. Chlorophyll: You can also find it easily in health food stores.  Chlorophyll is an excellent product of natural origin that allows you to take care of the liver, detoxify it and strengthen the immune system.

6. Coriander: From now on, don’t forget to add a few leaves of coriander to your salads and soups. For what reason? Because they stimulate the immune system and eliminate mercury, aluminum and lead from the body.

7. Grapefruit and Orange Juice: This is a great fruit combination containing a huge dose of vitamin C, which helps us cleanse our body from the inside out. You can drink this juice every morning. You will see that you will like it.

8. Oatmeal: Here’s another great breakfast idea. Oatmeal is rich in zinc and selenium, two minerals that have a beneficial effect on our immune system and also help remove heavy metals from the body.

9. Whole Grain Rice: Another zinc-rich food to help you stay healthy. This rice is also tasty and is an excellent aid in the liver detoxification process.


10. Peaches: they are juicy, tasty and tempting fruits that contain a natural treasure in the form of large amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they are an ideal product that allows you to eliminate heavy metals from the body.

11. Broccoli: You need to know that broccoli is one of the best foods for detoxifying the liver. But it is important to buy only organic broccoli, that is, those that have been grown without the use of pesticides or artificial fertilizers.

12. Raw spinach: this is a vegetable that is high in chlorophyll. If you eat it raw, you will be able to take advantage of many of its truly remarkable healing properties.

13. Brazil Nuts (Bertholletia Excelsa) : They are really delicious! In addition, they also contain large amounts of zinc and selenium, which are excellent ingredients that allow you to effectively eliminate heavy metals from your body.

14. Onion: Did you eat onion today? Did you add any of this vegetable to your salad? Remember that onions contain a lot of sulfur, which is an invaluable aid in neutralizing many toxins such as heavy metals – especially aluminum.

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