Five Tips For Preventing A Bout Of Psoriasis

Stay away from psoriasis - 5 steps to stopping it

In order to stay away from psoriasis, it’s important to know what’s causing it, along with the habits you can apply to help ease your symptoms. Today we will tell you what you can do to optimize the treatment of this skin condition.

When you’re trying to stay away from psoriasis , the first thing you should know is that it’s not contagious. It cannot be passed on between people. The worst that can happen is it spreads to other parts of the body as it grows. So the question remains: then how can you prevent annoying and unsightly psoriasis outbreaks?

From psoriasis – what is the best way to do this?

This skin disease is a very common autoimmune disorder. Its exact causes are unknown.

Psoriasis is associated with the overproduction and accumulation of skin cells. This causes red, dry, thick and scaly patches to appear in certain areas such as the elbows, knees, scalp, and even around the eyes.

The symptoms of psoriasis can be mild or severe depending on the type and measures taken to treat it. Therefore, you should know what these outbreaks can cause and how to improve your lifestyle to make them more bearable.

Psoriasis rashes: why do they occur?

Psoriasis manifests itself differently in each person. It all depends on its type and the patient’s immune response. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type. It looks like thick, shiny patches of scaly skin, usually accompanied by dryness, redness, itching, and sometimes even pain.

Psoriatic lesions on the elbow

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, mild cases show up as flaps covering up to 3% of the body. On the other hand, the most severe cases of this condition may affect up to 10% of the skin.

While the exact causes are unknown, in most cases there are two key factors: genetics and the immune system. In addition, there are certain environmental and lifestyle elements that can affect the appearance or worsening of psoriasis outbreaks.

While some are difficult to avoid, others can be mitigated to reduce the risk of complications.

The most common are:

  • Infections in any part of the body
  • Smoking
  • Cut wounds or burns
  • Constant exposure to stressful situations
  • Dry air due to the weather or indoor artificial heating
  • Consuming large amounts of alcohol
  • Consumption of certain medications (such as lithium or medications for high blood pressure)
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Overweight or obesity.

Tips to stay away from psoriasis

For obvious reasons, the best way to stop psoriasis, especially from spreading to other parts of your body, is to improve your lifestyle. This will reduce the possibility of spreading psoriasis outbreaks and thus complement the treatment.

1. Adopt a healthy diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the basic habits that you should follow to prevent psoriasis outbreaks or getting worse. It is imperative that those affected by this condition improve their eating habits.

Alcohol is a huge trigger, so you should avoid it entirely or keep your consumption to an absolute minimum. Also, reduce gluten and any other foods that may cause irritation.

Instead, increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3, vitamin D, and antioxidants. For example, vegetables, fruits and fish oil are their representatives.

Healthy diet

However, it’s best to sit down with your doctor and work out a diet together. Nutritional needs vary from person to person.

2. Smoking is definitely not going to help keep you away from psoriasis

Tobacco is just as harmful as alcohol for psoriasis patients. In fact, his smoking is classified as one of the main causes of common rashes of this condition. Therefore, if you smoke and want to improve your condition, either quit smoking or reduce it to a minimum. There are many strategies that can help you quit smoking.

3. Protect your skin

Skin care plays a very important role in preventing psoriasis outbreaks. As the disease directly affects health, these habits need to be strengthened to protect against environmental factors.

Creaming psoriasis lesions

Sunburn, dirt, and cuts will worsen symptoms. For this reason, you must remember:

  • Apply sunscreen to your skin every day. Use delicate creams that do not contain anything that can cause an allergy.
  • Keep your skin well-hydrated with a Sensitive Skin Cream. In addition, stay hydrated by consuming plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  • Also, be careful of cuts or scrapes and give them adequate treatment for quick healing. For this purpose, 100% pure raw honey is a great substance to use.
  • If possible, place a humidifier in your home or office or anywhere you spend a lot of time. It will minimize air dryness.
  • Avoid using perfume or other harsh chemicals.
  • Finally, stay away from very hot showers.

4. Stay away from psoriasis by managing stress

Very often, psoriasis worsens when you feel stressed. In addition, it is normal to feel stressed when your psoriasis symptoms worsen or when nothing seems to be improving. However, it is important to keep your stress under control as it has a negative effect on stress.

Follow these tips to reduce stress:

  • Set yourself a flexible work schedule.
  • Take time for fun activities.
  • Spend time with family and friends.
  • Take care of your body health through diet and exercise.
  • Finally, follow a relaxation procedure that includes breathing exercises. Yoga and meditation are great examples of this. However, there are many others.

5. Sleep well

You should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day without breaks. This will work wonders to prevent psoriasis outbreaks.

Following a proper sleep schedule will strengthen your immune system, relieve stress, and help you maintain an optimal weight. All of these together have a very positive effect in keeping psoriasis at bay.

Get a good night's sleep to stay away from psoriasis

However, don’t ignore the fact that psoriasis symptoms can actually lead to sleep disturbances. Therefore, follow simple strategies such as wearing appropriate clothes at night. Design a comfortable environment in your room and avoid distractions when you are in it, such as computers, cell phones, and the like.

Stay away from psoriasis by following all of the above recommendations. In addition, ask for regular medical checkups to assess your health and hear about other treatment options.

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