Furniture Made Of Wood – 8 Ways To Scratch

Wooden furniture is beautiful and elegant, but it is easy to destroy. Before you decide to buy new furniture, try a few tricks that will help you save even the most scratched table top or chair.
Furniture made of wood - 8 ways to scratch

Furniture  made of wood is an extremely fashionable and effective element of interior design. Although there are plenty of alternatives to wooden furniture on the market today, people still prefer those made of this natural material.

Wooden  furniture  is timeless and extremely elegant. Unfortunately, keeping them in good condition is not as easy as it may seem. Over time, scratches and discoloration appear on wooden surfaces.

Do you want to learn how to fight them? Explore even effective ways!

1. Cod liver oil

Wooden table top

This oil may not boast the most pleasant scent, but it is one of the most effective home ways to restore and protect wooden furniture. A simple solution prepared with this oil is enough to remove visible scratches, scratches and imperfections from wooden furniture.

How to protect furniture with oil?

  • Break the cod liver oil capsule and rub the resulting liquid over the scratch visible on the wooden surface.
  • Wait a few hours for the oil to penetrate deeply into the wood structure.
  • After this time, polish the surface with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat twice a week.

2. Peanut paste

A paste made of nuts is a very simple way to hide small scratches on the surface of a piece of furniture that make it look old and unsightly. Natural fats present in nuts and the pulp prepared from them gently penetrate the wood, refreshing it and protecting it for the future.

How to apply the paste on furniture?

  • Crush a few nuts until you get a loose powder. Add a little water or olive oil to make a paste.
  • Rub the walnut paste onto the wooden surface and let it dry.
  • Remove excess paste with a clean cloth.
  • Repeat once a week.

3. Wax on damaged furniture

Bee wax

Wax is a durable but extremely malleable material that can be used to cover cracks, scratches and other imperfections that may appear on wood over time. Wax is easy to combine with some types of paints or varnishes, so we can get the color we want.

How to use wax?

  • Rub a certain amount of the product on the surface of the furniture or use hard wax to fill the gaps.
  • Polish the piece of furniture with a sponge or cloth.

4. Coffee grounds

You don’t have to throw away the coffee grounds right away – they can be useful, for example, to refresh furniture and mask scratches and scratches on their surface. What’s more, the dye present in the coffee will help you get rid of stains and discoloration from the wood, and also fill in small cracks or bruises.

What should i do?

  • Soak the coffee grounds in water or linseed oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the furniture that needs immediate renovation.
  • Remove excess toothpaste with a brush.
  • Repeat once a week.

5. Vinegar and olive oil

olive oil

The combination of vinegar and olive oil is a great natural way to eliminate scratches on wooden surfaces and effectively protect furniture against mechanical damage. Moreover, both of these ingredients nurture, clean and sanitize the surface, keeping it free of dust, mites and bacteria.

How to use these products?

  • Combine the vinegar and olive oil in equal proportions and rub the solution on the wooden surface.
  • Leave for a few minutes for the products to penetrate into the wood structure, then remove any excess products with a damp cloth.

6. Plasticine for damaged furniture

You may not have thought of it before, but plasticine is an extremely simple way to cover cracks and fill gaps in a damaged piece of furniture.

What should i do?

  • Take a small amount of plasticine and fill the holes in the furniture with it.
  • Use glue or varnish to keep plasticine in place better.

7. Toothpaste and oil


A mixture of toothpaste and oil can be extremely useful to hide scratches and cracks on a table, counter or other wooden surface.

How to use this product?

  • Dilute the toothpaste in a little vegetable oil and rub it over the scratch.
  • Allow to dry, then remove excess product with a damp cloth.

8. Glue and sawdust

If the scratches or cracks on your furniture are too deep to be concealed by other described methods, you can reach for the final solution – sawdust and glue!

How to fix the furniture?

  • Mix the right amount of sawdust with the glue.
  • Rub the mixture into the cracks on the surface of the furniture and let it dry.
  • Then polish the surface.
  • You can also paint the furniture with wood paint or varnish to give it a new face.

As you can see, furniture renovation does not have to be very complicated and expensive. So before you decide to replace the furniture in your home with new ones, first reach for natural products that will help you save damaged wooden surfaces.

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