First Day Of Stomach Flu: Basic Care

Stomach flu can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and other factors. It spreads easily – especially through contaminated food. Find out more about this common disease.
The first day of stomach flu: the basics of care

Many people go through the first day of stomach flu without paying close attention to their symptoms and without consulting their doctor. Vomiting, possible diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever often make patients suspect they are suffering from simple food poisoning.

We often rely on the discomfort to be temporary and short-lived. We expect the symptoms to pass very quickly. However, when the first day of stomach flu has passed and the condition does not improve, it is imperative to see a doctor. An important warning sign is severe stomach pain that does not go away over time.

What is stomach flu?

It is a disease that affects the stomach and digestive system. Professionally it is known as gastroenteritis or gastroenteritis. It is most often caused by bacteria  that enter our bodies through contaminated food. These bacteria destroy the gastric mucosa that lines its walls. They cause inflammation and gas.

Stomach flu is an increasingly common disease.

There are also non-infectious causes of stomach flu, such as: eating foods that the body cannot tolerate, using or abusing painkillers, antiparasitics and antivirals, cocaine and alcohol use, and stress.


Here are the most common symptoms of stomach flu:

  • Burning sensation in the upper part of the stomach, i.e. in the middle of the chest
  • Burping and heartburn
  • Hiccups
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • A feeling of fullness in the stomach
  • Fever

These symptoms will already appear on the first day of stomach flu. They may appear simultaneously, but they don’t have to. Not necessarily all of them either. Be sure to watch the symptoms. They testify to the development of the disease. Some patients have a severe stomach infection, while others have mild symptoms.

The first day of stomach flu: the basics of care

As soon as you notice the first symptoms, consult a doctor. While you wait for your appointment and diagnosis, consider the following steps that will be helpful:

  • Try not to eat. When there is no food in your stomach and intestines, the infection will go away. Bacteria will not be able to grow and multiply. So be sure to drink water, but skip meals.
  • Go back to eating gradually.  Start with natural products with healing properties. Reach, for example, for sugar-free natural yoghurt. The healthy lactobacillus bacteria in it will help you rebuild your intestinal flora. Make sure that what you eat has as little sugar as possible. Sugar will make the infection worsen. It’s also a good idea to eat small portions of rice and bread.
  • Drink plenty of bottled water. Give your body water all the time, drinking in small sips – two tablespoons of water every five minutes. Such a constantly supplied small amount of water will effectively hydrate your body. You will replace the fluids lost as a result of the disease.

Once the first day of stomach flu has passed and symptoms begin to slowly resolve, eat little, but often. Avoid foods that irritate the stomach, so don’t eat spicy, sour and fried foods. Also, don’t reach for alcohol.

Herbal infusions will help you reduce discomfort. Take advantage of the potential of relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. Mild exercise will soothe the pain.

How is stomach flu spread?

Stomach flu is becoming more and more widespread around the world. It can be infected in several different ways, such as:

  • Eating contaminated foods
  • Direct infection from a sick person. The most common infection in this way is when the sick person uses the toilet without washing their hands and then touches food or other people.
  • Infection from a sick person when they sneeze or cough. Germs enter our body when we breathe air.
  • Drinking contaminated water, especially in places where the water is of poor quality and unfit for consumption.
The first day of stomach flu is most often abdominal pain and a lack of appetite.

Prevention of stomach flu

Prevention in this case is based primarily on hygiene. If someone in your household is suffering from stomach flu, take precautions to prevent infecting other family members.

In this case, prevention is primarily hygiene.

Here are some basic suggestions:

  • Clean the toilet frequently and clean the bathroom with disinfectants
  • Do not share towels and kitchen utensils
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly and make sure that others do it as well
  • Avoid food whose quality is not guaranteed by certificates and packaging, such as food from street stalls
  • Wash vegetables and fruits with disinfectant before eating them
  • Store foods such as cheese, butter, milk and meat at a sufficiently low temperature

The first day of stomach flu is decisive. Take good care of yourself or another sick person. By following the basic rules of hygiene and following the recommendations of doctors, the disease will be as mild as possible and will pass quickly. If left untreated, however, it can turn into an acute gastrointestinal infection.

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