Everyday Lies We Harm Ourselves

While some of the slogans we repeat to ourselves may seem harmless, the truth is that they are lies that undermine our mental well-being. We often just deceive ourselves.
Everyday lies that we harm ourselves

“Innocent lies” are false statements that are socially acceptable. For example, we often tell our friends that they look great today so as not to upset them. But what if we tell our daily lies to ourselves? Then they become very harmful.

We fool ourselves more often than you might think. At the same time, few of us realize that we keep repeating our daily lies that prevent us from enjoying life to the full.

That is why we decided today to take a closer look at this mechanism. Full knowledge of this topic will allow you to get rid of harmful mental habits. You will stop telling yourself everyday lies that only distance you from feeling happy and fulfilled.

You will probably be surprised how much we normalize and popularize this way of self-deception.

Everyday lies that hurt us a lot

1. Tomorrow is also the day

When it comes to the daily lies we tell ourselves, this is one of the most common. Maybe you are saying these words in your mind when you are having a bad day? Or when you put off an important task? Or when you plan to quit a bad habit or introduce a good one? “Tomorrow I will quit smoking, tomorrow I will eat healthy.”

You can repeat in your mind sentences like “I will definitely do it tomorrow” or “I will start it tomorrow”.  They all mean the same thing. You think tomorrow will be different than today, that something will change, and you will feel that now is a good time to do the right thing. It seems to you that tomorrow you will be full of energy and motivation.

Everyday lies make us postpone the achievement of our dream goals.

Yet when the next day comes, everything is the same. Why is this happening?

If you don’t change anything, nothing will be different or better. Do you want to quit smoking? Start today – now. If you want to find the motivation to go to the gym, take a moment to take a few deep breaths, pack your bags and leave.

When you want to set a goal, it’s best to break the process down into short-term, easy-to-achieve, and measurable steps.  Ask yourself, “What specific steps do I need to do to achieve what I want?” If you set yourself a huge, complicated goal that you plan to achieve in a few months, it is very possible that you will fall into a closed cycle of postponement, stress and resentment.

2. Everyday lies in relation to the behavior of others: In life I would not have guessed!

The daily lies we tell ourselves are also related to the behavior of other people. We often pretend to ourselves that we do not see certain issues. We then think, for example:

In my life, I would never have imagined that our son suffers from severe depression and is considering suicide. In my life, I would never have imagined that my best friend was abusing my wife!

“The greatest blind man is the one who does not want to see.” This is a truth that should be kept in mind every day. We tend to displace from consciousness what we cannot or do not want to accept.

Many people displace from consciousness what they cannot or do not want to accept.

This is because we don’t want our vision for someone to crash. We also do not want to go beyond our comfort zone often. So we prefer to tell ourselves the daily lies that everything is fine.

It’s a bit as if we are wrapping our eyes with a blindfold.

3. “You make me in a bad mood!”

Everyday lies can also be accusations. We often pass on our own problems to other people. For example, in an emotional argument, you might tell someone that he has ruined your day. But the truth is that we are only affected by what we allow ourselves to do.

We are responsible for our emotions and reactions. We are angry not because someone did something that upset us – we are angry because we choose this reaction ourselves.

If we believe that someone else can make us feel good, bad, angry, happy or joyful, we make them responsible and to blame for something that really belongs to us.

Many of us shift responsibility for our own well-being to others.

Also remember that you may react completely differently to the same situation depending on the circumstances. Much depends on our mood on a given day.

When you’re really upset, you can argue with someone and shout out some nasty things. And when you are calm, you can deal with the same situation in a self-contained manner.

As you can see, circumstances can make you feel and act very differently. How we behave and feel depends on ourselves.

4. Life is a beautiful dream

‘False optimism’ is another category that includes frequently repeated everyday lies. It’s a bit like wearing a mask to avoid realism.

Being optimistic does not mean taking your eyes off the negative, bad, unpleasant and painful things that are happening around you. Optimism is an attitude we adopt by choice. But it’s impossible to be optimistic at all times and in every situation.

If one shows optimism at all times and everywhere, regardless of circumstances, it is false optimism. This means that such a person lives in a fairy-tale soap bubble that does not allow him to judge what is good and what is bad.

The daily lies are sometimes intended to help us avoid the hardships of everyday life.

Of course you should always try to resist difficulties and not let yourself get overwhelmed by them. A positive attitude helps a lot. But one should not fall under the illusion that we live in a world where only good exists. It is a delusion.

Do you keep telling yourself such everyday lies? Do you notice people around you who live in delusions and run away from reality more than others?

Such harmful everyday lies should be identified and addressed as little as possible. Self-deception does not lead to anything good. Take responsibility for your well-being and experience life to the fullest.

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