Emotional Void – Space That I Cannot Fill

What if you don’t need anyone else to fill the void you feel inside of you? Maybe it’s time to stop looking for something outside that will fill your emotional space? You are definitely able to do it without anyone’s help.
Emotional void - a space that I cannot fill

The emotional void we sometimes feel has a lot to do with loneliness and feelings of rejection. Being alone is something we try to avoid like fire because most people demonize loneliness. Some make fun of the loners and criticize. If someone likes to spend time alone with himself, he is doomed to be a weirdo.

Humans are herd creatures, so they usually try to fit in with the rest, no matter how strong their self-esteem might be. Most people are guided by the sense of the majority and allow them to believe that loneliness is something for losers in life.

For this reason, when we are left alone with ourselves, an emotional void appears in us. What if you’re just not like everyone else? What’s Wrong With Being Alone?

Emotional void and endless attempts to fill it

The first mistake we make when an emotional void comes into our lives is to cultivate the belief that we are missing something. We are convinced that this overwhelming feeling, digging a hole in our stomach, appears because we are incomplete and we have to fill this space somehow.

Perhaps it has a lot to do with some childhood events.

The dysfunctional, toxic relationship of your parents, coupled with the stereotype of looking for a prince charming, made you feel like you needed your significant other to be a complete person.

kiss of two people

What do we achieve by having such conviction? Nothing at all. Our emotional dependence on other people only increases and the malaise intensifies, fueled by the constant search for “the other person”.

However, when we find it, it turns out that our emotional void has not been filled anyway – and we are left with nothing. Why is it like that? Well, we look outside for what is missing inside us.

It is quite an ironic pattern of behavior. If our inner void can only be filled by others, if we need them in order to feel happy and content, then in some way we give ourselves to them and make our lives dependent on them.

emotional emptiness

It turns out, however, that no matter how much we seek, how much enthusiasm and effort we put into it, and how much we try to deceive ourselves, we will find ourselves at the starting point again.

We will be accompanied by the pain, disappointment, and emotional emptiness we have tried so hard to escape.

How can we avoid others filling our emotional void?

When you are tired of being someone else, everyone is making fun of you, pointing their fingers and pointing out that you don’t fit in with the majority, and that all you have to do is be alone, stop trying to fit in with the majority.

Stop adjusting your life to what others are telling you and how they would like to see it.

There are times when you have to start questioning everything you have believed so far. Sometimes it is necessary to stop taking for granted everything that we have been firmly convinced of so far, because it will allow us to start seeing things differently and experiencing them in a fresh, as if new way.

a woman feeling an emotional void

If we try to live like everyone else and fit into a rigid pattern, we will be exhausted and we will have no strength for anything.

Living according to a rigid pattern has already made a lot of people unhappy. They are imposed as “the path of life to be followed” and so few people choose to do something else.

Love yourself, respect yourself and be a source of pampering yourself

The fact that we feel incomplete without our partner makes us forget about ourselves. It is the second person who becomes the most important for us and we believe that it is thanks to him that we begin to be complete.

The effect of such thinking and the resulting behavior will only be that our emotional void will increase. We will try to fill it up by looking for warm words from other people, signs of tenderness and love that we really should give ourselves.

Very often we don’t realize that if we want to make the emotional void disappear once and for all, we have to fall in love with ourselves. We need to love ourselves and make it a lifelong romance.

Instead of forcefully deciding to have a relationship with someone else, let’s love ourselves first. Let us promise ourselves a lifetime of love. Let us pamper ourselves, be the most important to ourselves and stick to it.

When we finally do this, we will not be dependent on anyone. We will be free people.

If we do not come out with our partner in such a state, the relationship will not meet our expectations, and the emotional void will not appear. Why? Because we won’t need anyone or anything to fill it.

It’s as simple as that: all we need to do is focus the lens of our life camera on ourselves.

the emotional void will disappear when we love ourselves

Forget what an emotional void is and act

Stop thinking you need someone. Stop thinking that an emotional void is a space that you can fill with someone else’s presence. This thinking was built on the wrong foundations that deny that we are complete and independent beings.

It’s time for a change. You have to start loving yourself, giving yourself priority and taking care of your needs and wants. Even if it might be something bad in the eyes of others and passed off as selfish, it really isn’t.

Don’t let yourself think that the only truth is the one you hear around you. People are wrong, they are not always right and should not always be admitted to them.

Learn to question everything, to distrust everything and look for your own solutions, completely different from the usual ones. Some of them – completely without your knowledge – make the emotional void that fills you only grow larger.

Title image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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