Do Your Kidneys Hurt? Learn More About This Cleansing Diet That Cleanses These Vital Organs

For a year, our body is able to accumulate a huge amount of toxins. This is why we should detoxify our body at least once a year. 
Kidney cleansing diet - a way to eliminate toxins

Usually when we start a diet our goal is to lose weight. However, there are some exceptions: food plans adapted to the body’s different needs. One of them is the kidney cleansing diet, which is the most effective way to eliminate toxins.

What is the main function of the kidneys? It is filtering the blood and excreting toxic waste products and excess fluid in the urine. They have the ability to filter substances needed by the body. Given their importance to your health, in this article, we introduce you to the  Kidney Cleansing Diet .  

It is enough to take into account the fact that each of the kidneys has about a million filtration units – nephrons, which remove waste substances from the blood and retain those that the body needs. All this is 8 cm wide and 13 cm long.

The most important functions of the kidneys

As we mentioned, the kidneys play an important role in the process of filtering the blood.

Swollen legs

They leave in the body only what it needs for proper functioning. But these are not the only functions of these organs. They are also responsible for the production of hormones and the maintenance of a chemical balance. Other properties are:

  • They filter 1.8 liters of fluid a day.
  • They can generate 1.5 to 2 liters of urine.
  • They eliminate toxins from the body.
  • They are responsible for recovering good substances such as water, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and glucose.
  • They are essential in the synthesis of erythropoietin, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells.
  • What’s more, they are involved in the synthesis of renin, a hormone that intervenes in the process of blood pressure regulation.
  • They produce vitamin D, which keeps bones healthy by producing calcitriol.
  • In addition, they are responsible for the balance of our body, maintaining homeostasis.

Before you introduce a cleansing diet into your life, consider what the symptoms of kidney malfunction are:

  • Fluid retention in the body.
  • Odor, color and amount of urine passed out.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Possible bladder infections.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Possible kidney infections.
  • General fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Itchy skin associated with a rash.

Kidney cleansing diet

Kidney detoxification should be done at least once a year. However, it is worth remembering all the time which products adversely affect our health and the condition of the kidneys, and which of them can serve us.

Kidney cleansing diet - graphics

Avoid excess salt and foods that are toxic to the kidneys such as coffee, lentils, excess nuts and plums. What is worth discarding from your diet are products rich in purines, as they increase the concentration of uric acid in the body. Some of them are:

      • Sardines
      • Anchovies
      • Cold cuts
      • Offal
      • Legumes

Foods with a high potassium content can be just as harmful, as they burden the kidneys. Therefore, avoid spinach, sweet and regular potatoes, oranges and cabbage.

Say a firm “no” to protein-rich foods as they require extra effort on the kidneys, weakening them significantly. Protein of animal origin is especially harmful. This does not mean that you have to eliminate these products forever. All you have to do is choose the right amount of them. Here are some high-protein foods:

      • Cold cuts
      • Poultry
      • Dairy products and derivatives
      • Eggs

The less sugar the better

We devote a separate paragraph to sugars, because their consumption should be limited regardless of the type of diet. Surely your grandparents, later your parents or the doctor told you this: sugar is bad!

What should a kidney cleansing diet include?

The detoxification process takes several days. Natural diuretics, which help eliminate toxins from the body, play an important role during this time. Include in your meals : broccoli, artichokes, pineapples, onions and watercress. 

Pineapple, sliced ​​on a board

Your best ally will also be diuretic infusions, or infusions. Preferably those that include: parsley, anise, dandelion, horsetail or marshmallow. Choose your favorite plant and bring it to a boil in a little water. Repeat every day, but not longer than a week.

Drink a lot of water!

Everyone has heard it many times: we should drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day. It is the greatest ally of the kidneys, it helps them to work flawlessly and takes the toxicological burden off them. If your diet is high in protein, remember to increase your water intake by at least two glasses.

A cup of green tea, which you can count towards your fluid intake, is also great. Cleansing the kidneys requires a lifestyle change, but nothing is more important than our health.

To enjoy a healthy kidney: eat plenty of vegetables and fruits (especially citrus), keep your diet high in calcium, avoid stress and be active. 

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