Healthy Veins – 5 Treatments

To improve blood circulation and support the cardiovascular system, lift your legs whenever possible. Even when you are sleeping, you can put a pillow under your feet.
Healthy veins - 5 treatments

Healthy veins are key to your well-being. Imagine for a moment that your circulatory system is a complex jumble of streets with an endless number of veins and arteries.

These unique streets transport oxygen, nutrients and everything that is necessary for the body to function normally.

Healthy veins cope with this task without any problem. However, if the veins start to harden or become blocked by a clot, the disturbance in circulation can endanger not only health but also life.

One of the most common problems affecting our inner “highways” is peripheral vascular disease. Today we’re going to talk about minor damage and blockages that can occur in the veins and arteries that are far from your heart.

For example, varicose veins are one of the most common vein ailments that should be avoided at all costs or learned to treat. However, if you already have phlebitis or other blood vessel disease, you must see a specialist to prevent the appearance of blood clots.

If your family has a history of varicose or spider veins, or if you already have them yourself, read the following tips carefully and apply them to improve your quality of life.

Healthy veins – Start taking care of their health today

How many hours a day do you spend sitting? Very often, due to work, we are “chained” to a chair at the desk.

Outside of working hours, however, you have a whole host of options to improve your heart and circulatory system. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, pregnancy, or genetics can all influence whether you develop varicose veins.

The good news is that you can prevent varicose veins or slow them down if you put some effort into it. Remember that sometimes small changes can produce significant results.

Please read all the recommendations below carefully.

1. Give your feet a cold shower in the morning and evening

Start with this simple procedure – give your feet a cold shower twice a day. This habit will significantly improve blood circulation in the legs.

Here’s how you should perform this procedure:

  • Sprinkle lukewarm water on your feet for five or six seconds.
  • Then pour cold water over the legs for a few seconds.
  • Perform the treatment on both legs and remember to always finish it with cold water. Thus, you will improve blood circulation in that area.

2. Tomato juice for breakfast

tomato juice for healthy veins

Tomatoes have anticoagulant properties, and therefore, eating them facilitates blood flow through the veins. Here’s what you can do to get the most out of their benefits:

  • Put the tomato leaves on the varicose veins or spider veins and leave for a few minutes.
  • When you feel a burning sensation or itching, remove the leaves and rinse the skin with cold water.
  • A delicious way to start the day is with a glass of tomato juice.
  • Don’t forget that tomatoes are very low in calories. What’s more, they are a natural diuretic that speeds up metabolism and helps burn fat.
  • Natural tomato juice also helps eliminate excess fluid from your body and toxins that can trigger inflammation and make you feel heavy and tired.

3. Aloe and honey for better circulation and light legs

aloe juice

A great way to improve the health of your veins is to take a daily natural remedy made of aloe vera and honey. The combination of these two ingredients soothes inflammation in varicose veins.

What’s more, if you use this mixture every day, you will improve blood circulation throughout your body and get rid of swelling and the feeling of heavy legs.


  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Boil a glass of water, then add the aloe vera gel and honey.
  • Combine all the ingredients of the mixture well and drink it after your main meal every day.

4. Sleep with your legs up

You already know that if you want to take care of your veins, you need to be physically active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

One way to improve the condition of your veins is to raise your legs whenever possible.

  • Try to use a footrest when you are sitting.
  • You can also put a pillow under your feet when you sleep. It is enough for your legs to be approx. 15 centimeters above the head.

5. Say “yes” to a high fiber diet

chia seeds

To keep your blood flowing and veins healthy, you need to make a few small changes to your diet.

  • A diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and grains is essential if we want to maintain healthy veins.
  • Don’t forget one more important thing – reduce your salt intake to a minimum so that your body retains as little fluid as possible.

Here are some suggestions for products that you should include in your diet today:

  • Seeds (chia, sunflower)
  • Cereals (flakes, buckwheat, rye bread)
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Vegetables (asparagus, butternut squash, beets, artichokes, broccoli)
  • Lentils
  • Nuts (pistachio, Italian)
  • Fruits (apples, papaya, pineapple, strawberries)

In conclusion, if you suffer from phlebitis or advanced varicose veins, surgery is the only option. However, everyone should implement the above recommendations.

Thanks to them you will be able to enjoy healthy veins.

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