Fatty Liver – 6 Products Will Help You Fight It!

To restore the efficiency of a fatty liver, it is very important to eliminate alcohol from our menu. In addition, it is essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet, possibly based on natural products.
Fatty liver - 6 products will help you fight it!

Fatty liver occurs when this internal organ has difficulty performing its normal functions precisely because of excess fatty acids.

Fatty liver disease most often occurs in obese patients, alcoholics or those suffering from type 2 diabetes. The sooner the disease is detected, the better!

Although a doctor may recommend special medications to a person suffering from fatty liver, their use will be better if the appropriate diet is added to the treatment. By reading this article, you will learn what foods will help you fight this disease effectively.

1. For fatty liver: tamarind fruit

Tamarindo - Tamarind fruit

Tamarind is a tropical tree famous for its fruit with healing and health benefits. Research shows that they are great as an adjunct therapy to the treatment of patients suffering from fatty liver.

Being a rich source of fiber, they help to improve the digestive system, which in turn can burn fat better and eliminate it from the body more efficiently.

The richness of unsaturated fats contained in tamarind supports the body’s work at almost every level, and also protects the liver itself. To take full advantage of their properties, prepare a healing infusion of the leaves!


  • 20 tamarind leaves
  • 1 liter of water

A method of preparing

  • Boil the water, and when it is at the boiling point, add the tamarind leaves.
  • Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  • You can drink tamarind leaf tea both hot and cold.

Another option is to drink the juice from the fruit of this tree, which you can prepare according to the following recipe:


  • 100g of tamarind fruit, peeled
  • 1 liter of water

A method of preparing

  • Place the tamarind fruit in a blender and blend it with a glass of water.
  • Then add the remaining water and blend thoroughly.
  • You can add a little honey to the resulting drink or sweeten it with brown sugar for a better taste. Definitely avoid the use of artificial sweeteners!

You can drink both tea and tamarind juice at any time. However, be reasonable, as consumed in excess can lead to stomach problems and diarrhea. They have a laxative effect.

2. Vegetables

Eating vegetables is very desirable in all fatty liver patients. Why? Due to the high protein content. In addition, vegetables are low in calories and help regulate body weight.

Their fiber helps to regulate cholesterol, which is an important factor when you suffer from fatty liver.

Remember, however, that when preparing vegetables, the use of salt should be significantly reduced or completely excluded. If you have to, you can use some coarse sea salt. Vegetables also taste very good when combined with various aromatic spices. So you can prepare many tasty dishes based on them.

The last factor to keep in mind when preparing your vegetables is related to balance. Half a glass of vegetables is sufficient for an adult to meet the nutrient requirements.

This limit should not be exceeded especially by people suffering from diabetes.

3. Strawberries

Fresh strawberries

If you suffer from fatty liver disease, regular cleansing is a very good strategy to reduce the effects of the disease. A thorough detox allows you to remove substances from our body, thanks to which the internal organs can better fulfill their tasks.

Being a rich source of vitamin C, they strengthen the immune system, and the organic acids contained in them prevent the accumulation of excess fat.

And for fat that has already accumulated – for example, in people with fatty liver – eating strawberries helps to remove it, is anti-inflammatory, and disinfects.

There is no need to convince anyone that eating strawberries is pure pleasure! You can eat them plain or with, for example, natural yoghurt. They are also great as a base for cocktails, fruit salads or companionship for various types of breakfast cereals.

You might as well make a tasty smoothie according to the recipe below.


  • 1 cup of washed strawberries (166g)
  • A glass of low-fat natural yogurt (245g)
  • Teaspoon of flax seeds (5g)

A method of preparing

  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

The main benefit of this recipe is that you can change the seeds added to the shake each time to add variety to your diet. You can use seeds of amaranth, sunflower, flax and much more.

4. Lemon

You may not know it, but lemon is one of the fruits that benefits our health the most. Being a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, it is perfect for the prevention of many diseases.

If, on the other hand, you suffer from fatty liver, this fruit will help you recover.

This time we want to share with you a very simple and very common solution, which is a glass of lemon water.

Seems trivial? That `s nothing. A simple glass of water with lemon is an invaluable help in the fight against fatty liver disease, and also significantly improves the work of the digestive system.

This, in turn, is not insignificant when it comes to the health of our body. To make a drink, simply prepare a glass of lukewarm or warm water and add the juice of one lemon to it. Mix the drink thoroughly and drink it to your health!

5. Whole grains of cereals

Wholemeal seeds - whole grains of cereals

Meals and foods high in simple carbohydrates should be completely eliminated from your current diet. However, this does not mean that you cannot eat carbohydrates at all. On the contrary, they are essential for the daily basic tasks. So what can you do?

In such a situation, it is strongly recommended to use products made of whole grains of cereals, which are also a rich source of fiber and help the body reduce fat reserves.

By including them in your diet, you will avoid spikes in blood glucose levels that occur from time to time, and you will also maintain the proper level of cholesterol.

6. Spinach

Due to their high fiber content, green leafy vegetables accelerate metabolism and the digestive system. The folic acid contained in them regulates the functions of the liver and kidneys.

As spinach contains a lot of chlorophyll, it absorbs and helps eliminate toxic substances and accumulated fat in individual internal organs.

However, if you are not a fan of spinach, you can smuggle it into your daily diet by preparing delicious cocktails.

At the end

Fatty liver is an increasingly common problem recently, caused, among other things, by inappropriate eating habits. So whether you are suffering from this condition or taking preventive measures, make good use of the above list of healthy food products.

Remember that it is never too late to fight and eliminate a disease!

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