Diet Products That Make You Gain Weight

There are many ways, tips and recipes for losing weight. However, in many cases they do not work unfortunately. This is because there are dietary foods that make you gain weight without realizing it.
Dietary foods that make you gain weight

Slimming diets are like a constant promise. There are many ways, tips and recipes to lose weight and maintain a stable weight. However, in many cases, none of these tricks just won’t work. This is because there are diet products that make you gain weight without realizing it.

Foods that are always avoided in the diet include, but are not limited to, cookies, candies, fat or chocolates. Indeed, this type of food causes obesity in people who eat them every day. However, there are other types of foods or so-called diet products labeled “healthy” that will make you gain weight.

Here is a list of 5 dietary foods that make you gain weight without realizing it. Read on and find out more about it.

Slimming diets and diet products

When it comes to losing weight, the first thing you can eliminate is fats, cookies, sweet refreshments, and sweets in general. We stop eating these types of foods in order to start a diet that includes “healthy” food. However, many of them are not as healthy as they seem. It turns out that the damage they cause to the body is practically the same as that caused by eating flour or sugars.

Amelia Winslow, a dietitian and chef, explains why some foods that have been found to be weight loss allies actually have the opposite effect. They are so-called dietary products which, however, make you gain weight.

Dietary foods that cause weight gain

1. Diet drinks

Scientists believe that when we eat or drink something sweet, our bodies expect calories. But when the food does not provide these calories, our bodies react by slowing down our metabolism. At the same time, we react less to insulin and, as a consequence, gain weight.

Sweet drinks and fruit
Certain diet drinks can lead to higher sugar consumption.

So what to choose instead of diet drinks? It is most advisable to drink natural water, iced tea without sugar, lemon water or infusions that we like the most.

2. Foods low in fat

When people buy low-fat foods, they tend to eat 30% more of this type of food. The consequence of doing so is not favorable as you end up eating in excessive amounts eventually.

Therefore, it is advisable to eat small portions of healthy food, not necessarily low in fat. It is important, however, to be in good control of what we eat and to ration the food.

3. Flavored yoghurts are advertised as dietetic products

Many people find that yogurt helps digestion by providing healthy bacteria, and while this is true, plain yogurt will always be your best bet.

Flavored yoghurts are pseudo dietary products
Flavored yoghurts contain a higher percentage of sugars and fats than natural ones.

Flavored yoghurts are usually sweetened with excess sugar or corn syrup. Instead, a good alternative is to add fresh fruit to natural yoghurt.

4. Fruit packaged as dietetic

Putting food in closed containers is not conducive to maceration in your own juice. Producers add high fructose corn syrup to give the fruit a more pronounced flavor and preserve it. So it is always a good idea to eat fresh and seasonal fruit.

5. Sports drinks

Even the most famous sportsmen consume these drinks, which is why people generally feel that they are as healthy as possible. However , you actually only drink sugar and water, which automatically increases the amount of calories consumed.

Energy drinks are not dietary products
Energy drinks are often taken as supplements when engaging in intense exercise.

It is often recommended that you consume these drinks while exercising to replace glucose lost during exercise. However, eating them on other occasions may not be as beneficial.

Tips to keep in mind for a successful weight loss diet

  • Fat burners don’t exist. All products, foods, and supplements are only boosters on a low-calorie diet. This means that they can help you with an effective diet as long as it is well designed and personalized.
  • YES for carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for the body, even if you are following a weight loss diet. However, it is advisable to choose varieties of whole grains or whole grains to provide more fiber and nutrients in your diet.
  • Fat? Yes, but pay attention to its quality. Fats are essential, but always in the right form and quantity. Therefore, it’s best to choose olive oil to season your salad and prepare your dishes. Diet does not mean giving up good or exquisite taste. In addition, healthy fats will provide omega 3 and 6 fatty acids as well as vitamins A, D and E.
  • Dinner is not the enemy of weight loss. As with a healthy breakfast to start the day, you also need to end the day by eating properly. Eating is important because while you sleep for an average of eight hours, your body will not be able to eat anything. Aa, however, will need to have enough energy to continue important life functions.

To sum up

Remember that losing weight isn’t just about eating fewer calories, it’s also about burning the energy you consume. You don’t necessarily need to join a gym or try to be a professional athlete. Instead, it is enough for you to live actively every day. For example, just walk more, climb stairs, go hiking or take a walk on the beach.

It is clear that the sofa does not help you lose weight. The body is designed to move. If you keep this in mind, you can eat more while dieting.

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