Effect Of Garlic On Cholesterol

The effect of garlic on blood cholesterol levels is noteworthy. Its action has been confirmed in many studies. Try these natural remedies.
The effect of garlic on cholesterol levels

Is it possible to help natural lipid lowering? Discover the interesting and beneficial effect of garlic on blood cholesterol! Garlic is an extremely health-promoting food and it is worth discovering how it works!

Read on and find out more!

Due to its high antioxidant content, garlic is one of the best allies in the fight against high cholesterol.

In this article, we are going to introduce three home remedies that are effective and natural for you to take advantage of its benefits.

How To Lower Cholesterol With Garlic: 3 Home Ways

Have you ever wondered if garlic can lower cholesterol? You may have heard about the wonderful healing properties of this food, especially for cardiovascular health.

In this article, we’ll explain how you can lower your cholesterol with garlic, as long as you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. Research has shown it to be effective, so you can achieve your goal naturally.

The most valuable in garlic, however, are essential oils rich in sulfides and allicin, which gives garlic its characteristic smell. In addition, garlic has antibiotic, bacterial and virucidal properties.

The effect of garlic on cholesterol – is it worth using?


People have been using garlic as a remedy for centuries. Numerous studies have confirmed its positive effects in the treatment of digestive problems, infections and cardiovascular diseases. It brings relief from coughing, helps to get rid of intestinal parasites, and is used in the treatment of pneumonia and other diseases.

In addition, this food helps to improve the health of the cardiovascular system. For example, it can help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, or platelet aggregation. However, you also need a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Eating garlic (preferably raw) on a regular basis also helps to lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol in a patient’s blood. Thanks to this property, garlic can effectively protect against atherosclerosis and some heart diseases.

What’s more, garlic also has anticoagulant properties and causes blood vessels to relax. These properties mean that if eaten regularly, raw garlic reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. The substances contained in garlic improve the elasticity of blood vessels and improve blood flow in the human body.

1. The effect of garlic – a beneficial chewing of garlic cloves

Garlic is one of the natural ways to help treat high cholesterol. Moreover, its healing properties are backed up by several scientific studies.
The first remedy is the simplest of the following three ways to lower cholesterol.

Many people prefer to swallow all or parts of garlic cloves to avoid the strong, spicy taste and smell. However, research studies suggest that this may reduce its effectiveness compared to eating it chewed or crushed.

What will you need?

  • 1 clove of raw garlic, once a day

How to consume this natural remedy?

You should eat a clove of raw garlic, chewed or crushed, daily.

If you find it difficult to chew, you can blend it or add it to your food. It can work well in salad dressing or mixed with food. However, avoid heat treatment – it can strip the garlic of its properties. 

You can mitigate the strong taste and odor by chewing anise seeds or parsley leaves afterwards.

2. The benefits of garlic: a drink made of garlic and lemon

Several scientific studies show the cardiovascular health benefits of drinking garlic and lemon juice. The study was conducted on subjects aged 30 to 60 years with moderate hyperlipidemia for 8 weeks. The results of the study were assessed as satisfactory after two months.

What will you need in this remedy? 

  • 8 medium-sized raw garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

How to use this remedy?

  • For starters, drink a tablespoon of lemon juice on an empty stomach.
  • Then eat the garlic cloves regularly throughout the day. Remember to always eat them raw.
  • You can cut them into thin slices and place them on top of the food, blend them in chilled or gazpacho, crush them in a vinaigrette sauce or serve them on toasts.

3. The effect of black garlic on health

The effect of black garlic

One way to effectively lower cholesterol with garlic is to use a special type of garlic – black garlic. It has even more health-promoting properties. Its active substances effectively eliminate lipids retained in the arteries and actively reduce cholesterol levels.

Among the many methods of consuming and preparing garlic that people have devised to eliminate its smell, black garlic has been very successful and is becoming more and more popular. This type of garlic is obtained by maturing it under high temperature and humidity.

This maturing process darkens the color and changes the taste and texture of the garlic. The clove keeps its shape but becomes soft. In addition, it gains a delicate, sweetish taste, a bit like roasted or baked.

Black garlic – what is it?

We should also emphasize that some of its ingredients and properties are enhanced during this special maturation process. This means that it may be even more effective as an antioxidant as well as regulating lipids, including cholesterol.

In addition, it can be a prebiotic – it works well on digestive processes, even in people with a more delicate stomach. You can buy black garlic in special health food stores. However, it can be a bit costly. Below we will walk you through the process of how to prepare it at home. It is a long process, but it is definitely worth your time.

What do you need to prepare black garlic?

  • Unpeeled garlic heads, preferably organically grown or organic – prepare more for stock
  • A container that can maintain a constant temperature of 37 ° C to 160 ° C for 1, 2 or 3 months (thermos flask, yoghurt maker, rice cooker, electric cooker, etc.).
  • Aluminum foil

How to do this process?

  • First, remove only the outer layer surrounding the garlic cloves. Leave the thin crust closest to the garlic clove.
  • Then wrap the heads in aluminum foil.
  • Then put the garlic in the prepared container and leave it warm to ferment for at least 2 months. You will know it is ready when the inside of the cloves turns black. After the first month, you can check if the garlic is slowly turning black.
  • The process is simple but requires a lot of patience.

How to eat it?

  • For the benefits of black garlic, you can eat a clove of garlic half an hour before each of the three main meals.


Now you know about three different ways garlic can help lower cholesterol. These are simple and natural methods. However, you should consult your doctor before trying them, especially if you suffer from digestive problems or are taking other medications. Garlic may interfere with the action of other drugs.

In addition, never leave the medication prescribed by your doctor without consulting. This may be detrimental to your health.

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