Do You Drink Coffee Every Day? Find Out What The Ideal Limit For Consuming This Drink Is.

The amount of coffee you can drink each day depends on the age and weight of the individual. However, it is worth remembering that apart from coffee, there are other natural remedies that can give us energy.
Coffee - how many cups can you drink per day?
Coffee is an indispensable element of every morning for many of us. Its wonderful aroma puts us in a good mood, and the caffeine contained in this delicious drink stimulates the body and mind to function.

For coffee and the caffeine it contains to benefit your body, remember that you should only consume them in limited amounts and at certain times. Find out from today’s article how many cups of coffee you can drink each day.

Too much caffeine is harmful

Excess caffeine in the body can lead to, inter alia, down:

  • Insomnia
  • Muscle cramps
  • Arrhythmia

Although very unlikely, a large dose of caffeine can even be fatal, although a person would have to ingest a huge amount in a very short time.

How much caffeine is in one cup of coffee?

The exact amount of caffeine contained in coffee is difficult to determine as it depends on the quality of the beans and the amount of water used to make a given cup of drink.

It is estimated that one cup of coffee contains between 50 and 400 mg of caffeine on average. Knowing that an extremely dangerous dose of caffeine for humans is 10 grams, we can assume that after drinking 25 cups of strong coffee, very serious complications would arise.

coffee in a cup

Your weight and the allowed amount of coffee

The effect of coffee on the body largely depends on the weight of the person.

  • People weighing less than 50 kg can face very unpleasant side effects from consuming a lot of caffeine if they consume 5-7 g of caffeine per day.
  • In a person weighing over 78 kg, the same effect will appear only after consuming about 12 g of caffeine.

Coffee is a drink intended rather for adults. It should not be given to children, among other things because they have a faster metabolism and the effect of coffee on their body is much stronger.

  • Symptoms of a severe caffeine overdose in children occur after consuming 35 mg of this substance for every kilogram of the body. However, this is an amount that even an adult man does not normally take.

Coffee – how much is safe for health?

coffee beans and ground

It is assumed that you should not drink more than four cups of coffee a day. However, many people regularly exceed this safe limit.

Everyone’s body reacts differently to coffee, of course. However, it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of excess caffeine in the body. The most common of them are:

  • Problems falling asleep
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach pain
  • Annoyance
  • Increased heart rate

Other natural remedies that can replace coffee

If you want to have more energy or be able to concentrate better on work or study, coffee is not the only way to help you achieve this effect.

You can reach for a small chocolate bar, which will not only increase your energy level, but also activate the secretion of substances such as endorphin and phenylethylamine, which contribute to your well-being.

Regardless of whether you drink coffee on a daily basis or take other stimulants, remember that if it becomes a necessity, your body is probably signaling that you need to recover a bit and rest.

Don’t get addicted

Drinking coffee can be a good way to keep your blood pressure healthy and boost your energy levels. However, it should be remembered that prolonged or excessive coffee consumption may have side effects on your health.

Caffeine is in fact the most widely used legal drug in the world. As with all drugs, regular consumption of caffeine can lead to addiction.

coffee in a cup and in beans

Coffee addicts suffer from withdrawal syndrome if they don’t take caffeine within 24 hours. Symptoms these people experience include muscle aches and headaches, physical fatigue, and trouble concentrating.

Therefore, if you notice any of the above symptoms, consider whether the cause of their occurrence is sometimes the fact of temporarily giving up coffee, to which your body is strongly used to.

Overall, coffee can be very beneficial to your well-being, but you must remember that you cannot drink too much of it.

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