Flax Water – 6 Amazing Health Benefits

The properties of linseed water make it a natural product useful in the treatment of many different ailments.
Flaxseed water - 6 amazing health benefits

Linseed water is a natural product that you can prepare yourself at home and then reap its many health benefits. Linen itself, in various forms, has been used in natural medicine for centuries as an excellent nutrient.

In recent years, the dietary and food industry has also become interested in it, as it is a very healthy ingredient of bread or breakfast products.

In today’s article, we will describe the values โ€‹โ€‹of linseed water and how to prepare it yourself!

Linseed – a valuable component of the diet

Undoubtedly, flaxseed has become an integral part of the diet of anyone who wants to take care of their body shape or digestion. It is not only a very beneficial product, but also extremely functional, as it is very easy to include in your daily menu.

It is also worth mentioning that flax and its derivatives not only have a positive effect on health, but also have a preventive effect.

The linseed comes directly from the flax plant. It is a food product that has been used since ancient times, for example in Egypt. Among its many uses, one can mention, among others, healing, satiating and laxative effects.

Ground flaxseed

For some time, flax was used mainly for the industrial production of linseed oil. Fortunately, in recent years it has also grown in popularity in other sectors as well as in the homes of many of us.

Do you want to know the secrets and recipe for linseed water? Be sure to read on!

Properties of linseed

When discussing the properties of linseed and its derivatives, it is best to start by focusing on the ingredients contained in this product:

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

Dietary fiber

As much as 28% of the total weight of this product is dietary fiber, of which 25% is soluble fiber. It is a substance that limits the absorption of glucose and cholesterol.

On the other hand, insoluble fiber – 75% here – increases the processing of metabolic products and supports intestinal movement, which in turn accelerates excretion.

Additional advantages include:

  • reducing the risk of developing cancer of the colon or anus
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood
  • obesity prevention


Linseed is also a source of substances which, when combined with gastric juices and enzymes, form the so-called linseed lignans. These substances are able to protect the DNA structure and liposomes. In addition, they provide a large dose of antioxidants and also exhibit anti-cancer properties.

By including products such as linseed water or other forms of linseed in your diet, you can also protect yourself against cardiovascular diseases and various types of cancer (including breast, prostate and colon).

Linseed water and its benefits

Now that we know the substances that are most responsible for the health properties of linseed products, we can now move on to the benefits of regular use of such a product as linseed water:

  • lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
  • lower risk of cancer
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • action to facilitate defecation
  • high content of antioxidants
  • limiting the glycemic reaction to starch consumption
  • relieving the symptoms of menopause

How to prepare linseed water?

You can benefit from the properties of linseed not only by adding this product to salads, bread or other recipes, but also by preparing home remedies such as linseed water at home.

First of all, you should start by grinding the flax seeds. By doing it yourself and just before using it, you will avoid oxidation of fatty acids, and you will also take full advantage of the properties of this product.

Linseed water from flax seeds

Linseed water – recipe

What will you need?

  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseed (5 g)

What should i do?

  • Grind the flax and then add it to a glass of water.
  • The water can be cold or warm.
  • Then leave it for 30 minutes.
  • When the drink has a slightly gel-like consistency, drink it immediately.

Attention! Prepared in this way, linseed water can also be used as a base for smoothies and juices. 

Infusion with linseed

Needed ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon of linseed (5 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Boil the water, then pour it over the flaxseeds.
  • Wait for the flax to release its properties.
  • Let the infusion cool down, then drink it.


It is worth bearing in mind that linseed water cannot always be used without obstacles and contraindications. First of all, it is worth remembering about two side effects of regular use of linseed products:

  • reduced absorption of calcium, zinc and iron
  • reduced efficiency of protein digestion

Of course, the effect of linseed products on the body of each person is different, it also depends on the health of each of us. It all depends on our lifestyle, diet, and daily habits, because everything we eat and drink can react with substances present in linseed.

Fortunately, there is no reason to worry, because so far the harmfulness of flax-derived glycosides has not been confirmed by any research on bread or cereal products.

Who should be careful?

Considering the contraindications described above, the following groups of people should be careful about linseed products:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • women suffering from breast, ovarian and uterine cancer
  • men suffering from prostate cancer
  • people suffering from intestinal obstruction, narrowing of the esophagus or inflammatory diseases
The pregnant woman is lying on the bed

Additional recommendations

As already mentioned, linseed is an excellent product and a natural remedy for many ailments. It usually has no side effects and you can easily incorporate it into your daily diet. However, first make sure that these seeds do not actually cause side effects for you.

Of course, if you belong to one of the groups described above or you have any doubts about your health, be sure to see a doctor who will advise you on how much you can use the properties of such natural medicines as linseed water.

Remember that excess can harm us everything, so even use linen products with caution.

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